The End of Another Sordid Affair? Not for Google’s Eric Schmidt.

When Eric Schmidt was the chief executive of Google in the mid-2000s, he dated Marcy Simon, a New York-based public relations executive. Both were married to other people at the time.

Mr. Schmidt and Ms. Simon were seen together on the French Riviera, at tech conferences and on Fire Island, where she owned a beach house. When a large yellow diamond ring was spotted on Ms. Simon’s finger, some speculated in the media that Mr. Schmidt might divorce his wife and marry Ms. Simon.

But Mr. Schmidt moved on to other girlfriends. Although he and Ms. Simon, who divorced her husband, later rekindled their relationship in the late 2000s and early 2010s, they decided to go their separate ways in 2014, people with knowledge of their relationship said.

For billionaires, and the people who love them, breaking up can be a little like unraveling a corporate merger gone wrong. Ending Mr. Schmidt’s affair has taken a decade — so far. There have been contracts, amended contracts, arbitrations, lawsuits and the platoon of advisers that inevitably go along with all that.

Mr. Schmidt, now 69 years old, approved a confidential settlement in 2014 with Ms. Simon that paid her an undisclosed amount of money, and appointed an adviser, Derek Rundell, to set it up. Under the arrangement, Ms. Simon would bring Mr. Schmidt investment ideas that Mr. Rundell would evaluate on his behalf.

But the deal imploded when Ms. Simon and Mr. Rundell fought bitterly, leading to years of wrangling that culminated in accusations of fraud against Ms. Simon last year over an investment in the luggage maker Away. Ms. Simon has denied committing fraud.

During his years leading Google, Mr. Schmidt was famously known as the adult supervision, a brainy, button-down sage who mentored the internet firm’s young founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and propelled the company to great heights. Since leaving the board of Google’s parent company in 2019, he has cultivated that image further, parlaying his net worth of about $35 billion into an influential role advising the U.S. government on defense and artificial intelligence policy and making his mark with splashy initiatives in the world of philanthropy.

Yet over the past decade, his management of personal matters has been fraught, at times lacking the kind of discipline he brought to running Google. In March, Ms. Simon filed an arbitration case against Mr. Schmidt in California, seeking to free herself from the confidentiality clauses of their 2014 settlement. More of his secrets threaten to spill out.

The New York Times pieced together Mr. Schmidt’s tangled history with Ms. Simon and Mr. Rundell from records of six separate litigation and arbitration cases, all of which are public. Mr. Schmidt’s name is redacted or withheld in four of the cases, but The Times confirmed his identity through people with knowledge of some of the events and by triangulating information from court filings.

The Settlement

Ms. Simon, 61, who left the public relations firm Burson-Marsteller and founded her own public relations company in 2019, was one of a series of women with whom Mr. Schmidt had extramarital affairs over the past 20 years. Throughout, he has remained married to Wendy Schmidt, his wife of 44 years, though they lead largely separate lives.

In a 2012 interview with The Times, Ms. Schmidt shrugged off media reports of her husband’s relationships. “You know, people will write things,” she said. “You just have to ignore them.”

Mr. Schmidt and Ms. Simon started appearing publicly together in the mid-2000s. Neither made much of an attempt to keep the relationship secret; Ms. Simon openly talked about it with some journalists.

After a hiatus of a few years during which Mr. Schmidt dated a former CNBC reporter, Kate Bohner, he and Ms. Simon got back together in 2009 and saw each other on and off for several more years. In the summer of 2014, they parted ways.

Mr. Schmidt had paid certain expenses for Ms. Simon for years, which were memorialized in several legal agreements. He proposed a new financial arrangement to provide for Ms. Simon and her family, people with knowledge of the conversations said.

Mr. Schmidt put Mr. Rundell in charge of crafting the deal.

Mr. Rundell had entered Mr. Schmidt’s orbit through Gary Coursey, a financial adviser known by the nickname Court who helped Mr. Schmidt make venture capital investments. Mr. Rundell and Mr. Coursey had met at the University of Colorado Boulder in the early 1990s, later sold an email company to WebMD and briefly advised the pop star Michael Jackson in the early 2000s.

After Mr. Coursey introduced them, Mr. Rundell became something of a fixer for Mr. Schmidt. Mr. Rundell was “a person who could solve special and hard problems,” Mr. Schmidt testified in one arbitration proceeding.

The Information earlier reported on Mr. Rundell’s work for Mr. Schmidt. Mr. Rundell, 53, did not reply to requests for comment.

At Mr. Schmidt’s request, Mr. Rundell put together the confidential settlement with Ms. Simon, which firmly nudged the relationship from romantic to transactional. Under the terms of the agreement, dated Sept. 19, 2014, Ms. Simon agreed to become a paid consultant to a Nevada limited liability company called Maple Beach Ventures.

Maple Beach Ventures was essentially a small venture capital fund managed by Mr. Rundell and funded by Mr. Schmidt. Ms. Simon would receive payments for bringing start-up investment ideas to Mr. Rundell. If Mr. Rundell liked them, Mr. Schmidt would invest in the start-ups through Maple Beach Ventures. The agreement included confidentiality, so Ms. Simon could not disclose Mr. Schmidt’s involvement in the investments.

It’s unclear how much Mr. Schmidt paid Ms. Simon. A copy of the settlement filed in court as part of an arbitration shows that she was entitled to a one-time fee and to annual and monthly payments, but the numbers are redacted. Ms. Simon was also entitled to 20 percent of the profit Mr. Schmidt made from any investment she brought.

Around the time he structured the settlement with Ms. Simon, Mr. Rundell also acted as the go-between for the purchase of a horse farm in New York’s Hudson Valley for another of Mr. Schmidt’s girlfriends, Lisa Shields. For these and other services, Mr. Schmidt paid Mr. Rundell a fee of $47,500 a month until June 30, 2016, according to a copy of their agreement.

Tempers Flare

The settlement with Ms. Simon didn’t bring peace for long.

Within months, Ms. Simon and Mr. Rundell began butting heads. Ms. Simon complained that Mr. Rundell didn’t act on most of the investment ideas she brought, while Mr. Rundell faulted Ms. Simon for not conducting proper due diligence on the investments she proposed.

In March 2015, Ms. Simon complained to Mr. Schmidt that Mr. Rundell had responded to only nine of the 43 investment opportunities she had presented to him and that Maple Beach Ventures had invested in only six of them. Mr. Schmidt responded that most “VCs see 100 or more deals for every one deal they invest in.”

He suggested a compromise: Ms. Simon could have a sum she invested at her own discretion each quarter, provided she followed a strict due diligence process. (The figure was redacted.)

Following up on Mr. Schmidt’s suggestion, Mr. Rundell sent Ms. Simon a proposal with an updated investment budget and new due diligence procedures. But Ms. Simon turned it down because she found the procedures too onerous and resented that the investments would still have to go through Mr. Rundell, according to arbitration filings.

As Ms. Simon and Mr. Rundell haggled, she flew to Europe to attend a networking event for entrepreneurs in the French Alps. There she met Jen Rubio, who had just co-founded a luggage start-up called Away. Between runs on the slopes of the famed Méribel ski resort, Ms. Rubio mentioned that Away was raising money from family and friends in what is known as a “seed round” and invited Ms. Simon to participate.

A few weeks later, Ms. Simon emailed Ms. Rubio to say she would invest $25,000 through Maple Beach Ventures. Ms. Simon could not disclose Mr. Schmidt’s involvement under their 2014 agreement.

“I am really excited to be a part of Away and also to help watch you grow and build the company and I am here for you,” Ms. Simon emailed Ms. Rubio in April 2015.

Ms. Simon arranged a call between Ms. Rubio and Mr. Rundell to finalize the investment, but didn’t explain who Mr. Rundell was, a person with knowledge of the matter said. Ms. Rubio assumed — incorrectly — that Maple Beach Ventures was Ms. Simon’s company and that Mr. Rundell was an employee who worked for her, this person said.

Ms. Simon’s and Mr. Rundell’s relationship continued deteriorating. Around the same time, Ms. Simon had asked Mr. Schmidt for a loan to buy a house. Mr. Schmidt agreed to lend her the money against the proceeds of an investment he had made in Uber several years earlier. The investment had come from an introduction Ms. Simon had made.

Under a deal that predated their 2014 settlement, Mr. Schmidt had agreed to pay her 10 percent of whatever profit he earned from Uber. But the ride-hailing company was still private, so calculating the value of Ms. Simon’s stake to determine the loan size was difficult. Months of negotiations between Mr. Rundell and a lawyer representing Ms. Simon ensued. At one point, Ms. Simon objected to a $125,000 fee Mr. Rundell wanted to deduct from the loan amount.

In March 2016, the loan negotiations broke down, and Ms. Simon sent Mr. Schmidt an angry email threatening to go public about their confidential deal. Mr. Rundell’s behavior was “not acceptable” and she had “an awesome case here,” she wrote. “This is going mainstream and I am lawyering UP.”

A few hours later, she followed up: “Let me know if you want to take this public.”

Later that year, the two sides resolved their differences. Under an amendment to the 2014 settlement, Mr. Schmidt agreed to make monthly payments of $5,000 and quarterly “catch-up” payments of $15,000 to Ms. Simon, on top of other payments laid out in the original agreement. He also agreed to cover unspecified tuition payments and to reimburse Ms. Simon for the $21,000 she had spent on legal fees.

But within months, Ms. Simon and Mr. Rundell resumed bickering. Ms. Simon again complained that Mr. Rundell was ignoring most of the investment ideas she brought to him. Mr. Rundell responded that Ms. Simon wasn’t giving him the documentation she was required to provide for each investment.

Lawyers were summoned again, but this time no compromise was found.

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In June 2018, a lawyer for Maple Beach Ventures informed Ms. Simon that her consulting agreement was being terminated. She responded in April 2019 by starting a confidential arbitration proceeding against the company for breach of contract.

A Tender Offer

While Ms. Simon’s dispute with Mr. Rundell and Mr. Schmidt escalated, Ms. Rubio’s start-up was thriving. Thanks partly to savvy online marketing, Away’s stylish luggage was becoming ubiquitous at U.S. airports. By early 2019, the New York-based company had sold more than one million suitcases.

That May, just weeks after Ms. Simon took Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Rundell to arbitration, a group of institutional investors led by Wellington Management offered to buy the shares of Away’s early investors at a premium to their original price, in what is known as a tender offer. Away was now valued at a stunning $1.4 billion, up from $7.2 million four years earlier. The 266,638 shares that Maple Beach Ventures had purchased for $25,000 in 2015 were worth $2.83 million.

Away transmitted the tender offer to Ms. Simon. Ms. Rubio remained under the impression that Maple Beach Ventures was Ms. Simon’s company and that the $25,000 seed investment had been made with her money, a person familiar with the matter said.

What happened next is under dispute. In a lawsuit that Away filed late last year against Ms. Simon, the company claimed that she took and profited from shares that weren’t hers. Ms. Simon has countered that the shares were, in fact, hers.

Underlying the disagreement was Ms. Simon’s 2014 deal with Mr. Schmidt. Under its terms, she was entitled to 20 percent of the profit that Maple Beach Ventures reaped from any investment she originated, which would have come to about $561,000 before taxes for Away — but only if she were still employed as a consultant to the company when the investment was sold. Her 2018 termination meant she would get nothing.


That did not sit well with Ms. Simon, so she came up with a subterfuge, according to Away’s lawsuit. Rather than forwarding the tender offer transmittal letter to Mr. Rundell, Ms. Simon created a new Maple Beach Ventures LLC on May 10, 2019. Unlike the original Maple Beach Ventures, which Mr. Rundell had registered in Nevada, Ms. Simon incorporated this one in Delaware and designated herself as its sole principal, Away claimed.

Three weeks later, Ms. Simon signed the tender offer paperwork, presenting the new Maple Beach Ventures as the owner of the shares, according to Away’s lawsuit.

Away said it didn’t spot the alleged sleight of hand when it received Ms. Simon’s paperwork. It canceled the original Maple Beach Ventures’ shares in its company records, reissued them to the investor group conducting the tender offer and wired $2.83 million to a Citibank account that Ms. Simon had created in the name of the new, Delaware-registered Maple Beach Ventures.

Mr. Rundell and Mr. Schmidt, who were never notified about Away’s tender offer, had no idea what transpired, people with knowledge of the matter said.


Ms. Simon has countered in court filings that it was always understood that the Away shares were hers, even though they were held under Maple Beach Ventures’ name. In the court filings, she has said she was being prevented from giving the full story by the confidentiality clauses in the 2014 settlement with Mr. Schmidt.

In late 2019, a few months after Ms. Simon sold the Away shares, Mr. Schmidt’s relationship with Mr. Rundell began falling apart. Mr. Coursey, who had introduced Mr. Rundell to Mr. Schmidt, was now feuding with Mr. Rundell, who owed him money. Mr. Rundell asked Mr. Schmidt to cover his debt, people familiar with the men said.


When Mr. Schmidt refused, Mr. Rundell claimed ownership of the Hudson Valley horse farm Mr. Schmidt had bought for Ms. Shields, according to people familiar with the matter and arbitration filings. (Mr. Rundell had leverage because the farm had been purchased under his name, the people said.) In May 2020, Mr. Schmidt took Mr. Rundell to arbitration over the farm.

To get Mr. Schmidt to back off, Mr. Rundell filed a counterclaim in which he said Ms. Simon and Ms. Shields had threatened to air salacious allegations about Mr. Schmidt’s private life. Among the allegations: that Mr. Schmidt used illicit drugs; that he passed on sexually transmitted diseases to multiple partners; that he participated in orgies and in a sex tape; and that he had sex with prostitutes, according to an arbitration filing made public in court.

Ms. Shields denied making the allegations or having any knowledge of them during the arbitration.

Referring to the allegations, Matthew Hiltzik, a spokesman for Mr. Schmidt, said, “Mr. Schmidt refuses to be intimidated by those who threaten to coerce or extort him.”


While Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Rundell battled, Ms. Simon won her breach of contract arbitration against the original Maple Beach Ventures in January 2021. The arbitrator ordered the company to pay her $461,113, plus interest on a portion of it, and reaffirmed her 10 percent stake in any Uber profit.

The rancor between Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Rundell continued escalating. After prevailing in the dispute over the farm, Mr. Schmidt initiated a second arbitration against Mr. Rundell in late 2021 over Maple Beach Ventures and several other companies Mr. Schmidt had funded.

Mr. Hiltzik said Mr. Schmidt responded to Mr. Rundell’s “tactics by prosecuting and prevailing in two separate arbitrations and recovered millions of dollars.”

During the second proceeding, Mr. Schmidt learned what happened to the Away investment. When one of his employees tried to find out the investment’s status, Away said that Maple Beach Ventures was no longer an investor because Ms. Simon had tendered its shares in the 2019 offer.

Mr. Schmidt was furious. His lawyers threatened to sue Away if his shares weren’t reinstated.

In its lawsuit, Away said it was then that it realized that Maple Beach Ventures wasn’t Ms. Simon’s company. In early 2023, Away settled the matter with Mr. Schmidt by paying him $3.5 million, which included interest.

In November, Away sued Ms. Simon for carrying out what it described as a “fraudulent and deceptive scheme.”

In a statement, an Away spokeswoman said it “has been unfairly drawn into this matter, which does not directly concern us. This has led our company to incur significant expenses, which we are now seeking to recover.”

The case is pending in New York State Supreme Court. Ms. Simon has separately begun an arbitration proceeding against Mr. Schmidt to unshackle herself from the confidentiality clauses of their 2014 deal to better defend herself.

The post The End of the Affair? Not for Eric Schmidt. appeared first on New York Times.

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Corrupt political families conspire to give government funds, contracts, tax waivers, buildings, stock market profits and other insider perks to themselves and their friends. They also conspire to blockade, harm, sabotage and black-list those who compete with them and their friends. These corrupt politicians are never prosecuted for their crimes, and can laugh in the face of those who point out their crimes, because they control the prosecution system. Their Quid Pro Quo criminal corruption is the single largest cause of the taxpayer hatred of Congress.

Shoshana Zuboff’s, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism – Why Twitter, Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Alphabet are the SAME Thing, The SAME SICKO tech elites and the same kinds of social privacy RAPE against citizens!



Is GOOGLE worthless tech hype?

Google will pay $118M to settle gender discrimination lawsuit with more than 15,000 female staff after paying them $17,000 less than men in similar roles

DOJ Antitrust Honchos Draw Millions From GOOGLE-Backed Groups…


“Google is a sick corrupt criminal business run by sex trafficking perverts and sociopaths…” Say GOOGLE’S own inside employees, Divorce Court records of Google executives, 70+ State & Federal investigations and major news outlets.

– Google spies on competitors and steals their technology
– Google – Alphabet – YouTube stock is owned by almost all of the California politicians and their families and that is why Google – Alphabet – YouTube is never regulated and always protected by them for their political and profiteering manipulations
– Google runs tens of millions of dollars of defamation attacks against competitors
– Google hides all media and news coverage for competitors of Larry Page’s boyfriend: Elon Musk
– Google lies to the public about what they really do with the public’s data
– Google promotes illegal immigration in order to get cheap labor and control votes
– Google runs VC funding back-lists against start-ups that are competitive
– Google bribes thousands of politicians
– Google is a criminal RICO-violating monopoly
– Google rigs the stock market with Flash-boy, Pump/Dump and Microblast SEC violating computer tricks
– Google pays bribes to politicians in Google and YouTube stock
– Google manipulates who gets to see what web-sites, globally, for competitor black-lists
– Google has a “no poaching” Silicon Valley jobs blacklist
– Google bosses sexually abuse women and young boys
– Google bosses run sex trafficking operations in the Epstein and NXVIUM cults
– Google bosses control the NVCA financing cartel over start-ups
– Google has placed the majority of the corporate staff in at least one White House
– Google controls national elections for anti-competitive purposes
– The company “Polyhop“, in the HOUSE OF CARDS tv show, does all the crimes that Google actually does in reality
– Google’s law firms, like Wilson Sonsini, are corrupt conduits for payola and political conduit-relays
– Google bribes some politicians with revolving door jobs
– Google is primarily responsible for destroying the Bay Area Housing opportunities
– Google runs DDoS attacks on competitors by massively crawling their sites
– Google boss Andy Rubin runs a sex slave farm according to his own family
– Google boss Eric Schmidt was a philandering sex-penthouse owner according to vast news articles
– Google executives hire so many hookers that one of them, Mr. Hayes, was killed by his hooker
– Google executives sexually abuse so many women that the women staff of Google walked out one day
– In the 2009 White House, you could not swing a cat without hitting a Google insider
– Google has paid covert bribes, PAC funds, real estate and search rigging payola to every CA Senator
– Google has paid bribes, through its lobby fronts, to halt FBI, SEC, FEC and FTC investigations of Google crimes
– Google was funded by the CIA, via In-Q-Tel, a so called “501 c3 charity” which was caught with tons of cocaine
– Google gets millions of dollars of taxpayer cash for spying on Americans inside the USA
– Google’s map service was a spy system paid for by taxpayers money that Google now profits off of
– Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein have promised to “protect” Google because their families profit off Google stocks
– Payment receipts prove that Google and Gawker/Gizmodo exchanged cash and staff for Character Assassination attacks
– Google VC’s and bosses have spent $30M+ rigging the U.S. Patent Office to protect Google and harm Google competitors
– Google bribed it’s lawyer into position as head of the U.S. Patent office in order to have her protect Google
– To rig insider stock trades, Google hides negative Tesla stories and pumps positive Tesla stories on “push days”
– Google and Elon Musk Co-own, co-invest and co-market stocks covertly while running anti-trust schemes
– Google rarely likes, or hires, black employees per federal and news media investigations
– Google hired most of the Washington, DC K Street lobby firms and told them to “do what ever they could”
– The film: “Miss Sloanedepicts only 2% of the illicit lobbying tactics Google employs daily
– Demands for an FTC and FBI raid of Google, for criminal activity, securities law and election felonies have been filed
– Google’s David Drummond had his Woodside, CA Quail Road house bugged revealing sex and financial misdeeds

Google, and it’s Cartel (Alphabet, Youtube, and hundreds of other shell-company facades) are a criminal organization engaged in felony-class crimes. Google’s bosses bribe politicians, regulators and law enforcement officials to hold off prosecution.

At Google: Kent Walker, Andy Rubin, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Sergy Brin, Jared Cohen, Yasmin Green, David Drummond and Ian Fette are so enmeshed in sex scandals, election manipulation, and White House bribes that it is hard to comprehend how they can get any legitimate work done.

Between all of the sex cult activity; hookers; rent boys; political bribes to Pelosi, Harris, Newson, and Feinstein; DDoS attacks they run; CIA and NSA stealth deals; privacy harvesting; Scientology-like employee indoctrination; cheap Asian labor; covert Axciom scams and other illicit things they get up to; one just has to wonder.

Some of the largest political bribes in American or European history were paid via billions of dollars of pre-IPO cleantech stock, insider trading, real estate, Google search engine rigging and shadow-banning, sex workers, revolving door jobs, nepotism, state-supported black-listing of competitors and under-the-table cash. Why are these Silicon Valley Oligarchs and their K-Street law firms and lobbyists immune from the law?

U.S. Senators, Agency Heads and Congress are bribed by Google intermediaries with: Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures stock and stock warrants which is never reported to the FEC; Billions of dollars of Google, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Netflix and Sony Pictures search engine rigging and shadow-banning which is never reported to the FEC; Free rent; Male and female prostitutes; Cars; Dinners; Party Financing; Sports Event Tickets; Political campaign printing and mailing services “Donations”; Secret PAC Financing; Jobs in Corporations in Silicon Valley For The Family Members of Those Who Take Bribes And Those Who Take Bribes; “Consulting” contracts from McKinsey as fronted pay-off gigs; Overpriced “Speaking Engagements” which are really just pay-offs conduited for donors; Private jet rides and use of Government fuel depots (ie: Google handed out NASA jet fuel to staff); Real Estate; Fake mortgages; The use of Cayman, Boca Des Tores, Swiss and related money-laundering accounts; The use of HSBC, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Deustche Bank money laundering accounts and covert stock accounts; Free spam and bulk mailing services owned by Silicon Valley corporations; Use of high tech law firms such as Perkins Coie, Wilson Sonsini, MoFo, Covington & Burling, etc. to conduit bribes to officials; and other means now documented by us, The FBI, the FTC, The SEC, The FEC and journalists.

Google and Youtube are based on technology and business models that Google and YouTube stole from small inventors who had launched other companies that were up and operating before YouTube or Google even existed as business operations.

Google holds the record for the largest number of corporate sex scandals, abuses and sex trafficking charges.

There are only two kinds of people that work at Google: 1.) Cult indoctrinated naive kids with odd sexual quirks and 2.) divisive managers and executives who seek to exploit those eco-chambered employees for nefarious political and stock market manipulation purposes under the Scientology-like guise of “doing good things”, when, in fact, they are engaged in horrific crimes against society.

Google has hired almost every technology law firm in order to “conflict them out” from ever working to sue Google. If Google rapes you, robs your patents or does anything awful, you won’t be able to find a lawyer to help you.

Most Google executives in control of Google have been indoctrinated by family dynasties to believe that any crime is justified by a bigger cause. Most of those executives are men. The few women in control of departments are figure-heads.

Google bosses attend the same parties and business meetings in which they collude, co-lobby, rig markets and make anti-trust violating plans together.

Google is a private government with more money and power than most smaller nations. Google has more lobbyists bribing more politicians than any other company in America.

Jared Cohen and fashion show-horse Yasmin Green at Google had the job of over-throwing countries in the Middle East. They openly bragged about it. ( )

People that work at Google get paid $260,000.00+ per year to lie, spy, manipulate politics, bribe politicians and engage in other crimes. For that kind of money, a person will doing ANYTHING and rationalize it as “part of the higher cause”.

The Project X investigation team is publicly quoted as stating: “…give the same number of lawyers as Google has, with the same level of skills and experience, the same discovery budget, legal expenses budget and expert witness budget, we ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE that we can put Google staff and investors in federal prison and close Google, in bankruptcy…the Google Cartel has engaged in that much criminal activity…”

“Google is the largest financier of the Obama political campaign and exceeded FEC campaign spending limits by tens of billions of dollars. We can prove this in a jury trial, a Grand Jury hearing and a live Congressional hearing.

Google is the largest staffing source of the Obama Administration. We can prove this in a jury trial, a Grand Jury hearing and a live Congressional hearing.

The largest number of laws and policy decisions, benefiting a single company and it’s investors, went to: Google. We can prove this in a jury trial, a Grand Jury hearing and a live Congressional hearing.

Google, and it’s investor’s are the single largest beneficiary of the Obama Administration. We can prove this in a jury trial, a Grand Jury hearing and a live Congressional hearing.

The Obama Administration only won the White House because Google and Facebook engaged in the largest digital media and search engine manipulation in human history. We can prove this in a jury trial, a Grand Jury hearing and a live Congressional hearing.

Google, and it’s investors, during the Obama Administration, had most of their competitors denied funding, grants, contracts and tax waivers while Google’s investors GOT funding. We can prove this in a jury trial, a Grand Jury hearing and a live Congressional hearing and prove that Google coordinated anti-trust violations with senior Obama Administration White House staff….”

Google operates it’s staffing like a Scientology cult. They  control their employees lives, information, transportation, free time, entertainment and social life. A Google life is a glass-bubble of echo-chamber extremist, hyper-sex-kink, reinforcement.

AAA ASSHOLES OF GOOGLE –  Schmidt new investment firm deepens ties to military…

Google Deletes Videos Accusing It of Election Manipulation from YouTube… Which It Owns (


With All These Big Tech Revelations, This Proves The 2018 Midterms Were Stolen. Devastating Project Veritas report sheds light on Google’s collusion with Democrats. (

GOOGLE EXECS PANIC! Go Into Hiding – Delete Social Media Accounts After James O’Keefe’s Latest Exposé (

White House Slams Google As Veritas Censorship Controversy Escalates (

Google’s NSA Again Exposed For Unauthorized Collection Of Americans’ Phone Records (

What exactly is google’s business model besides selling ads no one clicks on and selling people’s data to the NSA? (AskVoat)


So the “russian hackers” meddling in the election was Google all along. Why isn’t this the biggest story in America right now? None of the “trusted” news sources have commented on this at all. (politics)

Google stealthily infuses political agenda into products to prevent Trump reelection, insiders, documents say. (

Google Chrome is Tracking Your Every Move and Storing It, This is How to Stop It (

Google Chrome Has Become Surveillance Software, It’s Time to Switch | (

Project Veritas has been lifting back the veil covering big tech companies and their nefarious activities following the 2016 election. They tried to play left-leaning-but-mostly-fair before the 2016 election, believing in their hearts that Hillary Clinton would be President without their concerted meddling. That didn’t work out for them, so they are trying to prevent “another Trump situation” in 2020 by unabashedly purging, silencing, and censoring conservatives on platforms like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.

(Article by Michio Hasai republished from

The answers delivered today before Congress in response to questions by Representative Dan Crenshaw weren’t the standard denials. They were politically manipulative answers designed to make it known they’re doing what we’ve said they were doing all along, but they feel justified in doing it because “hate speech” must be stopped at all costs. Of course, what constitutes hate speech to the social justice warriors in big tech invariably circles around conservative thought. There is no form of hate speech short of physical threats that can be attributed to progressives, at least not in the minds of the people who control big tech. If conservatives are aggressive, they’re delivering hate speech. If progressives are aggressive, they’re just being truthful. That’s what big tech thinks.

This is the worst-case scenario for conservatives. Before, we could call them liars and cheats. Now, we have to fight them on an ideological level, and while we have the truth on our side, they have the technology. They have the eyeballs. They control what people see and don’t see. And as such, they can no longer be trusted to deliver anything even remotely close to fair and balanced. They’re unhinged from reality, but instead of coming back to reality once exposed, they’re building a new reality around their ideologies.

Russia may arrest Google employees for running Google as a manipulative service containing hidden political insertions affecting the human subconscious

  • Russian government will now arrest those who try to ‘control minds’ via mass web manipulation
  • Google was created to push liberal leftist political messages on the subconscious
  • Research exposes Google as insidious mind-control political shill
  • No matter your political persuasion, it is unfair and manipulative for Google to control minds ANY political purposes

By Sophie Tanno For Mailonline

A Russian journalist has been accused of ‘controlling minds’ and ‘affecting the human subconscious’ after referencing George Orwell’s 1984 in an article.

Mikhail Romanov, a reporter for the Yakutsk Vecherniy weekly, was writing a story on the alleged torture of an academic.

Police in Russia‘s republic of Sakha charged Romanov after they suspected him of trying to tap into the readers’ sub-conscience, Russian newspaper Kommersant reported.

A Russian journalist has been accused of ‘controlling minds’ and ‘affecting the human subconscious’ after referencing George Orwell’s 1984 (pictured) in an article

Romanov’s editor told the publication: ‘This is a story about how anyone can be squashed by the government machine.

‘It’s also about how Big Brother is watching, reading all comments on online forums.’

This is understood to be the first time a journalist will be tried under Russia’s new legislation punishing those who are perceived to have published information ‘containing hidden insertions affecting the human subconscious. ‘

The case has been forwarded to a Yakutsk city court.

2020 Election; Subliminal Google Messages to Alter Outcome …

Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple: these companies, the big 5, know almost everything about your life. They know what websites you go to, what y…

What Are Subliminal Messages And Do They Work?

Subliminal messages, on the other hand, are likewise real and similar to supraliminal messages except that the signal or stimulus is below our threshold of conscious awareness. In other words, you cannot consciously perceive a subliminal message, even if you search for it.


Google likely ‘thoroughly infiltrated’ by Chinese govt., expert warns

alex stamos, big tech, china, cybersecurity, facebook, google, internet, peter thiel, richard clarke, russia

(LifeSiteNews) – Tech billionaire Peter Thiel recently called on the federal government to investigate Google for potential infiltration by the Chinese government, and now security experts are saying his concerns are well-founded.

Thiel, one of President Donald Trump’s most high-profile gay supporters and an avowed critic of Silicon Valley, made the remarks at last weekend’s National Conservatism Conference, Axios reports. He called on the FBI and CIA to ask Google, “how many foreign intelligence agencies have infiltrated your Manhattan Project for AI”; “does Google’s senior management consider itself to have been thoroughly infiltrated by Chinese intelligence”; and whether this alleged infiltration is why the company works with China’s military but not America’s.

“I’m not sure quite how to put this, I would like them to be asked [these questions] in a not excessively gentle manner,” Thiel added.

Alex Stamos, a researcher with the Stanford Internet Observatory and former chief security officer at Facebook, said Tuesday it was “completely reasonable” to assume that both the Chinese and Russian governments have, in some form or another, already infiltrated not only Google but every top tech company:

Note that “subverted” is very different than planting professional spies in “The Americans” style. Each of the big companies employs thousands of employees with family members under the control of these countries, and a gov request might be simple and seem borderline reasonable.

— Alex Stamos (@alexstamos) July 16, 2019

I expect that there will be a major combined HUMINT/InfoSec attack against a major tech company revealed in the next couple of years, which will trigger the same awakening that Project Aurora did in 2009.

— Alex Stamos (@alexstamos) July 16, 2019

BTW, I don’t blame the foreign-born employees at all. They are just trying to make a good living doing interesting work. If MSS had *my* Mom I would do whatever they asked.

— Alex Stamos (@alexstamos) July 16, 2019

Stamos predicted that the “next couple of years” would see the revelation of a “major combined HUMINT/InfoSec [human intelligence/information security] attack against a major tech company.”

He’s not the only one who advises that Thiel’s warnings be taken seriously. Richard Clarke, a former counterterrorism and cybersecurity advisor to both Democrat and Republican presidents, told CNBC Wednesday there was cause for concern.

“Here’s what I think is true: Google refused to work for the Pentagon on artificial intelligence,” Clarke said. “If you turn around and you work on artificial intelligence in China, and you don’t really know what they’re going to do with that, I think there’s an issue.”

The internet giant has denied working with the Chinese military, but opened an artificial intelligence center in Shanghai in 2017 despite the Communist regime’s strict speech and internet controls. On Tuesday, Google executive Karan Bhatia testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee that the company has terminated a controversial censored search engine it had been working on for China.

Clarke added that there was no meaningful distinction between Google working with Chinese companies and the Chinese government, given the level of state control in the country.

The specter of foreign influence on the tech industry further intensifies its ongoing controversies regarding political bias and censorship and violations of user privacy. Responding to Thiel’s original comments, President Trump said Tuesday that his administration will “take a look” at the matter.


Regarding Google – Alphabet – Youtube and their Cartel, the issues, that the public and the news media have complained about include: producing child suicides and classroom shootings, racism, misogyny, child mental health threats, domestic spying, data harvesting, sex trafficking, election manipulation, tax evasion, Fusion GPS/Media Matters/ Black Cube hit jobs on competitors, censorship, contrived market monopolization, intellectual property theft, political bribery and many other social crimes!

— An unusually large number of their staff have been arrested for, or charged with, sex crimes, including under-age trafficking.

—- They seem to be an organized crime entity protected by the politicians that they pay bribes to.

—- This entity is one of the largest operators of bribes to public officials. Some of those bribes include billions of dollars of, non-FEC reported, search engine rigging for the political campaigns of the very politicians who are supposed to regulate them.

—- “Google is a sick corrupt criminal business run by sex trafficking perverts and sociopaths…” Say GOOGLE’S own inside employees, Divorce Court records of Google executives, 70+ State and Federal investigations and major news outlets.

—- Google spies on competitors and steals their technology.

— Google – Alphabet – YouTube stock is owned by almost all of the California politicians and their families and that is why Google – Alphabet – YouTube is never regulated and always protected by them for their political and profiteering manipulations –

— Google runs tens of millions of dollars of defamation attacks against competitors

—- Google hides all media and news coverage for competitors of Larry Page’s boyfriend: Elon Musk

—- Google lies to the public about what they really do with the public’s data

—- Google promotes illegal immigration in order to get cheap labor and control votes

—- Google runs VC funding back-lists against start-ups that are competitive

—- Google bribes thousands of politicians

—- Google is a criminal RICO-violating monopoly – Google rigs the stock market with Flash-boy, Pump/Dump and Microblast SEC violating computer tricks –

— Google pays bribes to politicians in Google and YouTube stock

—- Google manipulates who gets to see what web-sites, globally, for competitor black-lists

—- Google has a “no poaching” Silicon Valley jobs blacklist

—- Google bosses sexually abuse women and young boys —- Google bosses run sex trafficking operations in the Epstein and NXVIUM cults

—- Google bosses control the NVCA financing cartel over start-ups –

— Google has placed the majority of the corporate staff in at least one White House

—- Google controls national elections for anti-competitive purposes

—- The company “Polyhop“, in the HOUSE OF CARDS tv show, does all the crimes that Google actually does in reality

—- Google’s law firms, like Wilson Sonsini, are corrupt conduits for payola and political conduit-relays

—- Google bribes some politicians with revolving door jobs

—- Google is primarily responsible for destroying the Bay Area Housing opportunities

—- Google runs DDoS attacks on competitors by massively crawling their sites

—- Google boss Andy Rubin runs a sex slave farm according to his own family –

— Google boss Eric Schmidt was a philandering sex-penthouse owner according to vast news articles

—- Google executives hire so many hookers that one of them, Mr. Hayes, was killed by his hooker

—- Google executives sexually abuse so many women that the women staff of Google walked out one day

—- In the 2009 White House, you could not swing a cat without hitting a Google insider

—- Google has paid covert bribes, PAC funds, real estate and search rigging payola to every CA Senator

—- Google has paid bribes, through its lobby fronts, to halt FBI, SEC, FEC and FTC investigations of Google crimes

—- Google was funded by the CIA, via In-Q-Tel, a so called “501 c3 charity” which was caught with tons of cocaine

—- Google gets millions of dollars of taxpayer cash for spying on Americans inside the USA –

— Google’s map service was a spy system paid for by taxpayers money that Google now profits off of

—- Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein have promised to “protect” Google because their families profit off Google stocks

—- Payment receipts prove that Google and Gawker/Gizmodo exchanged cash and staff for Character Assassination attacks

—- Google VC’s and bosses have spent $30M+ rigging the U.S. Patent Office to protect Google and harm Google competitors

—- Google bribed it’s lawyer into position as head of the U.S. Patent office in order to have her protect Google – To rig insider stock trades, Google hides negative Tesla stories and pumps positive Tesla stories on “push days” –

— Google and Elon Musk Co-own, co-invest and co-market stocks covertly while running anti-trust schemes

—- Google rarely likes, or hires, black employees per federal and news media investigations

—- Google hired most of the Washington, DC K Street lobby firms and told them to “do what ever they could”

—- The film: “Miss Sloane” depicts only 2% of the illicit lobbying tactics Google employs daily

—- Demands for an FTC and FBI raid of Google, for criminal activity, securities law and election felonies have been filed

—- Google’s David Drummond had his Woodside, CA Quail Road house bugged revealing sex and financial misdeeds

—- Google, and it’s Cartel (Alphabet, Youtube, and hundreds of other shell-company facades) are a criminal organization engaged in felony-class crimes. Google’s bosses bribe politicians, regulators and law enforcement officials to hold off prosecution.

—-At Google: Kent Walker, Andy Rubin, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Sergy Brin, Jared Cohen, Yasmin Green, David Drummond and Ian Fette are so enmeshed in sex scandals, election manipulation, and White House bribes that it is hard to comprehend how they can get any legitimate work done.

—- There are hundreds of millions of people in America. The same 120 of them are all involved in operating the same crimes and corruption including: the Sony Pictures corruption; the Afghanistan rare earth mine scandals operated through The Energy Department political slush fund that involves the lithium battery cover-ups (headed by Elon Musk); the Big Tech Brotopia rape, sex trafficking, bribery, exclusionism, racism and misogyny issues they were taught at Stanford University;

—- The Facebook – Meta – Google – Alphabet – Netflix, et al, coordinated news manipulation and domestic spying that they engage in; the hiring of Fusion GPS – Black Cube – Gizmodo/Gawker assassins; the destruction of the housing market by their mass real estate manipulations; patent theft and industrial espionage; and the bribery of almost every politician all the way up to the Oval Office. —- So, while the categories covered in this investigation may seem diverse.

They are connected through an enterprise of criminality and illicit, coordinated operations. We list, by name, the 120 most complicit individuals organizing these crimes, in the evidence documents already submitted to the FBI, FINCEN, DOJ, FTC, SEC, FEC, Congress, InterPol and other authorities. Digital financial tracking of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. Wire-taps and device taps of those persons and all of their family members should be assumed to have been under way for some time. –

— Twitter, Splunk, Google, Facebook, Netflix, YouTube and the Silicon Valley internet Cartel serve you custom manipulated content by automatically creating a covert digital dossier on you reflecting the content consumption preferences they have spied on about you. They continually evolve their dossier on you in order to steer you towards their ideology and their Democrat political party. At these companies, “data mining”, “machine learning” and “AI” means computerized propaganda processing for certain political entities. They began hiring off-shore people ( because they would work so cheap ) but most of those people turned out to be Muslim. This created conflicts with the entire southern part of the United States (which is anti-Muslim) because those workers steered content to pro-Muslim positions.

—- Their spy dossier on you uses abstract content-specific features of the consumed content, such as categories, topic models, and entities, which they automatically extract using natural language processing by comparing every word you use to a giant computer library of what those words might mean about your psychology. So it’s like you are getting “mind-raped” without any penis use. Their assessment of what your words might mean is based on what rich, white male, $200K/year, DNC-promoting programmers think they might mean.

Their computers scale and expand their tools with algorithmic software created by those politically and socially biased frat white boys that wrote the code. It is all biased as hell. They never hire blacks or women in system creation roles so everything these companies do only supports rich white soyboy snowflake type gamer thinking. —- Because their Silicon Valley VC’s told them to spy on billions of people, even for these web giants, it is impractical to store the entire dynamic history of a user’s interaction features. They, thus, out of greed, use algorithms that selectively decay information in order to generalize users and populations. To them, you are just a generalized data point, like cattle on a ranch, to be harvested and fed upon by Silicon Valley.

You can try to sue Google for anti-trust, racketeering and other illicit deeds and Google will hire tens of millions of dollars of lawyers to blockade you from getting to a Jury Trial. The best thing you can do is assist the Federal Government, many State Attorney General’s and citizen’s groups with their lawsuits against The Google Cartel.

Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, Stratfor, Wikileaks, FTC and SEC investigators and Kroll Intelligence says that Google runs the largest domestic spying operation in the world; larger than that of even Russia, China, Isreal or Iran. The Google Cartel has set up tho- USA – nds of companies in a spiderweb of surveillance, around the globe, and in space, that knows everything that everyone is thinking, doing or might do; and how to place media and events in front of them to subliminally steer people to do, or think, things that they might not otherwise have thought, done or voted for. Many of these operations were financed by IN-Q-TEL, which is the CIA and the NVCA combined. For example, A Google derivative called ‘JigSaw’ is run by Pro-Isreal, Anti-Arab operatives and steers data to certain interested parties. Larry Page is on multiple Arab secret police “kill lists”, which means they should terminate him if the opportunity arises. Barack Obama had Eric Schmidt in the basement of his campaign HQ on election night, running computers, and has secretly claimed that “Google put him in office”. Most of the key White House staff came from Google. Google claims to ‘not be political’, but it is the most political business Cartel on Earth. Google finances politicians that will do what Google tells them to do. It finances them with billions of dollars of internet manipulation, insider stock favors and by getting every staff member to give max limits to their camapign PACS.

Google and it’s facades: Jigsaw; Alphabet; YouTube; Google LLC (core profit maker); XXVI Holdings Inc.; Google Ireland Holdings (Google LLC subsidiary, that realizes most international profits); Alphabet Capital US LLC; Alphabet Inc.- – USA –  -Parent holding company since 2015. If you own stocks of Google/Alphabet, you own a piece of this company; Calico Life Sciences LLC – – USA –  – Research and development company working on keeping Eric Schmidt alive; Calico LLC (Calico Group LLC)- – USA –  – Holding company of Calico Life Sciences LLC. Company is doing business as Calico Group LLC; Chronicle LLC – – USA –  – Cybersecurity company that creates tools for businesses to sy on other companies; Google LLC – USA –  – Core Google parent company originally named Google Inc. before Google transformed itself into Alphabet. This is where most of the profits come from; Loon Holdings Inc. –  – USA –  Holdings company – Loon LLC – – USA –  – Company is working on providing Internet spying to rural and remote areas using high-altitude balloons; OB Technologies Inc. –  – USA –  Holdings company – OB Technology Holdings Inc.- – USA –  -Holding company; Waymo Holding Inc.- USA –  – Holding company for Waymo; Waymo LLC – USA –  – – Company developed autonomous car technology and currently operates “testing” rides in several US states and already launched Waymo One service in Phoenix. Recently it announced that it will not make its own cars but rather focus on autonomous driving technology to spy on consumers; Wing Aviation LLC – US – Company developed drone delivering technology. It became independent from Project X in 2018. It is currently testing in Australia; X Development Holdings Inc.- USA –  Holding company – X Development LLC – USA –  -Called “Moonshot Factory.” The company says it is working on solving the world’s hardest problems using technology but seems to just be an outlet for Larry Page to steal and copy tecnologies with. Wing, Loom, and Waymo, which are now separate businesses, started as X projects; XXVI Holdings, Inc- USA – Layer between Alphabet Inc. and individual companies of Alphabet. The system is designd to lower regulatory or disclosure requirements, tax evasion, money laundering and for hiding political payola. The name of the company is referring to the Roman numeral of 26, the number of letters in the alphabet.

Google LLC has over 200 direct and indirect subsidiaries in order to limit where lawsuits and federal actions can go. The Mafia uses this same approach. Almost everything Google owns is invovlved in acquiring, and analyzing your personal and business data for the Google surveillance computers. It is almost impossible to find a Google group that does not ‘feed the data beast’. Larry Page and Eric Schmidt believe that no citizen is intelligent enough to live in the world and that they must covertly ‘guide’ populations to their own ideology and “Master Plan”. The rest of the Google Cartel for global domination includes:

DeepMind Technologies Limited GBR Artificial intelligence/Machine Learning

DoubleClick Holding Corp.- USA –  Online advertising company that Google acquired a decade ago. It recently announced that it is rebranding its advertising products, and it will no longer use DoubleClick brand.

Dropcam, Inc.- USA –  Home monitoring. Company is known for its Wi-Fi video streaming cameras. Was acquired by Nest soon after Nest was acquired by Google. This acquisition is often given as an example of how an acquisition can go wrong.

Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd SGP Singapore company that channels revenues (royalties) from Asia/Pacific region (through the Netherlands) to Ireland Holdings Unlimited. It has a similar purpose to Google Ireland Limited in Europe.

Google Bermuda Limited BMU Hard to say, where in the company hierarchy this sits. Might be the parent company of Google Bermuda Unlimited

Google Dialer Inc.- USA – Not sure exactly but connected to Google Fiber and Google Voice.

Google Fiber Inc.- USA – Internet Access Provider

Google Fiber North America Inc.- USA –  Internet Access Provider

Google International LLC – USA –  Holdings company for Google’s subsidiaries in individual countries outside the US.

Google Ireland Holdings Unlimited Comp. – IRL – This is a very “famous” Google subsidiary that is incorporated in Ireland but managed and controlled in Bermuda. Google at least up to recently used this subsidiary as part of the “Double Irish” with “Dutch Sandwich” tax optimization scheme that is very common among large international companies. The company serves partially as a holding company for some international businesses but mainly as a holder of Google intellectual property that it further licensed to other Google companies for a fee.

Google Ireland Limited  – IRL –  Google Services Provider for Europe and Switzerland. It books a lot of revenue, but makes very small profits, since it pays a lot to Google Netherlands BV for Google’s intellectual property. Google Netherlands BV than channels this revenue to Google Ireland Unlimited that is incorporated in Ireland but domiciled in Bermuda.

Google Netherlands Holdings B.V.NLD This company is used as a middle layer between Google Ireland Limited and Google Ireland Holdings. This allows Alphabet to pay very low taxes from its European operations thanks to a tax optimization scheme called “Double Irish” with “Dutch Sandwich.” This loophole was very popular among international technology companies and was already fixed for new arrangements.

Google North America Inc.- USA –  Provider of Google FI service (wireless network)

Google Payment Corp.- USA –  Google’s companies that handle money transfers and peer-to-peer transactions. In US payments are processed by Google Payment Corp. (GPC), which has the appropriate license for transmitting money and for peer-to-peer transactions in US.

Google Payment Ireland Limited  – IRL –  Providing Google Payment Services for whole European Union (except UK) as a replacement for

Google Payment UK. UK subsidiary will keep providing services for UK.

Google Voice Inc.- USA – Provider of Google Voice service.

GU Holdings Inc.- USA – Through this company, Google is building subsea cable infrastructure. For example, in 2019, they finished the connection between Los Angeles and Chile.

Nest Labs (Europe) Limited – IRL – “virtual subsidiary” of Nest Labs. Owned by Google Ireland Holdings Unlimited, so not directly under

Nest Labs

Nest Labs Inc.- USA – Company flagship product and company’s first offering before it was acquired by Google was Nest Learning Thermostat. Nest operated independently of Google from 2015 to 2018. However, in 2018, Nest was merged into Google’s home-devices. (Still not sure if it was only organizational merger or also legal merger)

Nest Labs Singapore Pte. Ltd.SGPvirtual “subsidiary” of Nest Labs. Owned by Google Ireland Holdings Unlimited.

Verily Life Sciences LLC – USA –  -Research company developing tools that focus on health data and how they can help with timely decision-making and effective interventions. (formerly Google Live Sciences)

Waze Mobile Ltd.ISRGPS navigation software. Waze describes its app as a community-driven GPS navigation app, which is free to download and use. Waze is owned directly by Google LLC.

YouTube, LLC – USA –  -Youtube is a very successful video sharing and hosting service that Google acquired in 2006. This acquisition became hugely successful for Google. But not everybody was persuaded that the acquisition made sense at the time.

Alphabet Holding LLC is a holding company that is a direct subsidiary of XXVI Holdings, Inc. It is focused mainly on managing Google/Alphabet investments. Both Alphabet investment managing firms CapitalG and GV are housed under this holding. CapitalG and GV invest in other companies, but since those are usually small stakes below 50%, these companies are not part of Alphabet Group. If you want to know more about what companies do they invest in, both CapitalG and GV have a helpful list of their investments on their webpages.

CapitalG 2013 GP LLC – USA –  – – Fund Manager

CapitalG 2013 LP- USA –  Fund

CapitalG 2014 GP LLC – USA –  – Fund Manager

CapitalG 2014 LP- USA –  Fund

CapitalG 2015 GP LLC – USA –  – Fund Manager

CapitalG 2015 LP- USA –  Fund

CapitalG GP II LLC – USA –  – Fund

CapitalG GP LLC – USA –  – Fund Manager

CapitalG II LP- USA –  Fund


CapitalG LP- USA – Fund

CapitalG Management Company LLC – USA –  – CapitalG Core Management Company

CapitalG Rise LLC – USA –  –

Google Capital 2016 GP, L.L.C.- USA –  Used to be under Google Inc.

Google Capital 2016, L.P.- USA – Fund

Google Capital Management Company, L.L.C.- USA –  Google Capital management company (Google Capital is an old name for CapitalG)

GV 2009 GP, L.L.C.- USA –  Fund manager

GV 2009, L.P.- USA – Fund

GV 2010 GP, L.L.C.- USA –  Fund manager

GV 2010, L.P.- USA –  Fund

GV 2011 GP, L.L.C.- USA – Fund manager

GV 2011, L.P.- USA – Fund

GV 2012 GP, L.L.C.- USA – Fund manager

GV 2012, L.P.- USA – Fund

GV 2013 GP, L.L.C.- USA – Fund manager

GV 2013, L.P.- USA – Fund

GV 2014 GP, L.L.C.- USA – Fund manager

GV 2014, L.P.- USA – Fund

GV 2015 GP, L.L.C.- USA – Fund manager

GV 2015, L.P.- USA – Fund

GV 2016 GP, L.L.C.- USA – Fund manager

GV 2016, L.P.- USA – Fund

GV 2017 GP, L.L.C.- USA – Fund manager

GV 2017 GP, L.P.- USA – Fund manager

GV 2017, L.P.- USA – Fund

GV 2019 GP, L.L.C.- USA – Fund manager

GV 2019 GP, L.P.- USA – Fund manager

GV 2019, L.P.- USA – Fund

GV Management Company, L.L.C.- USA – Core management company for GV

GV UK Management Company LimitedGBRSmall UK based branch of “GV Management” (3 employees in 2018)
Sidewalk Labs LLC – USA –  -Urban innovation organization whose goal is to improve urban infrastructure through technological solutions and tackle challenges of urban growth such as cost of living, efficient transportation, and energy – USA – ge.

Sidewalk Labs Management Company LLC – USA –  -Urban innovation

Before 2015, there was no Alphabet, and Google Inc. was a publicly-traded company that you could directly own by buying its shares. All subsidiaries were subsidiaries to Google Inc. In 2015 Google transformed into Alphabet, where Alphabet Inc became the top parent company that was publicly traded. Google Inc. shareholders became overnight Alphabet Inc shareholders.

In reality, many “Other Bets” businesses still stayed as subsidiaries of Google LLC even after the 2015 transformation, and it was only recently when the whole transformation was finalized. Finally, “Other Bets” companies were moved from outside Google LLC.

The reasons for this complex transformation were described by Google management as an “increase in transparency and oversight,” That would be achieved by putting larger projects at the same level as Goole LLC with their separate management, reporting directly to Alphabet Inc management. The proclaimed increase in transparency was only internal for Google management. Transparency for investors did not increase. Another reason behind the transformation was obviously limiting risk. By separating Google into different companies, each one of them is independent of each other. If someone gets arrested in one company, the others would be protected from it.

Double Irish & Dutch Sandwich is a very popular and publicized arrangement through which mostly US companies were optimizing their taxes from European businesses. It involved two Irish and one Dutch company. Wikipedia has a nice article on both Double Irish and Dutch Sandwich, explaining how it works. In Alphabet/Google case. Companies involved in Double Irish with Dutch Sandwich arrangement are assumed to be:

Google Ireland Holding Unlimited (Irish company with Bermuda domicile)

Google Netherlands Holdings B.V. (Dutch “sandwich” company that serves as an intermediary between two Ireland companies)

Google Ireland Limited (Ireland company that is directly booking revenue from European business, and sends most of the revenue to the Netherlands as royalties for leasing Google’s intellectual property.

Aardvark- USA – Q&A service

Admeld Inc.- USA – Online advertising

AdMob, Inc.- USA – Mobile advertising

Adometry, Inc.- USA – Online advertising attribution

AdScape Media, Inc.

AdScape Media (Canada), Inc.- USA –

CANIn-game advertising

Aegino Unlimited Company – IRL – Company was mentioned in some articles as owner of several other companies operating data centers.

Agawi Inc.- USA – Mobile application streaming

Agnilux Inc.- USA – CPUs design

AIMatter OOOBLRComputer vision

Akwan Information Technologies IncBRASearch engine

allPAY GmbHDEUMobile software developer

Alooma, Inc.ISRCloud migration

Alpental Technologies, Inc.- USA – Wireless Technology

Alphabet Capital Management LLC – USA –  – –

Alphabet Capital US II LLC – USA –  – –

Alphabet Capital US LLC – USA –  – – it was one of only four companies that Google mentioned this one as “significant” in their annual report, which means this is not just an empty shell.

Alphabet Capital, LLC – USA –  -Incorporated in 2018 in Delaware, otherwise no further details about it.

Android Inc.- USA – Mobile operating system

Angstro, Inc.- USA – Social networking service

Anvato Inc.- USA – Cloud-based video services

API.AI- USA – Natural language processing

Apigee Corporation (- USA – )

Apigee Technologies (India) Private Limited (IND)

Apigee Europe Limited (GBR)

Apigee Singapore Pte Ltd (SGP)

Apigee Australia Pty Ltd (AUS)

Apigee Japan K K (JPN)

Apigee Corporation (branch) (ARE)

InsightsOne Systems, Inc. (- USA – )Vario- USA – PI management and predictive analytics

AppBridge Inc.- USA – Google Cloud migration

Appetas- USA – Restaurant website creation

Applied Semantics, Inc.- USA – Online advertising

Appurify Inc.- USA – Automated application testing

Apture, Inc.- USA – Instantaneous search

Autofuss- USA – Art and Design

BandPage, Inc.- USA – Platform for musicians LimitedGBRPrice comparison service

bebop Technologies, Inc.- USA – Cloud software

Behavio- USA – Social Prediction

Beijing Gu Xiang Information Technology Co. Limited (Join Venture)CHNInternet Search (Join Venture)

Bitium, Inc.- USA – Single sign-on and identity management

Bitspin GmbHCHETimely App for Android

BlindType IncGRCTouch typing

Bot & Dolly Inc.- USA – Robotic cameras

bruNET Holding AG

bruNET GmbH

bruNET Schweiz GmbHDEU


DEUMobile software

Bump Technologies- USA – Mobile software

Bump Technologies Inc. (BumpTop)CANDesktop environment

Cask Data Inc.- USA – Big data analytics

Ceann Nua Limited – IRL – Editorial control services

Channel Intelligence, Inc.- USA – Ecommerce services

Charleston Road Registry Inc.- USA – Company serving as top level Domain registrar, since rules required it to be a separate company from Google.

Clever Sense, Inc.- USA – Local recommendations app

Cronologics Inc.- USA – Smart watches

Cwist, Inc. (Workbench )- USA – Online learning provider

DailyDeal GmbHDEUOne deal a day service

Dealmap- USA – One deal a day service

DigisferaPRT360-degree photography

Digital Advertising and Marketing Limited (GBR)

DoubleClick Asia Ltd. (HKG)

DoubleClick Australia Pty Ltd (AUS)

DoubleClick Europe Limited (GBR)

DoubleClick Hispania SL (ESP)

DoubleClick International Asia BV (NLD)

DoubleClick International Holding LLC (- USA – )

DoubleClick International Internet Advertising Limited ( – IRL – )

DoubleClick International TechSolutions Limited ( – IRL – )

DoubleClick Internet Ireland Limited ( – IRL – )

DoubleClick Real Property LLC (- USA – )

DoubleClick Sweden AB (SWE)

DoubleClick Technology Pte. Ltd. (SGP)

DoubleClick TechSolutions (Beijing) Co. Ltd. (CHN)

Falk eSolutions GmbH (CHE)

Falk eSolutions Ltd. (GBR)

Google Affiliate Network Inc. (- USA – )

MessageMedia Europe BV (SWE)

MessageMedia GmbH (DEU)

MessageMedia US/Europe Inc. (- USA – )VariousGroup of subsidiaries that are part of DoubleClick Holding

Directr Inc.- USA – Mobile video app

Divide, Inc.- USA – App splitting phone into two modes, personal & work.

dMarc Broadcasting, Inc.

Scott Concepts, LLC

Scott Studios, LLC – USA –  –

– USA – Radio advertising software

DNNresearch Inc.CANDeep Neural Networks (image recognition)

DocVerse, Inc.- USA – Microsoft Office files sharing site

DoubleClick International Asia Holding NVNLDHolding company

DrawElements OYFINGraphics compatibility testing

eBook Technologies, Inc.- USA – E-book distribution

Emu- USA – IM client

Endoxon AG

Endoxon (Deutchland) GmbH

Endoxon (India) Private Ltd.CHE



Episodic, Inc.- USA – Online video platform start-up

Eyefluence, Inc.- USA – Eye tracking, virtual reality

Fabric- USA – Mobile app platform

FameBit, LLC – USA –  -Marketing platform connecting online creators and brands


Firebase, Inc.- USA – Application development platform

Flexycore SASFRADroidBooster App for Android

Flutter- USA – Gesture recognition technology

Fly Labs Inc.- USA – Video editing

FortyTwo Inc. (Kifi)- USA – Link management

Fridge- USA – Social groups

Gecko Design Inc.- USA – Mechanical design

Global IP Solutions Holding ABSWEVideo and audio compression

Google (Hong Kong) Limited (HKG)

Google Google Reklamcilik ve Pazarlama (Google Advertising and Marketing Limited) (TUR)

Google Argentina S.R.L. (ARG)

Google Australia Pty Ltd. (AUS)

Google Austria GmbH (AUT)

Google Belgium NV (BEL)

Google Brasil Internet Ltda. (BRA)

Google Canada Corporation (CAN)

Google Czech Republic s.r.o. (CZE)

Google Denmark ApS (DNK)

Google Egypt LLC (EGY)

Google Finland OY (FIN)

Google France SarL (FRA)

Google FZ LLC (ARE)

Google Germany GmbH (DEU)

Google Holdings Pte. Ltd. (SGP)

Google Chile Limitada (CHL)

Google India Private Limited (IND)

Google Information Technology Services Limited Liability Company (HUN)

Google Israel Ltd. (ISR)

Google Italy s.r.l. (ITA)

Google Japan Inc. (JPN)

Google Korea, LLC. (KOR)

Google Limited Liability Company-Google OOO (RUS)

Google Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. (MEX)

Google New Zealand Ltd. (NZL)

Google Norway AS (NOR)

Google Poland Sp. z o.o. (POL)

Google South Africa (Proprietary) Limited (ZAP)

Google Spain, S.L. (ESP)

Google Sweden AB (SWE)

Google Switzerland GmbH (CHE)

Google UK Limited (GBR)

Google Netherlands B.V. (NLD)VariousGroup of Google’s international subsidiaries that operate in many countries around the world. Majority of them are subsidiaries of Google International LLC

Google Affordable Housing I LLC – USA –  Holdings Company

Google Airwaves Inc.- USA – This google subsidiary took part in FCC auction for the 700mhz spectrum in United States.

Google Bermuda UnlimitedBMUProbably part of “Double Irish” tax scheme. Is this parent company of Google Ireland Holdings?

Google Cable Bermuda LtdBMU -. Is it related to underwater cables Google is building?

Google CFLL Inc.- USA –  –

Google Commerce Limited – IRL –  –

Google Compare Auto Insurance Services Inc.- USA – Auto insurance comparison service

Google Compare Credit Cards Inc.- USA – Credit Card comparison service

Google Compare Mortgages Inc.- USA – Mortgage comparison service

Google Endeavor LLC – USA –  -Internet Commerce

Google Energy LLC – USA –  -Wholesale power trading

Google Engineering UK Holdings LimitedGBRHolding company

Google Europe International Technology Unlimited Company – IRL –  –

Google Fiber California, LLC – USA –  -Fiber Service

Google Information Technology (China) Co., LimitedCHNSoftware development

Google Information Technology (Shanghai) Company LimitedCHNInternet Search

Google Infrastructure Bermuda LimitedBMU –

Google Payment Hong Kong LimitedHKGGoogle Pay Services

Google Payment LithuaniaLTUGoogle Pay Services. Not sure if this company really operates. It was probably on the short list to be counterparty for the whole Europe as a replacement for Google Payment UK. At the end, european business was handed over to Google Payment Ireland.

Google Payment Ltd.GBRThis company used to be the main payment service provider for Europe. This role was handed over to Google Payment Ireland, because of looming Brexit.

Google Payment Singapore Pte. Ltd.SGPGoogle Pay Services

Google Singapore Pte. Ltd.SGPHosting service

Google SJC Bermuda LimitedBMU –

Google Spectrum Investments Inc.- USA –  –

Google Sweden Tecnique ABSWE –

GrandCentral Communication, Inc.- USA – Voice over IP

GraphicsFuzz Ltd.GBRGPU reliability

Green Border Technologies, Inc.- USA – Computer security

Green Parrot Pictures Ltd – IRL – Digital video (quality & speed)

GreenThrottle- USA – Acquihire of android game maker

Halli Labs Private LimitedINDArtificial intelligence

Holomni LLC – USA –  -Robotic wheels

Ignite Logic Inc.- USA – HTML editor

ImageAmerica, Inc.

ImageAmerica Aviation, Inc.- USA –

– USA – Aerial photography

Impermium Inc.- USA – Internet security

Incentive Targeting Inc.- USA – Digital coupons

Industrial Perception Inc.- USA – Robotic arms, computer vision

Instantiations Inc.- USA – Java/Eclipse/AJAX developer tools

Invite Media Inc.- USA – Display advertising

ITA Software Inc.- USA – Travel technology

Jambool, Inc.- USA – “Social Gold” payments

Jetpac Inc.- USA – Artificial intelligence, image recognition

Jibe Mobile Inc.- USA – Rich Communication Services

Kaggle Inc.- USA – Data science competitions

Katango, Inc.- USA – Social circle organization

Keyhole, Inc.- USA – Map analysis

LabPixies Ltd.ISRSocial games & widgets

LaunchKit- USA – Toolkit for mobile app development

Launchpad Toys Inc.- USA – Child-friendly apps

LeapDroid Inc.- USA – Android Emulator

Leonberger Holdings B.V.NLDNot sure about the purpose of this company, except the fact that Leonberger Yoska was “official” Google dog in early 2000.

Leti Link Holdings Limited – IRL – Purpose unknown

Lift Labs Inc- USA – Liftware developer (utensils for people with tremor) Inc.- USA – Visual search engine

Limes Audio ABSWEVoice communication

Lumedyne Technologies Incorporated- USA – Developer of MEMs-based, inertial direction sensors.

Makani Power Inc.- USA – Airborne wind turbines

MDialog Corp.CANOnline advertising

Meebo, Inc.- USA – Social networking

Meka Robotics LLC – USA –  -Robots

Metaweb Technologies, Inc.- USA – Semantic search

Moodstocks SASFRAImage recognition

MyEnergy- USA – Online energy – USA – ge monitoring

Neotonic Software Corporation- USA – Customer relationship management

Next New Networks LLC – USA –  -Online video

Nightcorn, Inc.DEUVideo sharing

Nik Software Inc.- USA – Photography

Nimbuz, Inc. (Odysee)- USA – Multimedia sharing and storage

NVF Tech Limited (Redux)

NVF Sub Limited

Redux Management Limited

Redux Laboratories LLPGBR



Omnisio, Inc.- USA – Online Video

On2 Technologies, Inc.- USA – Video compression

Orbitera Inc.- USA – Cloud software for cloud marketplaces

Owlchemy Labs LLC – USA –  -Virtual reality studio

PanoramioESPPhoto sharing

PeakStream Inc.- USA – Parallel processing

Peng Ji Information Technology (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.CHNSoftware development

Phonetic Arts LimitedGBRSpeech synthesis

PieSGPEnterprise communications

PittPatt- USA – Facial recognition system

Pixate Inc.- USA – Mobile software prototyping

Plannr- USA – Schedule management

Plink SearchGBRVisual search engine

Postini, Inc.

Postini Canada Holding Co.

Postini Switzerland GmbH

Postini UK Limited- USA –

GBRCommunications security

PostRank Inc.CANSocial media analytics service Inc.- USA – Mobile app optimizer

Punch’d Energy Incorporated (Punchd)- USA – Loyalty program

Pushlife Inc.CANService provider

Pyra Labs- USA – Blogger and Blogspot web self-publishing system

Quest Visual Inc.- USA – Augmented reality

Quickoffice, Inc- USA – Mobile office suite

Qwiklabs Inc.- USA – Cloud-based hands-on training platform

Raiden Unlimited Company – IRL – –  holding Google’s data center investments

Rangespan Ltd.GBRE-commerce

reCAPTCHA Inc.- USA – Security/Books digitalization

Red Hot Labs Inc.- USA – App advertising and discovery

Redwood Robotics- USA – Robotic arms

RelativeWave LLC – USA –  -Mobile software prototyping

Relay Media Inc.- USA – AMP converter

reMail LLC – USA –  -Email search

Revolv- USA – Home automation

RightsFlow Inc.- USA – Music rights management USA – Travel

SageTV, LLC – USA –  -Media center

SayNow- USA – Voice recognition

SchaftJPNRobotics, humanoid robots

Senosis Health Inc.- USA – Health monitoring

Sigmoid Labs Private Ltd.INDIndian railway tracking

Simplify Media- USA – Music streaming

Skia Inc.- USA – Graphics library

Skillman & Hackett- USA – Virtual reality software

Skybox Imaging, Inc.- USA – Satellite

Skydocks GmbHDEUurpose unknown

SlickLoginISRInternet Security

Slide, Inc.- USA – Social gaming

SocialDeck Inc.CANSocial gaming

SocialGrappleCANSocial media analytics service

Songza- USA – Music streaming

Sparkbuy Inc.- USA – Product search and comparison

‎Sparrow SARLFRAMobile apps

Spidercrunch Limited ( fraud

Sprinks- USA – Online advertising

Stackdriver- USA – Cloud computing

Studio SBV, Inc. (Oyster)- USA – E-book subscriptions

Superpod Inc.- USA – Question and answer app

Supyar Technologies Pvt Ltd. (Quiksee)ISROnline video

SynergyseCANInteractive tutorials

Talaria Technologies Inc.- USA – Cloud computing

TalkBin- USA – Mobile software

Tatter and Company (TNC)KORWeblog software

Tenor Inc.- USA – GIF image search

Teracent Corporation- USA – Online advertising

Terrabella Technologies Limited – IRL – Software development

Terraform Labs Incorporated (Onward)- USA – Customer service and sales workflows automation using a chatbot

Thrive Audio – IRL – Surround sound technology

Timeful Inc.- USA – Mobile software

Tiny Garage Labs Inc. (60db)- USA – Podcasts

Titan Aerospace- USA – High-altitude UAVs

TrendalyzerSWEVisualization Software

TxVia, Inc.- USA – Online payments

Upstartle, LLC – USA –  -Word processor

Urban Engines Inc.- USA – Location-based analytics

Urchin Software Corporation- USA – Web analytics

Velostrata Inc.ISRCloud migration

Vidmaker Inc.- USA – Video editing

ViewdleUKRFacial recognition


Wavii Inc.- USA – Natural Language Processing

Webpass Inc.- USA – Internet service provider

Zave Networks Inc.- USA – Digital coupons

Zetawire Inc.CANMobile payment, NFC

ZipDash Inc.- USA – Traffic analysis


Zync Inc. (Zync Render)- USA – Cloud-based visual effects software

Other companies, that are stealth spy operations, are not listed herein.

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The Worst Ones – Rev 2.2

You would be shocked to learn how many people are killed, every day, for less than $50.00. ISIS and the Taliban will saw your head off for just an ideology. If people would commit murder over that small an amount of money, imagine what they would do to control the trillions of dollars of money that is always moving through the stock market. These are the people that will stop at nothing for power, mansions, hookers, private jets and greed!

### THE BRIBED INSIDER TRADING POLITICIANS – Tracked via financial records and email leaks to quid pro quo:

– Aneesh Chopra – White House Tech Exec
– Arnold Schwarzenegger – Governor (Accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, illicit deal organization with Russians and more…)
– Barack Obama – Chicago politician
-Bill Daley – White House strong-arm (Forced to resign)(he is now under investigation)
– Bill Lockyer – Calif State finance head (Under investigation and sex scandal conflicts, charged with corruption by media. Assets and ownerships under investigation)
– Daniel Cohen – DOE Legal counsel who assisted in the Steven Chu scam (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)
– David Axelrod – White House strategist who helped stage the quid-pro-quo (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
– Hunter Biden
– David Plouffe – White House money packager. Arranged deals between VC campaign Donors (Forced to Resign. Under investigation)
– Debbie Wasserman Schultz
– Denis McDonough – White House adviser
– Dianne Feinstein – California politician
– Eric Holder – Attorney General- DOJ (Forced to resign) (Charged with staff & VC Protections and blockade of FBI and Special Prosecutor deployments in order to run the cover-up)
– Eric Strickland – Head of Auto Safety agency under DOT (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation. Charged with cover-up of Tesla and GM auto dangers he had known about)
– Gabriel Burt
– Harry Reid – Senator- Solar factory guru, Congress lead (Accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…Forced out of Congress in shame)
– Hillary Clinton – Dynastic politician
– Jack Lew
– Jay Carney – White House press lead (Forced to resign)
– Jeff Berman – Bryan Cave. Berman, the former delegate counter for President Obama’s 2008 campaign
– Jeff Peck, Peck, Madigan, Jones & Stewart. Aide to then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) on the Senate Judiciary Committee
– Jeffrey Zients
– Jerry Brown – California politician
– Joe Rhodes – White House shill
– Joe Biden – Politican who created Solyndra funds
– John Podesta – White House adviser
– Jonathan Silver – DOE VC (Sent packing/fired/forced to resign)(he is now under investigation. Shamed in media for epic failures)
– Joshua Wright – FTC
– Kamala Harris– Stock favoritism Insider with her husband
– Katherine Feinstein
– Kathy Zoi
– Ken Alex – Scheme Adviser to Jerry Brown
– Ken Duberstein and Marti Thomas, The Duberstein Group. Duberstein was floated as a candidate for Obama’s chief of staff before the president chose Bill Daley, while Thomas is a Democratic vet who worked in the Clinton Treasury Department.
– Lachlan Seward – Energy Department insider gatekeeper
– Melanie Nutter – Pelosi Top Aide
– Matt Rogers – VC and quid pro quo pass-through conduit
– Megan Smith – U.S. CTO
– Mikey Dickerson
– Nancy Pelosi – California politician
– Robert Gibbs – White press office head
– Steven Chu – Secretary of Energy – The most corrupt in US history
– Todd Park – IT manipulator inside White House

### THE OLIGARCH FINANCIER/BENEFICIARIES OF THE CRIMES – Tracked via financial records and email leaks to quid pro quo:

– Andy Bechtolsheim – VC- Insider campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
– Bill Gurley
– Carl Gordon
– Chad Hurley – YouTube
– Cheryl Sandberg – Facebook boss, reports to Larry Summers
– Dave McClure – VC
– David Danielson
– David Drummond – Lawyer/Lobbyist– Google, bribes expert for DC and EU regions (Under investigation. Quail Road, Woodside, CA home bugged)
– David Mott
– David Prend
– David Sacks
– Draper – Fisher – VC firm (Campaign funder who received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging)
– Elon Musk – CEO – Tesla (He is now under investigation & in multiple lawsuits for fraud)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation )
– Emerson Collective -Steve Jobs wife, has one of the largest and stealthiest election data combines
– Eric Paley
– Eric Schmidt – Owner- Google (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
– Gilman Louie – VC, founder on IN-Q-Tel
– Goldman Sachs – Financial packager (Suspected of staging most of the TARP/DOE deals for personal gain & insider payouts)
– Greylock Capital – Silicon Valley Insider trading operator (Under investigation)
– Ira Ehrenpreis – VC Campaign backer (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) ( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation)
– Jacque Littlefield – VC, Dead
– James Bronkema – West Coast Money Man for David Rockefeller and Feinstein financier  (Dead)
– Jared Cohen – Google boss and international political manipulator
– Wilson Sonsini Partner Club
– Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich and Rosatti
– Jim Breyer – VC and CIA intermediary
– Joe Lonsdale – VC, famous for rape and abuse scandal and domestic spying via Palantir
– Johanna Shelton – Google Lobbyist
– John Doerr – Owner – Kleiner Perkins. “Godfather” – Silicon Valley Cartel (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)( All of his personal assets, investments and portfolio holdings are under investigation )
– John Lindfors
– Josh Kopelman
– JP Gan
– Keith Rabois -VC
– Ken Howery – VC
– Kleiner Perkins – Campaign funding VC who (Received massive windfalls from Russian mining & tech start-up rigging. Sued. Under investigation. All assets being tracked )
– Larry Page – Google Boss
– Larry Summers – VC
– Lloyd Craig Blankfein – VC and Sachs boss
– Luke Nosek
– Marc Andreessen -VC
– Mario Rosatti – VC
– Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook Boss
– Martin LaGod -VC Firelake Cap
– Mary Meeker – VC
– Max Levchin -VC
– Mckinsey Consulting – The firm you hire to rig white papers and insider hires in government positions for the Palo Alto Mafia
– Michael Moritz -VC
– Neerag Agrawal – VC
– Peter Thiel – VC
– Pierre Omidyar– VC
– Raj Gupta – VC, arrested
– Rakesh Saxeena – Canadian in-house arrest, arms dealer, western political packager
– Ray Lane – VC
– Reid Hoffman – VC and partner with Gary Kremen, also
– Richard Blum – VC and director/husband of Dianne Feinstein – Finally dead!
– Roelof Botha
– Sanjay Wagle – VC
– Scott Shleiffer
– Sergy Brin – Google boss
– Steve Chen
– Steve Jurvetson – VC embroiled in sex abuse charges
– Steve Rattner – White House car czar, indicted for fraud
– Steve Spinner – Energy Department manipulation expert, Wife was Solyndra’s lawyer
– Steve Westly – VC
– Ted Schlein – IN-Q-Tel
– Tim Draper – VC
– Tom Perkins – Dead KPCB Palo Alto Mafia founder
– Tom Steyer – VC
– Tomorrow Ventures – Social manipulation group
– Tony Podesta, Podesta Group. The prolific Democratic fundraiser has seen his firm rocket to the echelons of the top five lobby shops.
– Viktor Vekselberg – Russian business entity
– Vinod Khosla -VC

### THEIR OPERATIVES AND HIRED MEDIA ASSASSINS – Tracked via financial records, quid pro quo perks and email leaks to payola. The people in the two lists, above, hired these people to harm citizens:

– A.J. Delaurio– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Adam Dachis– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Adam Weinstein– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Adrian Covert– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Adrien Chen– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Al D’Amato, Park Strategies. The former GOP New York senator has been a big advocate for online gambling as a lobbyist for the Poker Players Alliance.
– Al Mottur and Manuel Ortiz, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck. Mottur heads up lobbying operations at the K Street giant. Ortiz, one of Brownstein’s newest hires, is a rising star in Democratic circles.
– Alan Henry– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Albert Burneko– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Alex Balk– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Alexander Pareene– Defamation-for-sale blogger
Alexander Sternhell, Sternhell Group. Previously a Senate Banking Committee staffer, Sternhell’s two-year-old venture is in the big leagues with clients such as Citigroup Management and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
– Alexandra Philippides– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Allison Spinner – Wife of Steve Spinner and lawyer at WSGR and Solyndra who helped Feinstein rig the Solyndra cash ((Under investigation. All assets being tracked and terminated.)
– Allison Wentz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Andrew Collins– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Andrew Magary– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Andrew McCormack
– Andrew Orin– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Andy Barbour, Smith-Free Group. Smith lobbies for several financial and insurance companies but is best known for his work as the lead Democratic lobbyist for the Financial Services Roundtable.
– Angelica Alzona– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Anna Merlan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ariana Cohen– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ashley Feinberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ashley Vance – Elon Musk suck-up and Musk hype monger
– Austin Lau
– Ava Gyurina– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Barry Petchesky– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Black Cube – An attack service providing hit jobs on competitors
– Brendan I. Koerner– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Brendan O’Connor– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Brent Rose– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Brian Goncher – Deloitte VC intermediary in the stock market rigging (He is now under investigation)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…)
Brobeck Law Firm
– Brian Hickey– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Camila Cabrer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Carr & Ferrell – Sony and Facebook’s law firm that helps to blockade inventors
– Choire Sicha– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Chris Jennings, Jennings Policy Strategies
– Chris Mohney– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Chuck Brain, Capitol Hill Strategies Inc. Once a Clinton White House aide and longtime House Ways and Means Committee staffer
– Civis Analytics – Social manipulation group
– Clover Hope– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Covington & Burling
– Dan Tate Jr., Capitol Solutions. Tate delivers stellar client relations while harnessing 10 years of upper-level Hill and administration experience.
– Daniel Morgan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Covington & Burling – corrupt law firm that puts appointees in office for VC’s
– David Sandalow
– Diana Moskovitz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Doyle Bartlett, Eris Group. Bartlett has years of Capitol Hill experience and a busy lobbying practice
– Eleanor Shechet– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Elizabeth Spiers– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Elizabeth Starkey– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Emily Gould– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Emily Herzig– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Emma Carmichael– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Erin Ryan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ethan Sommer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Eyal Ebel– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Fred Graefe, Law Offices of Frederick H. Graefe
– Fusion GPS – Defamation and journalist bribery service
– Gabrielle Bluestone– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Gabrielle Darbyshire– Defamation-for-sale blogger and attack services director
– Gawker Media – DNC/Clinton/Obama character assassination media tool (In Mid-Termination)
– Georgina K. Faircloth– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Gerald Cassidy and Gregg Hartley, Cassidy & Associates
– Gizmodo – DNC/Clinton/Obama character assassination media tool ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures )
– Gregory Howard– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Hamilton Nolan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Hannah Keyser– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Heather Deitrich– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Heather Podesta, Heather Podesta + Partners. The former congressional aide has built a solid lobbying practice and helps fundraise for Democrats with her husband, Tony Podesta
– Hudson Hongo– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Hugo Schwyzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Hunter Slaton– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ian Fette– Defamation-for-sale blogger and Google, Gawker, Jalopnik, Gizmodo media assassin
– Irin Carmon– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jalopnik – Online defamation facade political publication. Pretends to be about cars but is DNC hit job rag
– James Brown Jr – HHS Programming lead in California (Arrested for corruption)
– James J. Cooke– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– James King– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jawed Karim – YouTube
– Jeff Lieberman
– Jennifer Ouellette– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jesse Oxfeld– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jessica Cohen– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jesus Diaz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Jillian Schulz– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Joanna Rothkopf– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Joel Johnson, The Glover Park Group
– John Cook– Defamation-for-sale blogger and director of media assassins group
– John Herrman– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– John Raffaelli, Capitol Counsel
– Jordan Sargent– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Joseph Keenan Trotter– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Josh Stein– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Julia Allison– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Julianne E. Shepherd– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Julie Domenick, Multiple Strategies LLC
– Justin Hyde– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Kate Dries– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Katharine Trendacosta– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Katherine Drummond– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Kelly Stout– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Kerrie Uthoff– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Kevin Draper– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Lacey Donohue– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Larry O’Brien, OB-C Group
– Lucy Haller– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Luke Malone– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Madeleine Davies– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Madeline Davis– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Mario Aguilar– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Mark Isakowitz, Fierce, Isakowitz and Blalock. Isakowitz and his GOP lobby shop scored a coup this year when Apple and Facebook both signed up as clients in a two-week span.
– Mark Kadesh, Kadesh & Associates. Kadesh, once chief of staff to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), has an A-list of California clients
– Matt Hardigree– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Matt Novak– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Michael Ballaban– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Michael Dobbs– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Michael Spinelli– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Morrison and Foerster
– Neal Ungerleider– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Nicholas Aster– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Nicholas Guido Denton– Defamation-for-sale blogger and head of the Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik sleaze tabloid empire
– Omar Kardoudi– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Owen Thomas– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Patrick George– Defamation-for-sale blogger and Character Assassination expert
– Patrick Laffoon– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Patrick Redford– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Perkins Coie – Campaign conduit law firm
– Rich Juzwiak– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Richard Blakely– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Richard Rushfield– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Robert Finger– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Robert Sorokanich– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Rory Waltzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Rosa Golijan– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ryan Brown– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Ryan Goldberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Sam Faulkner Biddle– Defamation-for-sale blogger, Runs a large part of the Anti-GOP blog programs
– Sam Woolley– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Samar Kalaf– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Sarah Ramey– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Shannon Marie Donnelly– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Shep McAllister– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Sophie Kleeman– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Stephen Totilo– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Steve Elmendorf and Jimmy Ryan, Elmendorf | Ryan. A former aide to ex-House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt (Mo.), Elmendorf brought in Ryan to help expand the Senate ties of his firm.
– Steve McBee, McBee Strategic. A former aide to Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), McBee has seen his lobby firm take off.
– Steve Perry and Andy Wright, Dutko Grayling. Perry and Wright man the roster for one of the top 20 lobby shops in Washington.
– Tamar Winberg– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Taryn Schweitzer– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Taylor McKnight– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– The Groundwork– Social manipulation group
– Thomas Jolly, Jolly/Rissler. Jolly is founding chairman of the Washington Caucus, a group that hosts dinners with lawmakers, and a mainstay among lobbyists.
– Thorin Klosowski– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Tim Marchman– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Timothy Burke– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Tobey Grumet Segal– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Tom Ley– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Tom Scocca– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Veronica de Souza– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– Wes Siler– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– William Haisley– Defamation-for-sale blogger
– William Turton– Defamation-for-sale blogger

### THEIR CORPORATE STOCK MANIPULATION FRONT FACADES- Tracked via financial records and email leaks to RICO, Anti-trust and Money Laundering violations:

– Abound Solar – Criminally corrupt crony campaign finance front operation. (Terminated)
– Alphabet – Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier (Under Federal and EU investigation)
– Facebook/Meta – Privacy abuse, spy-on-the-public, Fake News election rigger, Clinton/DNC scheme financier ( Failing, rapidly decreasing users and increasing fake ad stats disclosures )
– Fisker – Criminally corrupt crony campaign finance front operation. (Terminated)
– Google, Inc. – Data harvesting company(Ran media attacks, stock market pump and dump PR hype and character assassinations)(accused of political bribery and kickbacks; tax evasion, and more…) (charged by EU, and most nations, with multiple abuses of the public. Has totally lost the trust of the public. Revenue loss increasing geometrically.)
– In-Q-Tel, Inc. – CIA off-shoot associated with Eric Schmidt, Google, Elon Musk and the Cartel leaders. Ran “hit-jobs” on Silicon Valley VC adversaries and reporters (Sued, under investigation, exposed in multiple documentaries, under investigation for Cocaine trafficking. Removal of charity status demanded)
– Ivanpah Solar – Criminally corrupt crony Google campaign finance front operation. (In failure mode)
– Linkedin – Election manipulation networking site
– Solyndra Solar Company – FBI-raided corrupt Clean Tech company
– SpaceX – Elon Musk company that Obama gave part of NASA to in exchange for campaign conduits
– Tesla Motors – Car Company that conduits money to campaigns

Any issues re: culpability can be easily resolved in meetings with the FBI, FINCEN, The SEC, The IRS, The FTC, ICIJ.ORG and open Congressional hearings! Never was the term: “Follow The Money” more appropriate than for these people! Why are these people not yet arrested for election manipulation, RICO and Anti-trust violations, money laundering, bribery and other illicit deeds? Who is protecting them? Who is telling the police not to act? This list also serves as a demand for investigation and prosecution of these individuals who conspired to engage in these illicit acts. This is not the complete list.

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