Elon Musk and his boys at Goldman Sachs, Draper Fisher, Greylock, Google, Gawker-Gizmodo, Black Cube, and a little army of Musk cyber assassins, took out Fisker Motors, using spy agency type ‘dirty tricks’ because Elon Musk can’t stand competition. Musk made sure that his venture capital contacts never funded Fisker and created tons of anti-Fisker blog posts.

Musk’s cars have thousands of safety and manufacturing defects. Musk can’t stand it if someone builds a better mousetrap than him. Even, though Tesla is a defective, over-priced, corruption-based car company, it still exists thanks to Musk’s political bribes, VC monopolies and news outlet control.

Fisker filed for bankruptcy protection as the U.S. electric-vehicle maker looks to salvage its operations by selling assets and restructuring its debt after burning through cash in an attempt to ramp up production of its Ocean SUVs.

The hyper-competitive EV market has seen several companies, including Proterra, Lordstown and Electric Last Mile Solutions, file for bankruptcy in the past two years as they grappled with weakening demand, fundraising hurdles and operational challenges from global supply chain issues.
The company, founded by automotive designer Henrik Fisker, flagged doubts about its ability to remain in business in February and later failed to secure an investment from a big automaker, forcing it to rein in operations.
The collapse of its talks with the automaker – which Reuters had reported to be Nissan – meant that it was denied $350 million in funding from an unnamed investor that was contingent on the automaker’s investment and forced Fisker to explore options.
“Like other companies in the electric vehicle industry, we have faced various market and macroeconomic headwinds that have impacted our ability to operate efficiently,” Fisker said.
In the Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing in Delaware, its operating unit, Fisker Group Inc, estimated assets of $500 million to $1 billion and liabilities of $100 million to $500 million.
Its 20 largest creditors include Adobe (ADBE.O)


Fisker went public in late 2020 in a merger with a blank-check firm, valuing it at $2.9 billion and infusing its balance sheet with more than $1 billion in cash.
Fisker electric vehicles shown in California
The Fisker logo is shown on the back of a Fisker Ocean electric SUV vehicle at one of the company’s sales, service ands delivery centers in Vista, California, U.S., May 22, 2024. REUTERS/Mike Blake/file photo Purchase Licensing Rights
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The listing was a second chance for its Danish CEO and founder to build an auto business after his first venture, Fisker Automotive, filed for bankruptcy in 2013, falling victim to the 2008 financial crisis and a battery failure in the Karma hybrid sedan that had led to a substantial recall.
Henrik Fisker – a former design consultant for Tesla – had said at the time of the listing that Fisker wanted to be the Apple of the auto industry by outsourcing manufacturing of its cars.
The “asset light model” was meant to reduce development times for vehicles and lower costs to take a vehicle to the market.
Its Ocean SUV, however, was wrought with software and hardware issues, with Consumer Reports, an influential non-profit, calling the vehicle “unfinished business.”
After delivering less than half of the more than 10,000 vehicles it produced last year, Fisker turned to a dealership-based distribution model in January, abandoning the direct-to-consumer approach pioneered by Tesla.
It had signed agreements for 15 dealer locations in the U.S. and 12 partners in Europe, but still failed to clear its inventory of more than 5,000 cars.

Tesla insiders conspire to give government funds, contracts, tax waivers, buildings, stock market profits and other insider perks to themselves and their friends. They also conspire to blockade, harm, sabotage and black-list those who compete with them and their friends. These corrupt politicians are never prosecuted for their crimes, and can laugh in the face of those who point out their crimes, because they control the prosecution system. Their Quid Pro Quo criminal corruption is the single largest cause of the taxpayer hatred of Congress.

Shoshana Zuboff’s, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism – Why Twitter, Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Alphabet are the SAME Thing, The SAME SICKO tech elites and the same kinds of social privacy RAPE against citizens!


– How A Modern Character Assassination and Political “Kill Order” Is Executed By the Silicon Valley Oligarchs and their total control of propaganda media. Patrick George At Jalopnik attacks outsiders under contract with Elon Musk and the DNC. Silicon Valley campaign finance oligarchs hire him to run hatchet jobs on innocent outsiders and then Gawker-Gizmodo-Jalopnik uses their financial partnership with the DNC’s Google to push the character assassination articles to the top of Google web products and searches.

—- Patrick George, Adrian Covert, John Hermann and Nick Cook are the sexually degenerate cabin boys that report to boy-loving sleaze-tabloid oligarch Nick Denton. They created the Fake News crisis in the media by flooding the internet with defamation posts and reprisal hatchet job articles designed to damage political enemies of the Socialists. They coordinate a large number of the character assassination efforts at Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, CNN, New York Times and other propaganda outlets. These Millennial boys are “Media Rapists” and should be treated as abusers.

– How and why did a Donald Trump stripper-date named “Stormy” or an Elon Musk sex party or a Kavanaugh drinking incident or the Moonves and Weinstein indiscretions suddenly hit the news at about the same time in news history?

– In addition to actual murder, Politicians and Silicon Valley Oligarchs hire operatives to end people’s lives in other creative ways.

–— It is all part of the modern trend in vendetta, revenge and political payback when a Senator or a tech oligarch issues a “kill order” on an opponent. – The client does not like to get their hands dirty so the actual social hit job is performed by companies such as: IN-Q-Tel – (DNC); Gawker Media – (DNC); Jalopnik – (DNC); Gizmodo Media – (DNC); K2 Intelligence – (DNC); WikiStrat – (DNC); Podesta Group – (DNC); Fusion GPS – (DNC/GOP); Google – (DNC); YouTube – (DNC); Alphabet – (DNC); Facebook – (DNC); Twitter – (DNC); Think Progress – (DNC); Media Matters – (DNC); Black Cube – (DNC); Mossad – (DNC); Correct The Record – (DNC); Sand Line – (DNC/GOP); Blackwater – (DNC/GOP); Undercover Global Ltd (DNC/GOP) Stratfor – (DNC/GOP); ShareBlue – (DNC); Wikileaks (DNC/GOP); Cambridge Analytica – (DNC/GOP); Sid Blumenthal- (DNC); David Brock – (DNC); PR Firm Sunshine Sachs (DNC); Covington and Burling – (DNC), Buzzfeed – (DNC) Perkins Coie – (DNC); Wilson Sonsini – (DNC) and hundreds of others…These are the people and companies that except cash, revolving door jobs, political appointments, insider trading stock in Silicon Valley tech companies, prostitutes and real estate in exchange for destroying the lives of others.

– These attackers deserve to be punished for the rest of their lives for taking away the lives of others in exchange for cash. Any company who is corrupt enough to hire any of these assassins should be forced out of business.

—- These attack services are responsible for 90% of the “Fake News” problem in the world because they are the authors of most fake news. Congress must act to make these kinds of companies illegal! – These digital assassination services offer hit-jobs, character assassinations and economic reprisal programs to famous billionaires and corrupt politicians who are seeking revenge, retribution and vendetta executions.

– In the case of reporters getting targeted for attacks, President Donald Trump has been accused by the liberal corporate media of whipping up a hateful frenzy against the press. But while CNN’s Jim Acosta grandstands against Trump, real journalists are still reeling from the draconian extrajudicial measures that Barack Obama and his administration used to target them for exposing truth.

– This secretive targeting occurred while Obama speechwriter and hate-filled ANTIFA supporter Ben Rhodes was running “Operation Echo Chamber,” which reportedly continues, in which he fed information to willing corporate media scribes. “They literally know nothing,” Rhodes said of the twentysomething journalists he easily manipulated.

—- The Freedom of the Press Foundation’s Trevor Timm published documents showing how former attorney general Eric Holder changed the rules to more effectively intimidate and surveil members of the press.

– Timm writes: “Today, we are revealing—for the first time—the Justice Department’s rules for targeting journalists with secret FISA court orders. The documents were obtained as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by Freedom of the Press Foundation and Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University.”

– Obama is also clearly linked to the plot to obtain fraudulent FISA warrants on President Trump’s team, as evidenced by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s texts confirming that Obama was overseeing their fly-by-night operation.

– Larry Schweikart reported for Big League Politics: For months pundits and researchers have been pondering the mystery of the FISA approval that led to the illegal and historically titanic scandals to ever hit the U.S. government.

—- Some have argued that Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein knew the FISA was bogus when he extended it. Others have wondered if Special Counsel Robert Mueller knew about the fraudulent basis of the FISA when he used it, in part, to indict Michael Flynn. Other still, that Mueller was fooled by the FBI. This is what President Trump calls “SPYGATE”. – It may well be that the surveillance that was conducted began with UK intelligence services and then was fed back to the White House of Barack Obama. Here’s the kicker: President Barack Obama did not need a FISA warrant to authorize spying/electronic surveillance on Trump because Obama all along had legal authorization to by-pass the normal court vetting process. According to 50 U.S. Code 1802, the “Electronic Surveillance Authorization” () “Foreign intelligence in relation to a US person (Trump or his associates) is information that’s necessary for the US to protect against attack, hostile acts, sabotage, . . . as well as other clandestine activities by a foreign power . . . OR . . . information relevant to national defense/security of the US, or the conduct of foreign affairs of the U.S.” Such an authorization by Obama required certification by Attorney General Loretta Lynch that must be logged with the FISC court. (“The [AG]+ shall immediately transmit under seal to the court [FISC] a copy of his certification.”)

– In short, the DOJ has this. If we are correct, a copy of that certification is currently under seal at least with the DOJ and the FISC.

– This is what they are hiding. – However, the Act requires the AG to keep the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Committee on Intelligence informed of these authorizations and unmaskings therein. See 1803 (a) (1) (C) If indeed this is what happened, did Lynch report—or only selectively report—to the committees in a way that excluded non-friendlies? Can you see why Adam Schiff, Mark Warner, and their ilk are terrified?

– These are the playbook tactics that Senators and tech oligarchs most often use to destroy the lives of their political and business enemies: – Government agency bosses sometimes solicit the target victims with false promises of future loans, contracts or grants from their agency and cause the target victims to expend millions of dollars and years of their time for projects which those government bosses had covertly promised to their friends. They use the target victims as a “smokescreen” to cover their illegal government slush-funds for the victims competitors and personal enemies.

—- By using this tactic, the attackers can drain the target victims funds and force them into an economic disaster in plain view of everyone without the government bosses fearing any reprisal for their scam.- Every match.com, okcupid.com, Plenty Of Fish, Seeking Arrangements and all other IAC-owned, or similar, dating sites (IAC is managed by Hillary Clinton’s daughter) have had their profiles, texts, and inter-member communications, since those companies were started, hacked or purchased. The attack service providers use Palantir and In-Q-Tel financed data analysis software to analyze every activity in those dating services in order to find honey-trap, blackmail, sextortion and social conflict exploitation opportunities.

If you had a bad date with someone, that someone will be hunted down and convinced to help harm, #metoo or “rape charge” the intended target. All dates involve a search for sex, so the likelihood that a sexual disappointment experience will exist in each persons dating history is high. Searching every past dating email and text of a subject is quite easy with modern software and hacking techniques. A synthetically amplified, PR-agency optimized sex scandal can destroy any target. Your dating experiences from the 70’s or 80’s will come back to haunt you decades later. Most dates involve drinking alcohol and taking drugs. If you were unattractive or had bad sexual skills your bad date will be called “date rape”, “drugging your date for sex” and related twisted narratives that are designed to shame you, the target.

—- If you try to get a date in the future, your potential date will be contacted by a third party who will slander and libel you to make sure your potential first date gets cancelled. Your social life will, essentially, end. Every photo on every dating site is cross checked with every other photo on the internet in order to cull your Facebook, Linkedin, Snapchat and other social media together to create a total psychological manipulation profile data file on you. A single photo on a dating site can be cross searched on every mugshot archive, photo album and corporate database in the worth within minutes using modern super-computers. Your sex life will be on public record in a flash.- Social Security, SSI, SDI, Disability and other earned benefits are stone-walled. Applications of targets are “lost”.

—- Files in the application process “disappeared”. Lois Lerner hard drive “incidents” are operated in order to seek to hide information and run cover-ups.

– Government officials and tech oligarchs contact members of the National Venture Capital association (NVCA) and created national “black-lists” to blockade target victims from ever receiving investor funding. This was also confirmed in a widely published disclosure by Tesla Motors Daryl Siry and in published testimony. If Silicon Valley political campaign finance oligarchs black-list you (see the “AngelGate” Scandal and the “High Tech No Poaching Class Action Lawsuit” cases) you will never get investor funding again.

– FOIA requests are hidden, frozen, stone-walled, delayed, lied about and only partially responded to in order to seek to hide information and run cover-ups.- State and federal employees will play an endless game of Catch-22 by arbitrarily determining that deadlines had passed that they, the government officials, had stonewalled and obfuscated applications for, in order to force these deadlines that they set, to appear to be missed. This can bankrupt a target victim.- Some Victims found themselves strangely poisoned, not unlike the Alexander Litvenko case.

—- Heavy metals and toxic materials were found right after their work with the Department of Energy weapons and energy facilities. Many wonder if these “targets” were intentionally exposed to toxins in retribution for their testimony. The federal MSDS documents clearly show that a number of these people were exposed to deadly compounds and radiations, via DOE, without being provided with proper HazMat suits which DOE officials knew were required.

– Victims employers are called, and faxed, and ordered to fire target victims from their places of employment, in the middle of the day, with no notice, as a retribution tactic. – On orders from Obama White House officials, DNC-financed Google, YouTube, Gawker Media and Gizmodo Media produce attack articles and defamation videos. Google locks this attack media on the internet on the top line, of the front page of all Google searches for a decade in front of 7.5 billion people, around the world.

—- This attack-type uses over $40 million dollars in server farms, production costs and internet rigging. The forensic data acquired from tracking some of these attacks proves that Google rigs attacks against individuals on the internet and that all of Google’s “impressions” are manually controlled by Google’s executives who are also the main financiers and policy directors of the Obama Administration. This data was provided to the European Union for it’s ongoing prosecution of Google’s political manipulation of public perceptions. – Victims HR and employment records, on recruiting and hiring databases, are embedded with negative keywords in order to prevent the victim targets from ever gaining future employment. – Gary D. Conley, Seth Rich, Rajeev Motwani and many other whistle-blowers in these matters, turned up dead under strange circumstances. It is very possible that some of these attack services, operated by former CIA operatives, even offer discrete murder-for-sale services using high-tech assassination tools that make murders look like heart attacks and brain failures.

—- Disability and VA complaint hearings and benefits are frozen, delayed, denied or subjected to lost records and “missing hard drives” as in the Lois Lerner case.- Paypal (A DNC-biased operation) and other on-line payments for on-line sales are de-platformed, delayed, hidden, or re-directed in order to terminate income potential for target victims who competed with the attackers interests and holdings.- DNS redirection, “website spoofing” sends target victims websites to dead ends where no sales orders or customer inquiries actually get back to the target. These internet revenue activity manipulations are conducted using Google and Amazon servers. All commercial storefronts and on-line sales attempts by target victims, will have had their sites hidden, or search engine de-linked by a massively resourced facility located in Virginia, Texas or Palo Alto, California in order to terminate revenue potentials for the target victims.

—- Over 50,000 trolls, shills, botnets and synth-blog deployments are deployed to place defamatory statements and disinformation about victims in front of 7.5 billion people around the world on the internet in order to seek to damage their federal testimony credibility by a massively resourced facility.

– Campaign finance dirty tricks contractors are hired by campaign financiers to attack the friends and family members of the target victim in order to create low morale for the target victims psyche and motivation.- Are you getting weird headaches and hearing a “buzzing sound” in your head? The U.S. Government has now acknowledged that the Cuban, Chinese and other embassy “sonic attacks” are from a known microwave beam weapon. Any one of the technical departments of the attack services listed at the top of this article can build such a biological harassment weapon.

—- It can be aimed at the target victims office, bedroom or vehicle and, within a week, have caused biological and emotional damage using a weapon that has no visible track of trajectory. It is designed to make the target victim think they are “going crazy” or “hearing sounds in their head”.

—- In one case covert political partner: Google, transferred large sums of cash to dirty tricks contractors and then manually locked the media portion of the attacks into the top lines of the top pages of all Google searches globally, for years, with hidden embedded codes in the links and web-pages which multiplied the attacks on Victims by many magnitudes.- Covert Cartel financier: Google, placed Google’s lawyer: Michelle Lee, in charge of the U.S. Patent Office and she, in turn, stacked all of the U.S. Patent Office IPR and ALICE review boards and offices with Google-supporting employees in order to rig the U.S. Patent Office to protect Google from being prosecuted for the vast patent thefts that Google engages in.

—- Google has hundreds of patent lawsuits for technology theft and a number of those lawsuits refer to Google’s operations as “Racketeering”, “Monopolistic Cartel” and “Government Coup-like” behaviors. Thousands of articles and investigations detail the fact that Google, “essentially” ran the Obama White House and provided over 80% of the key White House staff. A conflict-of-interest unlike any in American history. Google’s investors personally told Applicant they would “kill him”. Google and the Obama Administration were “the same entity”. Applicant testified in the review that got Michelle Lee terminated and uncovered a tactical political and social warfare group inside Google who were financed by Federal and State funds.

—- Honeytraps and moles were employed by the attackers. In this tactic, people who covertly worked for the attackers were employed to approach the “target” in order to spy on and misdirect the subject. – Gawker Media, Gizmodo Media, Snopes, SPLC and other hired media assassins will be retained to produce “hatchet job” character assassination articles about you. Then those articles will be faxed, mailed and emailed to your employer and investors with a note saying: “You don’t want to have anything to do with this person, do you..?” in order to get you fired from your job and get your loans or financing pulled. The attackers will use their round one attack media, that they authored, to create a round two second wave attack designed to end your life via economic warfare.

—- Mortgage and rental applications will have had red flags added to them in databases to prevent the targets from getting homes or apartments.- Krebs On Security, Wired, Ars Technica, The Wall Street Journal and most major IT publications have reported that hundreds of spy “back-doors” have been found on every Intel, AMD, Apple, Xfinity, Cisco, Microsoft, Juniper Networks motherboard, chip-set and hardware component set.

—- This means that any kid with the “key” code can open any computer, server, router, cloud-network or other network connected device and read every file, photo, video, your calendar and email on your devices at any time from any location on Earth. The key codes have been released to every hacker community in the world for over ten years. There is now no government, corporate or personal data that can’t be hacked, even data from decades ago.

Every single one of your darkest secrets can be in the hands of your enemy within 60 minutes, or less. Important meetings you had planned with potential investors, employers, clients, dates, suppliers and others will suddenly get cancelled at the last minute. They will get cancelled because your enemies are reading your calendar remotely and covertly sending slander information to those you had hoped to engage with in order to sabotage your life.

—- Nothing you have ever typed on a computer or Smartphone is safe. it WILL be acquired and it WILL be used against you.

– McCarthy-Era “Black-lists” are created and employed against target victims who competed with Obama Administration executives and their campaign financiers to prevent them from getting funding and future employment.

– Obama Administration targets were very carefully placed in a position of not being able to get jobs, unemployment benefits, disability benefits or acquire any possible sources of income. The retribution tactics were audacious, overt..and quite illegal.

– There are thousands of additional Dirty Tricks tactics being used by these Attack Services yet Congress refuses to pass laws out-lawing such attack services.

—- The cost of an attack on a person ranges from $150,000.00 to over $50,000,000.00. While a Silicon Valley billionaire can afford to launch counter-measures to these attacks, any regular taxpayer will be utterly destroyed, and incapable of fighting back, against even the smallest version of one of these “kill orders”.

—- A number of modern office shootings are the results of these attacks against an individual who has lost everything because of the attack and has no options left. – Federal law enforcement, the United States Congress and the highest level investigators in the U.S., and abroad, have documented (per the “FISA Memo”, Congressional Reports and federal employee testimony) and proven the fact that the Obama Administration regularly engaged in the operation of retribution, vendetta and reprisal campaigns known as “hit-jobs” against domestic natural born U.S. citizen domestic taxpayers.

—- The Federal Court, in at least one previous court case,has ruled that Applicants, in this particular matter, were the victims and target of a number of these attacks designed to inflict permanent medical, emotional, character assassination, brand negation, economic and career damage. The FBI has been asked to interview John Cook, Nicholas Guido Denton, Adrian Covert, Patrick George, Ian Fette and John Hermann of Gawker/Gizmodo re: their financing, payola and hit-job attacks on third parties.

—- There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University; The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office.

—- So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse. They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time.

Protections: Public Domain. Non-Commercial. Fair Use. Freedom of The Press. No Tracking Of Public Allowed. First Amendment Protections, SLAPP, UN Protected. GDPR Compliant. Section 203 protected. Privacy Tools At: http://privacytools.io, ACLU, ICIJ- supported. If you sue us to try to hide and censor the news, you are allowing us to bypass the demurrer process, and we will counter-sue you for RICO, Anti-trust, Political Bribery, Sex Trafficking, Interference, First Amendment and your other crimes, which we have FBI-grade evidence for! Bring it on corrupt Tesla, Google, Facebook, Youtube, Netflix! We might even get DOJ and/or FTC to partner with us (again) to take your filthy corrupt companies down!….REAL NEWS does not have ads in it. Any news source, with ads in it, is fake news manipulated by the advertisers!….DOWNLOAD AND COPY THIS NEWS SITE. USE ANY FREE SERVER SPACE YOU FIND ON THE WEB. MAKE YOUR OWN DIGITAL NEWSPAPER. JOIN THE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FREE NEWS SITES, LIKE THIS, AROUND THE WORLD AND DELIVER THE NEWS AND DEMOCRACY. PLEASE FOLLOW THE WIKIPEDIA RULES FOR POSTING. BE THE NEWS!


The Worst Ones – Rev 2.2

You would be shocked to learn how many people are killed, every day, for less than $50.00. ISIS and the Taliban will saw your head off for just an ideology. If people would commit murder over that small an amount of money, imagine what they would do to control the trillions of dollars of money that is always moving through the stock market. These are the people that will stop at nothing for power, mansions, hookers, private jets and greed!

### THE BRIBED INSIDER TRADING POLITICIANS – Tracked via financial records and email leaks to quid pro quo:

– Aneesh Chopra – White House Tech Exec
– Arnold Schwarzenegger – Governor (Accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, illicit deal organization with Russians and more…)
– Barack Obama – Chicago politician
-Bill Daley – White House strong-arm (Forced to resign)(he is now under investigation)
– Bill Lockyer – Calif State finance head (Under investigation and sex scandal conflicts, charged with corruption by media. Assets and ownerships under investigation)
– Daniel Cohen – DOE Legal counsel who assisted in the Steven Chu scam (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)
– David Axelrod – White House strategist who helped stage the quid-pro-quo (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
– Hunter Biden
– David Plouffe – White House money packager. Arranged deals between VC campaign Donors (Forced to Resign. Under investigation)
– Debbie Wasserman Schultz
– Denis McDonough – White House adviser
– Dianne Feinstein – California politician
– Eric Holder – Attorney General- DOJ (Forced to resign) (Charged with staff & VC Protections and blockade of FBI and Special Prosecutor deployments in order to run the cover-up)
– Eric Strickland – Head of Auto Safety agency under DOT (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation. Charged with cover-up of Tesla and GM auto dangers he had known about)
– Gabriel Burt
– Harry Reid – Senator- Solar factory guru, Congress lead (Accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…Forced out of Congress in shame)
– Hillary Clinton – Dynastic politician
– Jack Lew
– Jay Carney – White House press lead (Forced to resign)
– Jeff Berman – Bryan Cave. Berman, the former delegate counter for President Obama’s 2008 campaign
– Jeff Peck, Peck, Madigan, Jones & Stewart. Aide to then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) on the Senate Judiciary Committee
– Jeffrey Zients
– Jerry Brown – California politician
– Joe Rhodes – White House shill
– Joe Biden – Politican who created Solyndra funds
– John Podesta – White House adviser
– Jonathan Silver – DOE VC (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation. Shamed in media for epic failures)
– Joshua Wright – FTC
– Kamala Harris– Stock favoritism Insider with her husband
– Katherine Feinstein
– Kathy Zoi
– Ken Alex – Scheme Adviser to Jerry Brown
– Ken Duberstein and Marti Thomas, The Duberstein Group. Duberstein was floated as a candidate for Obama’s chief of staff before the president chose Bill Daley, while Thomas is a Democratic vet who worked in the Clinton Treasury Department.
– Lachlan Seward – Energy Department insider gatekeeper
– Melanie Nutter – Pelosi Top Aide
– Matt Rogers – VC and quid pro quo pass-through conduit
– Megan Smith – U.S. CTO
– Mikey Dickerson
– Nancy Pelosi – California politician
– Robert Gibbs – White press office head
– Steven Chu – Secretary of Energy – The most corrupt in US history
– Todd Park – IT manipulator inside White House

### THE OLIGARCH FINANCIER/BENEFICIARIES OF THE CRIMES – Tracked via financial records and email leaks to quid pro quo:

– Andy Bechtolsheim – VC- Insider campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
– Bill Gurley
– Carl Gordon
– Chad Hurley – YouTube
– Cheryl Sandberg – Facebook boss, reports to Larry Summers
– Dave McClure – VC
– David Danielson
– David Drummond – Lawyer/Lobbyist– Google, bribes expert for DC and EU regions (Under investigation. Quail Road, Woodside, CA home bugged)
– David Mott
– David Prend
– David Sacks
– Draper – Fisher – VC firm (Campaign funder who received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging)
– Elon Musk – CEO – Tesla (He is now under investigation & in multiple lawsuits for fraud)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation )
– Emerson Collective -Steve Jobs wife, has one of the largest and stealthiest election data combines
– Eric Paley
– Eric Schmidt – Owner- Google (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
– Gilman Louie – VC, founder on IN-Q-Tel
– Goldman Sachs – Financial packager (Suspected of staging most of the TARP/DOE deals for personal gain & insider payouts)
– Greylock Capital – Silicon Valley Insider trading operator (Under investigation)
– Ira Ehrenpreis – VC Campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation)
– Jacque Littlefield – VC, Dead
– James Bronkema – West Coast Money Man for David Rockefeller and Feinstein financier  (Dead)
– Jared Cohen – Google boss and international political manipulator
– Wilson Sonsini Partner Club
– Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich and Rosatti
– Jim Breyer – VC and CIA intermediary
– Joe Lonsdale – VC, famous for rape and abuse scandal and domestic spying via Palantir
– Johanna Shelton – Google Lobbyist
– John Doerr – Owner – Kleiner Perkins. “Godfather” – Silicon Valley Cartel (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation )
– John Lindfors
– Josh Kopelman
– JP Gan
– Keith Rabois -VC
– Ken Howery – VC
– Kleiner Perkins – Campaign funding VC who (Received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging. Sued. Under investigation. All assets being tracked )
– Larry Page – Google Boss
– Larry Summers – VC
– Lloyd Craig Blankfein – VC and Sachs boss
– Luke Nosek
– Marc Andreessen -VC
– Mario Rosatti – VC
– Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook Boss
– Martin LaGod -VC Firelake Cap
– Mary Meeker – VC
– Max Levchin -VC
– Mckinsey Consulting – The firm you hire to rig white papers and insider hires in government positions for the Palo Alto Mafia
– Michael Moritz -VC
– Neerag Agrawal – VC
– Peter Thiel – VC
– Pierre Omidyar– VC
– Raj Gupta – VC, arrested
– Rakesh Saxeena – Canadian in-house arrest, arms dealer, western political packager
– Ray Lane – VC
– Reid Hoffman – VC and sex.com partner with Gary Kremen, also match.com
– Richard Blum – VC and director/husband of Dianne Feinstein – Finally dead!
– Roelof Botha
– Sanjay Wagle – VC
– Scott Shleiffer
– Sergy Brin – Google boss
– Steve Chen
– Steve Jurvetson – VC embroiled in sex abuse charges
– Steve Rattner – White House car czar, indicted for fraud
– Steve Spinner – Energy Department manipulation expert, Wife was Solyndra’s lawyer
– Steve Westly – VC
– Ted Schlein – IN-Q-Tel
– Tim Draper – VC
– Tom Perkins – Dead KPCB Palo Alto Mafia founder
– Tom Steyer – VC
– Tomorrow Ventures – Social manipulation group
– Tony Podesta, Podesta Group. The prolific Democratic fundraiser has seen his firm rocket to the echelons of the top five lobby shops.
– Viktor Vekselberg – Russian business entity
– Vinod Khosla -VC

### THEIR OPERATIVES AND HIRED MEDIA ASSASSINS – Tracked via financial records, quid pro quo perks and email leaks to payola. The people in the two lists, above, hired these people to harm citizens:

– A.J. Delaurio– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Adam Dachis– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Adam Weinstein– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Adrian Covert– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Adrien Chen– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Al D’Amato, Park Strategies. The former GOP New York senator has been a big advocate for online gambling as a lobbyist for the Poker Players Alliance.
– Al Mottur and Manuel Ortiz, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck. Mottur heads up lobbying operations at the K Street giant. Ortiz, one of Brownstein’s newest hires, is a rising star in Democratic circles.
– Alan Henry– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Albert Burneko– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Alex Balk– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Alexander Pareene– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Alexander Sternhell, Sternhell Group. Previously a Senate Banking Committee staffer, Sternhell’s two-year-old venture is in the big leagues with clients such as Citigroup Management and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
– Alexandra Philippides– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Allison Spinner – Wife of Steve Spinner and lawyer at WSGR and Solyndra who helped Feinstein rig the Solyndra cash ((Under investigation. All assets being tracked and terminated.)
– Allison Wentz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Andrew Collins– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Andrew Magary– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Andrew McCormack
– Andrew Orin– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Andy Barbour, Smith-Free Group. Smith lobbies for several financial and insurance companies but is best known for his work as the lead Democratic lobbyist for the Financial Services Roundtable.
– Angelica Alzona– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Anna Merlan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ariana Cohen– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ashley Feinberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ashley Vance – Elon Musk suck-up and Musk hype monger
– Austin Lau
– Ava Gyurina– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Barry Petchesky– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Black Cube – An attack service providing hit jobs on competitors
– Brendan I. Koerner– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Brendan O’Connor– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Brent Rose– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Brian Goncher – Deloitte VC intermediary in the stock market rigging (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Brobeck Law Firm
– Brian Hickey– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Camila Cabrer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Carr & Ferrell – Sony and Facebook’s law firm that helps to blockade inventors
– Choire Sicha– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Chris Jennings, Jennings Policy Strategies
– Chris Mohney– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Chuck Brain, Capitol Hill Strategies Inc. Once a Clinton White House aide and longtime House Ways and Means Committee staffer
– Civis Analytics – Social manipulation group
– Clover Hope– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Covington & Burling
– Dan Tate Jr., Capitol Solutions. Tate delivers stellar client relations while harnessing 10 years of upper-level Hill and administration experience.
– Daniel Morgan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Covington & Burling – corrupt law firm that puts appointees in office for VC’s
– David Sandalow
– Diana Moskovitz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Doyle Bartlett, Eris Group. Bartlett has years of Capitol Hill experience and a busy lobbying practice
– Eleanor Shechet– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Elizabeth Spiers– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Elizabeth Starkey– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Emily Gould– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Emily Herzig– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Emma Carmichael– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Erin Ryan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ethan Sommer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Eyal Ebel– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Fred Graefe, Law Offices of Frederick H. Graefe
– Fusion GPS – Defamation and journalist bribery service
– Gabrielle Bluestone– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Gabrielle Darbyshire– Defamation-for-sale blogger and attack services director
– Gawker Media – DNC/Clinton/Obama character assassination media tool (In Mid-Termination)
– Georgina K. Faircloth– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Gerald Cassidy and Gregg Hartley, Cassidy & Associates
– Gizmodo – DNC/Clinton/Obama character assassination media tool ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures )
– Gregory Howard– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Hamilton Nolan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Hannah Keyser– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Heather Deitrich– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Heather Podesta, Heather Podesta + Partners. The former congressional aide has built a solid lobbying practice and helps fundraise for Democrats with her husband, Tony Podesta
– Hudson Hongo– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Hugo Schwyzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Hunter Slaton– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ian Fette– Defamation-for-sale blogger and Google, Gawker, Jalopnik, Gizmodo media assassin
– Irin Carmon– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jalopnik – Online defamation facade political publication. Pretends to be about cars but is DNC hit job rag
– James Brown Jr – HHS Programming lead in California (Arrested for corruption)
– James J. Cooke– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– James King– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jawed Karim – YouTube
– Jeff Lieberman
– Jennifer Ouellette– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jesse Oxfeld– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jessica Cohen– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jesus Diaz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jillian Schulz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Joanna Rothkopf– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Joel Johnson, The Glover Park Group
– John Cook– Defamation-for-sale blogger and director of media assassins group
– John Herrman– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– John Raffaelli, Capitol Counsel
– Jordan Sargent– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Joseph Keenan Trotter– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Josh Stein– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Julia Allison– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Julianne E. Shepherd– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Julie Domenick, Multiple Strategies LLC
– Justin Hyde– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Kate Dries– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Katharine Trendacosta– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Katherine Drummond– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Kelly Stout– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Kerrie Uthoff– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Kevin Draper– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Lacey Donohue– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Larry O’Brien, OB-C Group
– Lucy Haller– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Luke Malone– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Madeleine Davies– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Madeline Davis– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Mario Aguilar– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Mark Isakowitz, Fierce, Isakowitz and Blalock. Isakowitz and his GOP lobby shop scored a coup this year when Apple and Facebook both signed up as clients in a two-week span.
– Mark Kadesh, Kadesh & Associates. Kadesh, once chief of staff to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), has an A-list of California clients
– Matt Hardigree– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Matt Novak– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Michael Ballaban– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Michael Dobbs– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Michael Spinelli– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Morrison and Foerster
– Neal Ungerleider– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Nicholas Aster– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Nicholas Guido Denton– Defamation-for-sale blogger and head of the Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik sleaze tabloid empire
– Omar Kardoudi– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Owen Thomas– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Patrick George– Defamation-for-sale blogger and Character Assassination expert
– Patrick Laffoon– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Patrick Redford– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Perkins Coie – Campaign conduit law firm
– Rich Juzwiak– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Richard Blakely– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Richard Rushfield– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Robert Finger– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Robert Sorokanich– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Rory Waltzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Rosa Golijan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ryan Brown– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ryan Goldberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Sam Faulkner Biddle– Defamation-for-sale blogger, Runs a large part of the Anti-GOP blog programs
– Sam Woolley– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Samar Kalaf– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Sarah Ramey– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Shannon Marie Donnelly– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Shep McAllister– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Sophie Kleeman– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Stephen Totilo– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Steve Elmendorf and Jimmy Ryan, Elmendorf | Ryan. A former aide to ex-House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt (Mo.), Elmendorf brought in Ryan to help expand the Senate ties of his firm.
– Steve McBee, McBee Strategic. A former aide to Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), McBee has seen his lobby firm take off.
– Steve Perry and Andy Wright, Dutko Grayling. Perry and Wright man the roster for one of the top 20 lobby shops in Washington.
– Tamar Winberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Taryn Schweitzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Taylor McKnight– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– The Groundwork– Social manipulation group
– Thomas Jolly, Jolly/Rissler. Jolly is founding chairman of the Washington Caucus, a group that hosts dinners with lawmakers, and a mainstay among lobbyists.
– Thorin Klosowski– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Tim Marchman– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Timothy Burke– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Tobey Grumet Segal– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Tom Ley– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Tom Scocca– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Veronica de Souza– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Wes Siler– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– William Haisley– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– William Turton– Defamation-for-sale blogger

### THEIR CORPORATE STOCK MANIPULATION FRONT FACADES- Tracked via financial records and email leaks to RICO, Anti-trust and Money Laundering violations:

– Abound Solar – Criminally corrupt crony campaign finance front operation. (Terminated)
– Alphabet – Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier (Under Federal and EU investigation)
– Facebook/Meta – Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures )
– Fisker – Criminally corrupt crony campaign finance front operation. (Terminated)
– Google, Inc. – Data harvesting company(Ran media attacks, stock market pump and dump PR hype and character assassinations)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) (charged by EU, and most nations, with multiple abuses of the public. Has totally lost the trust of the public. Revenue loss increasing geometrically.)
– In-Q-Tel, Inc. – CIA off-shoot associated with Eric Schmidt, Google, Elon Musk and the Cartel leaders. Ran “hit-jobs” on Silicon Valley VC adversaries and reporters (Sued, under investigation, exposed in multiple documentaries, under investigation for Cocaine trafficking. Removal of charity status demanded)
– Ivanpah Solar – Criminally corrupt crony Google campaign finance front operation. (In failure mode)
– Linkedin – Election manipulation networking site
– Solyndra Solar Company – FBI-raided corrupt Clean Tech company
– SpaceX – Elon Musk company that Obama gave part of NASA to in exchange for campaign conduits
– Tesla Motors – Car Company that conduits money to campaigns

Any issues re: culpability can be easily resolved in meetings with the FBI, FINCEN, The SEC, The IRS, The FTC, ICIJ.ORG and open Congressional hearings! Never was the term: “Follow The Money” more appropriate than for these people! Why are these people not yet arrested for election manipulation, RICO and Anti-trust violations, money laundering, bribery and other illicit deeds? Who is protecting them? Who is telling the police not to act? This list also serves as a demand for investigation and prosecution of these individuals who conspired to engage in these illicit acts. This is not the complete list.

Vindictive Nonsense: Tesla Threatens To Fire Law Firm Over Expert’s Amicus Brief

from the thus-proving-the-point dept

It’s no secret that Elon Musk can be petty and vindictive over the dumbest shit. You may have heard that he fired the entire Supercharger team a few weeks ago entirely due to him getting upset at what the woman who led that team told him (he’s now scrambling to try to rehire the team he fired — another thing that’s happened before).

Sometimes it gets even sillier. You may recall a couple of years ago when Tesla demanded that law firm Cooley LLP fire a lawyer who happened to have worked at the SEC back when Elon was fined for tweeting about his supposed plans to take the company private.

Pressuring law firms is apparently becoming a pattern.

Charles Elson, a retired Finance Professor at the University of Delaware, is a well-recognized authority on corporate governance issues. And it seems that Elon is terrified he might give his opinions to the Delaware Court of Chancery that is handling his compensation lawsuit.

In the past, I’ve explained how this whole lawsuit doesn’t make that much sense to me. It’s one case where I think Elon’s argument is actually entirely plausible. I wouldn’t vote in favor of his $55 billion pay package, but I can see why some people might not find it problematic. But, it seems that Elon is really, really scared about losing that payday. Hell, Tesla, which is famous for not advertising anything, is advertising to shareholders to tell them to vote to reinstate Elon’s pay package.

Still, even if I find the lawsuit a bit perplexing, it seems that Musk wants to handicap the opposition.

Elson filed one hell of a motion, asking for leave to file his expected amicus brief, noting that the Musk Team started playing hardball to try to force him not to file.

Professor Elson, a leading authority on corporate law, moves for leave to submit a second proposed amicus curiae brief in this action. Professor Elson previously submitted an amicus brief concerning the development and goals of equity-linked executive compensation during the post-trial briefing stage of this action, which the Court found “persuasive.” Professor Elson now writes to provide the Court with additional context and analysis in connection with the Tesla Board’s unprecedented attempt to seek a post-trial stockholder vote to ratify the Award.

Additional context, you say? What sort of context? Perhaps some of it has to do with how badly Elon doesn’t want Elson to say anything.

It’s pretty typical for parties to consent to amicus briefs being filed as a matter of course. Even if they know the briefs will challenge or disagree with their arguments. It’s just professional courtesy, and courts expect it. Opposing efforts to file an amicus brief can raise eyebrows. And Tesla went all in trying to block Elson:

Plaintiff consents to this motion. Defendants do not and Musk was willing to go to extraordinary—and appalling—lengths to prevent this Court from reading the Brief.

Early Friday morning, Professor Elson’s counsel emailed a copy of the Brief to counsel for the parties, asking whether they would consent to a motion for leave to file it. Plaintiff’s counsel responded that they did not oppose its submission. Tesla’s counsel from DLA Piper telephoned Professor Elson’s counsel to assert, without further explanation, that Professor Elson “may have a conflict” and asked counsel to hold off on filing the brief.

Soon after, Professor Elson received an email from Holland & Knight LLP, a law firm with which Professor Elson had a consulting relationship. Holland & Knight informed Professor Elson that the firm represents Tesla in certain unrelated matters and that Tesla had threatened to fire Holland & Knight if Professor Elson submitted this amicus brief.

The assertion that Professor Elson was conflicted is risible—which is presumably why Tesla’s then-counsel raised no objection when Professor Elson submitted his prior amicus brief in this matter. The rules of professional conduct prevent a lawyer from representing a client if the representation of one client will be directly adverse to another client. None of those elements was present here:

  • Professor Elson is neither acting as a lawyer nor representing a client in this action; he is represented by counsel and seeks leave to file a brief as an amicus.
  • Nor was Professor Elson acting as a lawyer at Holland & Knight; the rules of professional conduct do not impute conflicts from a consultant to a law firm or from a law firm to a consultant.
  • Nor is Professor Elson acting adversely to Tesla; his brief is defending a multi-billion-dollar judgment in Tesla’s favor.

I mean, all of this is incredible. The threat. The weak ass claims of a “conflict.” But, most of all, the very fact (as Elson points out) that his argument is actually in support of Tesla which benefits by not having to give out this massive pay package if Elon loses.

To avoid having his professional associates suffer because of Elon’s petty vindictiveness, Elson chose to resign from Holland & Knight, “ending a relationship of nearly thirty years.”

This is doubly ridiculous given all of the conflicts that Elon has between his various companies, and the fact that he’s been claiming that he “deserves” this $55 billion pay package for all his hard work. Does Elson not then deserve to continue his relationship with H&K for all of his work? Of course not. The primary motive of everything Elon is “what benefits Elon?”

And, of course, the whole thing acts as a kind of Streisand Effect highlighting the key point that Elson was trying to raise. Tesla and Elon’s interests are averse here, yet the company is acting as if they’re aligned, which at least gives pretty strong credence to the idea (at the heart of the lawsuit) that the board is focused on helping Musk, rather than looking out for Tesla’s best interests.

The Court should have no illusions about what happened here. The frivolous assertion of a conflict was a fig leaf for Musk, acting through Tesla, to try to bully a law professor by making a serious economic threat to a law firm with which the professor had a consulting relationship. This is not the first time that Tesla has threatened to fire a law firm for employing someone who annoyed Elon Musk by doing his job. That it did so again here only emphasizes the correctness of the Court’s conclusion that Musk controls Tesla

And, of course, it’s giving everyone yet another glimpse into the ways in which Musk will let any slight turn him into a vindictive asshole.

Meanwhile, at the very end of the week, Tesla filed with the court to “reject the amicus’s motion that it is ‘appalling’ or ‘bullying…” but still admitting that they did, in fact, everything that Elson said, though they claim they were just raising “a potential conflict issue.”

Um. No. Again, Elson’s brief was on behalf of Tesla suggesting that they shouldn’t have to pay Musk his huge compensation. If there’s any “potential conflict issue” here, it seems to be on the lawyers ostensibly representing “Tesla” but instead advocating for something that would harm Tesla, while benefiting Elon Musk.

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Companies: holland & knight, tesla

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