OOPS: Tim Walz Says Kamala Began Her Career As ‘Young Prostitutor’…

Loomer, MTG and most of the press say that “Kamala Harris only got where she is by sucking dicks, marrying guys that date rape their nanny and dating rich men for jobs…”

A top Trump political aide has suggested there are ‘rumors out there’ about Kamala Harris, but there was no evidence to support the claim.

It comes as the Democratic National Convention begins in Chicago with Joe Biden set to bid his farewell.

Trump political director says there are ‘rumors Kamala Harris has a drinking problem’

Donald Trump’s political director has suggested there are ‘rumors’ that Kamala Harris has a ‘serious drinking problem.’

There is not evidence to substantiate the claim.

James Blair, political director of the Trump 2024 campaign, wrote on X:

A lot of rumors out there about Kamala having a serious drinking problem…apparently coming into focus as campaign heats up. Stay Tuned…

The post has been viewed millions of times.

Worrying claims about Kamala as clips of her slurring and cackling go viral


Harris has never admitted to nor ever reported to have an issue with alcohol, though she was presented with a bottle of whiskey with her face on it in May. Pundits on the right seem to see it as a way to understand what Donald Trump calls Harris’ ‘lunatic’ laughter and what many describe as ‘word salad’ speaking from the vice president when she veers off script.

BREAKING: OMG: Google Growth Strategist Exposes Google’s Search Engine Manipulation For Kamala Harris’s Campaign (VIDEO)

O’Keefe Media Group on Monday released undercover video of a Google Growth Strategist exposing Google’s search engine manipulation for Kamala Harris’s campaign.

Dakota Leazer revealed that Google has been actively coordinating with the Kamala Harris campaign, manipulating its search engine advertisements to favor her in the 2024 election.

As previously reported, the Harris Campaign edited news headlines with Google search ads to make it appear major news outlets such as Reuters, CBS News, CNN, NPR and AP are on her side.

While these major news outlets are shilling for Harris, her campaign edited the news headlines without the outlets’ consent or knowledge.

The ads say “sponsored” but the outlets did not publish the text. The favorable headlines were written by the Harris campaign.

“Google says a ‘glitch’ occurred which allowed the Harris campaign to run paid ads with fake headlines to deceive voters.” the outlet reported.

The Trump campaign didn’t run these types of Google ads. Only Kamala Harris did.

Per O’Keefe Media Group:

“Google was essentially promoting through its ads rhetoric that was very pro-Kamala,” admits Dakota Leazer, a Growth Strategist at Google, during an undercover date with an OMG American Swiper journalist. Leazer reveals that Google has been actively coordinating with the Kamala Harris campaign, manipulating its search engine advertisements to favor her in the 2024 election. He explains, “It seemed to link out to legitimate news publication sites. So, it seemed like it was an ad from PBS, but it was really an ad for the Kamala campaign,” making users believe they were reading unbiased reports from reputable sources.

Leazer also confesses that Google’s primary objective is to generate ad revenue through fear-based content, explaining, “I think whatever demographic is most fearful is going to be most profitable.” According to Leazer, the left currently represents the most fearful demographic, which is why Google has been pushing pro-Kamala narratives for profit, explaining “I think right now the left is more fearful than the right is.”

He further states, “It’s all about the share of the stock price,” revealing that Google’s liberal bias is not just political, but tied to financial gain. He adds, “I think Google has a belief that one side will allow them to make more money,” revealing Google’s profit motives through driving political manipulation.

Leazer’s admission mirrors past media motives, including CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester’s claim that “fear sells,” reinforcing the role of big tech and media in shaping public perception through fear and bias.


Questions Americans Deserve To Have Kamala Harris Answer

Now more than ever, voters deserve to hear Harris face tough questions about her historically terrible track record and radical views.

Vice President Kamala Harris is working overtime to distance herself from the Biden administration and the destruction it wreaked on the republic.

As the first presidential debate between Harris and Donald Trump rapidly approaches, voters deserve now more than ever to hear Harris finally face tough questions about her historically terrible track record and radical views.

Ever since Democrats successfully couped President Joe Biden out of the 2024 race, corporate media have repeatedly and deliberately failed to hold Harris accountable for her many lies. This pattern of ignoring her unpopularity and penchant for falsehoods continued throughout the Democratic National Convention and well into her short, security-blanket-wrapped sit down with CNN’s Dana Bash.

Here are 26 questions “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir and “ABC News Live Prime” anchor Linsey Davis should make Harris answer from the debate stage on Tuesday night.

1. If Joe Biden is not mentally fit to run for president, how is he mentally fit to remain president?

As President Joe Biden’s right-hand woman, Harris had a front-row seat to his mental and physical deterioration. Yet, she never said a word to indicate it. Instead, she routinely issued statements claiming Biden was fit enough to remain president.

It was only months later that she participated in the soft coup that replaced Biden as the 2024 Democrat presidential nominee but kept him as the face of the current administration.

2. Speaking of Biden’s mental fitness, who is the president right now?

Because Biden spent much of the last month on vacation with no public working schedule, many Americans are wondering who is running the White House.

Moderators should ask Harris when she last spoke to the president and what that conversation was about. Considering the corporate media’s willingness to cover up Biden’s incompetence until it was inconvenient for them and Democrats, they likely won’t.

3. How often do you talk to Barack Obama and do you take his policy advice?

Former President Barack Obama is suspected of leading the Democrat operation to replace Biden on the 2024 presidential ticket. If Harris is leaning into the powerful Democrat player as a policy adviser, Americans deserve to know.

4. Why won’t you talk to a press that won’t even ask you tough questions?

Harris’ campaign and corporate media made a big show of her shopping around for her first big sitdown since becoming the 2024 Democrat presidential nominee. The VP’s reluctance to sit down with one of the corporate media’s very Democrat-friendly reporters, host a news conference unless it is tailored to her wishes, or participate in a debate that doesn’t meet all of her demands deserves an explanation.

5. Where do you stand on packing the Supreme Court?

The issues page on Harris’ campaign website claims she supports “common-sense Supreme Court reforms.” A deeper dive, however, shows her plans to amplify a manufactured ethics scandal and enact term limits for justices are all part of a radical scheme designed to help Democrats pack the high bench.

6. How do you reconcile your administration’s undemocratic record with your supposed defense of democracy?

Democrats, including Harris, have spent the last several years claiming they are the last defenders of democracy and “freedom.” The Biden-Harris administration, however, became the biggest danger to those principles by raiding its top political opponent’s home, indicting him, charging him, pushing the narratives behind attempts to kick him off of the ballot, and denying him the necessary Secret Service protection he needed to prevent an attempted assassination.

Shortly after that, Democrat activists yanked Biden from the ballot against primary voters’ wishes and installed a woman who failed to earn a single delegate vote the first time she ran for president in 2020.

Among Harris’ many campaign priorities is ensuring “someone as dangerous as Donald Trump should never again be allowed to serve as commander-in-chief.”

7. How do you reconcile your wildly unpopular track record with your goal of becoming president?

Harris is so bad at governing that she received the worst vice presidential rating in the history of modern polling. Combined with her abysmal job approval ratings, which often rank worse than Biden’s, that rating does not suggest that she’s competent enough for a presidential promotion.

8. Why did your administration deny Donald Trump the security he needed and requested, given the threats against him? Have you called him to apologize? Have you spoken to him at all since he was nearly assassinated?

Evidence suggests that the Biden-Harris administration kneecapped former President Donald Trump’s security team ahead of an assassination attempt at his Butler, Pennsylvania, rally.

Harris claimed to denounce the shooting but has yet to publicly apologize for using her position in power to spew rhetoric that fuels calls for violence against Trump and his supporters.

9. Why do you deserve another four years in the White House?

When Biden and Harris took the White House at the beginning of 2021, gas prices were reasonable, interest rates and inflation were low, groceries were affordable, Arab countries were making peace with Israel, and Putin was on a leash in Russia. Less than four years later, gas and grocery costs are through the roof, interest rates are making home ownership impossible for tens of millions of Americans, Israel is under attack, and Russia is at war with Ukraine.

Harris claims she will “fix” the nation’s price and foreign policy woes. Yet, she’s accomplished nothing toward that end the last three and half years in power. Now she’s trying to distance herself from her current administration’s disastrous track record.

10. How do you explain your selection of Tim Walz as running mate in view of all his false claims?

Harris’ VP pick Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has a long track record of deliberately misleading voters on everything from his military record and rank to how his children were conceived.

Harris should explain not only whether she was aware of his lies before he became her running mate but also why she appears to have accepted his record of fabrication and embellishment.

11. What is one effective thing you’ve done in office that is good for all Americans?

A majority of Americans believe that, under Biden-Harris, the country is headed in the wrong direction.

12. How do you reconcile your desire for open borders with corporate media’s unsubstantiated assertions that you support a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico?

The Democrat propagandists at Axios wrongfully asserted in a headline last month that “Harris flip-flops on building the border wall.” The writers claimed the VP has become more “hawkish” about the border invasion and “pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border.” In reality, nothing about Harris’ public desire for amnesty and open borders has changed.

13. What is an acceptable amount of illegal immigration into the U.S. each year? Zero? A million? 10 million?

During Harris’ tenure as Biden’s border czar, an estimated 10 to 12 million border crossers have poured into the country. This unprecedented number of foreign criminals has overwhelmed the nation’s cities and brought violent consequences to innocent Americans.

Yet, Harris pledged at the Democratic National Convention to sign a disastrous border bill that would allow nearly another 2 million illegal aliens into the country in one year. The many, many voters who are increasingly concerned with the ongoing border invasion deserve to know how many illegal border crossers Harris plans to allow into the country if she is elected president.

14. What, if anything, did you do as border czar to curb the chaos plaguing the U.S.-Mexico border?

Under Harris’ watch, the Biden administration ushered in the deadliest border invasion in the world, which has led to an influx of illegal border crossers, violent crime, fatal drugs, and infrastructure problems. Instead of pressing Harris on her role in the crisis, corporate media love to pretend that the VP was never in charge.

15. Why should foreign criminals be allowed to vote in U.S. elections?

Several top Democrats, including Rep. Jamie Raskin, have publicly demanded illegal border crossers be allowed to vote in U.S. elections. Harris should explain where she falls on the latest issue that threatens to disenfranchise Americans.

16. Why do you believe children who survive botched abortions deserve to die?

Harris voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and has repeatedly lamented similar life-saving laws in Republican states.

17. What protections, if any, do you support for the lives of unborn children, especially when they’re old enough to survive outside the womb and/or can feel pain?

Considering she refuses to name any limits that she supports, Harris’ extreme desire to codify abortion through all nine months of pregnancy against Americans’ wishes is only expected to grow if she retakes office.

18. Why should ‘women’s rights’ include men using women’s bathrooms, showering in women’s locker rooms, and competing with women?

Harris claims to be a champion of women’s rights, but it was under her watch that the Biden administration rewrote Title IX to allow boys to infiltrate girls’ protected spaces in education settings. The Biden administration’s transgender activism gives men permission to expose their genitals to women and wallop them in their own sports.

19. How do you reconcile your pro-Palestine statements with your alleged support for Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorists?

Harris may have given “a cursory nod to Israel’s right to defend itself,” but she’s spent most of her time speaking about the Middle Eastern conflict blaming the Jewish nation instead of Hamas terrorists for the “human suffering in Gaza” and “food insecurity.”

Additionally, Harris believes the pro-terrorist activists taking over college campuses, occupying highways, and defacing military cemeteries are merely “showing exactly what the human emotion should be.”

20. Why have you refused to meet with the families of the 13 American soldiers who were killed during your administration’s Afghanistan withdrawal?

Harris claims she was the “last person in the room” when the Biden administration decided to commence its botched Afghanistan withdrawal but has yet to face or enforce accountability for the disaster. Trump’s VP pick, Sen. J.D. Vance, also recently noted that Harris “refuses to show up, refuses to even call the families whose children are dead because of her leadership.”

21. How will Americans have ‘joy’ under a Harris-Walz administration?

Harris’ campaign, the DNC, and their allies in the corporate media have made “joy” the center of their 2024 campaign strategy. Harris, however, has not explained if the half of the country the administration vilifies as “MAGA extremists” will benefit from that so-called joy.

22. How can voters trust you aren’t lying about what you’ll do with the most powerful office in the world?

Harris has a long history of lying and deception. Since she took over Biden’s campaign for president, Harris and her communications team have publicly repudiated her radical track record on the border, protecting violent criminals, putting low-cost energy companies out of business, and much more.

23. Where do you stand on banning fracking?

Despite her 2019 on-the-record call to ban fracking, Harris’ campaign recently claimed the Democrat nominee, if elected, “would not ban fracking.”

Less than one month later, Harris’ Communications Director Michael Tyler confirmed that the candidate had not changed her mind. Americans, however, have yet to hear a clear answer on Harris’ position from the woman herself.

24. How will Americans keep their health insurance amid your plans to strip it?

Harris claimed in 2019 that she would not only strip millions of Americans of their health coverage by eliminating all private insurance but also provide taxpayer-funded health care for illegal border crossers.

25. How will free speech fare under your ongoing calls for Big Tech censorship?

In 2019, Harris called on then-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to suspend Donald Trump’s account because she deemed his tweets incendiary. More recently, under the Biden-Harris White House’s direction, Big Tech companies censored Americans who expressed dissenting views on Covid and politics.

26. How many more journalists will you prosecute for doing their jobs?

As California attorney general, Harris prosecuted journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for exposing Planned Parenthood for trafficking the body parts of aborted babies. Part of her prosecution involved a raid on Daleiden’s house, where investigators allegedly seized footage further implicating the abortion giant and handed it over to Harris’ abortion campaign donors.


27. Your husband fucked the nanny and got her pregnant and your dating life is made up of sex addiction. Why should anyone trust your choices in life?


California shoplifter tries to hide from cops in trunk of her Tesla after swiping $850 in goods from Lululemon and Sephora

Shocking bodycam footage shows the moment a California shoplifter hid from cops in the trunk of her Tesla with $850 worth of stolen Sephora and Lululemon goods.

Legendary TV talk show host Phil Donahue dies aged 88 after ‘long illness’

Phil Donahue dead at 88: Legendary TV talk show host passes away after 'long illness'

Legendary TV talker Phil Donahue has died following a lengthy illness, his family said. The host of famed The Phil Donahue Show died Sunday at his home, surrounded by members of his family. A talk show trailblazer, his program was the first of its kind to include audience participation, and ran for nearly 30 years. He was 88 years old.

Demi Moore’s daughter Tallulah, 30, bravely shows off an image from her skin picking disorder battle

Tallulah Willis bravely shared a photo of what her face looks like when she has suffered from her skin picking disorder.

California shoplifter tries to hide from cops in trunk of her Tesla after swiping $850 in goods from Lululemon and Sephora

Shocking bodycam footage shows the moment a California shoplifter hid from cops in the trunk of her Tesla with $850 worth of stolen Sephora and Lululemon goods.

Fans tease NFL star DeAndre Hopkins after he leaves thirsty comment on Sydney Sweeney’s viral Instagram boat photoshoot

NFL fans are teasing Tennessee Titans star DeAndre Hopkins for his comment on Hollywood star Sydney Sweeney’s raunchy Instagram post.

US Daily Mail News Tips

Daily Mail News Tips

LIVETrump’s political director jumps on disturbing claim about Kamala Harris as Biden prepares to bid farewell at the DNC

James Blair, political director of the Trump 2024 campaign, suggested there were ‘a lot of rumors out there.’

EXCLUSIVEGrieving parents of frat boy, 19, killed during horrifying hazing ordeal at Penn State share devastating details about how he died

Seven years after college student Timothy Piazza died in a hazing incident at Penn State University, his grieving parents have shared more about the devastating night that changed their lives forever.

EXCLUSIVEWhat Jennifer Garner’s ‘look of love’ at Ben Affleck REALLY means: Body language expert reveals all

Body language expert Judi James revealed the pair were completely comfortable in each other’s presence, despite their ups and downs as a couple.

Woman ‘filmed performing sex act’ with a live TROUT faces court

Catherine June Lee, 58, and Ashley David Hallam, 55, face charges in relation to bestiality material allegedly produced in Tasmania between February 2022, and January 2023.

YouTuber Chris Chan’s arrest footage surfaces after shocking incest allegations were revealed by a leaked phone call

Chan, a 42-year-old transgender vlogger, was arrested in August 2021 accused of having an incestuous relationship with her mother.

EXCLUSIVESami Sheen’s surgeon details OnlyFans model’s ‘scarless’ nose job and the new Hollywood trend of ‘natural’ plastic surgery procedures

The plastic surgeon behind Sami’s ‘scarless’ nose job has opened up about the procedure and why celebrities are opting for more natural surgeries these days. Sami is the daughter of Charlie Sheen.

Tech billionaire and two Americans among six missing after his superyacht was ‘hit by freak waterspout’ – only two months after tycoon was acquitted of fraud charges in US

Brit tech tycoon Mike Lynch among six missing after his superyacht Bayesian was 'hit by

Fifteen of the 22 people on board, including a one-year-old and its parents, were rescued by a nearby vessel, according to the Coast Guard. Lynch’s wife Angela Bacares is reported to be among them. The 59-year-old tech entrepreneur has previously been dubbed Britain’s Bill Gates after he made his fortune with his company Autonomy. Its software draws on the Bayesian mathematical theory.

Lucid dreaming: The bizarre ability to control your dreams – and the three tricks that could allow you to try it

Depicted in films such as ‘Inception’, lucid dreaming could provide a useful link between the real world and the dream world.

US comedian accuses airport staff of ‘racial profiling’ after he’s pulled out of line and ‘sniffed thoroughly’ by dog

Eric André, 41, unleashed a tirade against the Melbourne Airport after its customs officers pulled him aside for a random sniffer dog search on Monday.

Harry Styles flashes his knee tattoos in shorts as he’s mobbed by fans in London – amid speculation he’ll join ex Taylor Swift on stage TONIGHT

Harry Styles flashes his knee tattoos in shorts as he's mobbed by fans in London - amid

Harry Styles made the most of the British summer on Sunday as he was seen soaking up the sunshine in shorts.  The singer, 30, looked in good spirits as he headed on a stroll in London’s Soho amid speculation he’s set to join his ex Taylor Swift on stage at her Wembley show on Monday.  He showed off the four small inkings on his knees – ‘yes’ in French and Spanish on his right leg and ‘no’ in both languages on his left leg – and donned a pair of nude Adidas trainers.

Inside the $22 billion plan to turn a defunct airport into a booming city

A defunct Canadian airport is set to be transformed into a sprawling community big enough for 83,500 residents.

McDonald’s fan-favorite ‘collector’s meal’ cups are resold online for staggering price: ‘Insane!’

NEW McDonald’s fans hoping to snag all six of the fast-food chain’s collectible cups can skip the drive-thru and buy them online – if they’re willing to fork over $100 on eBay.

EXCLUSIVEInside Suri Cruise’s dorm room at Carnegie Mellon University as she leaves Katie Holmes’ luxury NYC pad

Inside Suri Cruise's dorm room at Carnegie Mellon University as she leaves Katie Holmes'

Suri Cruise is starting as a college freshman at Carnegie Mellon University, a private university in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this month. The 18-year-old student’s move in day was on Sunday and she will begin classes on August 26, according to the school’s website.  And the child of Hollywood movie stars will have accommodations that are very different than what she is used to in New York City, can report as Suri will be sharing a dorm room.

Donald Trump’s granddaughter Kai, 17, announces college golf commitment – and reveals former president’s role

Donald Trump's granddaughter Kai, 17, announces college golf commitment - and reveals

Donald Trump’s eldest granddaughter Kai revealed she has already committed to play golf at collegiate level.  Kai, the daughter of Donald Trump Jr. and his ex-wife Vanessa, is set to enter her junior year at the Benjamin School, a prestigious $37,000-per-year high school, but she already has her next steps mapped out.  The 17-year-old, an avid golfer, took to Instagram Sunday to announce that she has verbally committed to a school. It is not clear if she will attend on an athletic scholarship.

Simple daily practice that has more health benefits than prescription drugs

A new study found that veterans who took mindfulness based classes were able to manage their chronic pain better than those who did traditional therapies alone.

Callous moment grown man robs two young kids’ lemonade stand

Shocking surveillance footage captured the moment a grown man robbed two young children from their lemonade stand.

American Pickers star’s angry response to death rumors as the OnlyFans performer reveals her demand for when she passes away

NEW The shocking claim that the television personality, 48, had passed away started to gain traction when a verified user on X, formerly Twitter , shared news of the ‘huge tragedy’ on August 10.

Rare supermoon set to rise over the US TODAY – here’s how you can spot the celestial wonder

A rare supermoon, which will appear bigger and brighter than the average, is set to appear in the sky on Monday. And it is the first of four set to be visible over the next few months.

Royal fans joke Prince Harry will get a telling off for resting his arm on his interpreter’s seat – as Spanish-speaking Meghan takes over translating duties for rest of couple’s Colombia tour

The Duke appeared distracted by something off-stage as he watched a colourful tribal dance at the Delia Zapata National Centre for the Arts in Bogotá on Thursday. As the Duke and Duchess enjoyed a colourful tribal dance at the Delia Zapata National Centre for the Arts in Bogotá, the nation’s capital, they exhibited very different body language as spectators. While Meghan, 43, remained demure and displayed impressive posture during the performance, Prince Harry, 39, appeared somewhat more slouched in his chair.

Duchess of drip! Meghan wore more than $117,000 clothes and jewelry in four days during faux royal tour of Colombia with Harry

Meghan Markle is known to favour exclusive and pricey designers – and made her preferences clear once more during her Colombia tour with Prince Harry last week.

No horsing around here! King Charles shares a sweet moment with the Royal Regiment’s cheeky mascot who used to eat the late Queen’s flowers as he arrives at Balmoral

Upon arriving at Balmoral in Aberdeenshire on Monday, the King paused to inspect the Balaklava Company, 5th Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland before his summer residence.

Police find Olympic cyclist dead at apartment in Vegas

Olympic cyclist found dead in Las Vegas apartment 'after choking on food'

When former athlete Daniela Larreal Chirinos failed to show up at the hotel where she worked, concerned colleagues alerted the authorities.

Dollar General suddenly shuts five stores in major city – but not because they are underperforming

Dollar General is quietly shuttering a handful of stores in the same city but not because they’re underperforming.

Georgia hospital sued for ‘losing chunk of a man’s SKULL’ after brain surgery

Fernando Cluster, 62, is suing Emory University Hospital Midtown in Atlanta after doctors allegedly lost a chunk of his skull after surgery for a brain bleed in 2022 and charging over $140,000.

Boy Meets World star reveals she has been diagnosed with cancer

Boy Meets World alum Danielle Fishel reveals she has been diagnosed with breast cancer

Danielle Fishel has been diagnosed with cancer. The 43-year-old actress – who is best known for playing Topanga Lawrence on the teen sitcom Boy Meets World – has revealed that she’s been diagnosed with ‘a form of cancer’. Speaking on the Pod Meets World podcast, Danielle explained: ‘I was recently diagnosed with DCIS, which stands for ductal carcinoma in situ, which is a form of cancer.

Ex-Trump staffer Anthony Scaramucci reveals VERY insulting reason he thinks Trump will lose, as Fox News expert sounds alarm

Former Trump staffer Anthony Scaramucci reveals the VERY insulting reason he thinks Trump

Scaramucci, who spent 11 days as White House Press Secretary in 2017, has turned anti-Trump in his politics, saying Sunday that he thinks his old boss is headed for defeat in November. Veteran Fox News analyst Brit Hume joined the Mooch and veteran GOP pollster Frank Luntz as Republicans express concerns about Trump’s campaign on Sunday.

‘I accept’: Trump shares post of AI generated images claiming Taylor Swift and her fans are backing him amid speculation she will turn up at this week’s DNC

Trump shared deepfaked images of women wearing shirts that read ‘Swifties For Trump’, as well as a poster of Taylor Swift dressed like Uncle Sam and urging her fans to vote for him in the 2024 race.

Democrats reveal their explanation for why ‘idiot’ Republicans are releasing the Joe Biden impeachment report NOW

Democrats are tearing into the ‘sham’ Republican-led impeachment report, saying its a futile effort to try and distract Americans from Kamala Harris’ growing momentum.

Worrying claims about Kamala as clips of her slurring and cackling go viral

Conservatives claim these clips show Kamala Harris is giving speeches while drunk

Harris has never admitted to nor ever reported to have an issue with alcohol, though she was presented with a bottle of whiskey with her face on it in May. Pundits on the right seem to see it as a way to understand what Donald Trump calls Harris’ ‘lunatic’ laughter and what many describe as ‘word salad’ speaking from the vice president when she veers off script.

Why top Democrats including John Fetterman are SKIPPING the party’s convention and the coronation of Kamala Harris

Some of the most vulnerable Democrats are planning to skip out on their party’s convention where they’ll formally nominate Kamala Harris.

REVEALED: The line-up of celebrity Kamala fans at the Democratic National Convention… including star of comedy Harris’ life has been compared to

Harris’ ascendance to the Democratic nomination has ‘absolutely’ increased interest in this year’s convention, Creative Coalition CEO Robin Bronk told

Trump faces BAN from major city after ignoring huge debt

Can you claim to be ‘pro-police’ if you don’t pay the cops who protect you? Trump believes you can given how often he repeats his support for law enforcement despite owing police departments money.

Why this viral video of Kamala exercising on steps of Lincoln Memorial spooked VP into dramatic change in her routine

Kamala Harris stopped exercising outdoors after a 2021 video showed her running the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, emphasizing the age gap between herself and Joe Biden.

EXCLUSIVEMy husband Piers Morgan won’t let me have male friends – because he’s convinced they want to have sex with me: CELIA WALDEN

My husband Piers Morgan doesn't like me to have male friends - because he's convinced they

They’re good company, don’t judge and never bitch. Every woman should have a male pal, says Celia Walden. Though her husband Piers Morgan doesn’t agree.

The popular chain beating McDonald’s with luxurious tribute to Big Mac that isn’t much more expensive

A famed restaurant chain known for launching its own Big Mac tribute has customers flocking to try their meal deal.

The little-known side effect of Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro no one talks about. Here’s the price you really have to pay…

I’ve been using weight-loss drugs and now I’m trapped in the most expensive yo-yo diet of all time. In all, it’s cost me almost £4,500. And yet, last week, I weighed 22stone and one pound

Snow White star Rachel Zegler derails remake’s ad campaign with another woke outburst…sparking fears of Disney boycott

Rachel Zegler, 23, who plays Snow White in the 2025 Disney remake took to social media to promote the trailer of the film. Soon after posting the trailer, Zegler shared a controversial stance.

EXCLUSIVEMale and female babysitter are charged with murder after one year-old girl in their care died of unspeakable injuries

Kiya Moore, 21, and her boyfriend Dejon Smith, 34, were charged with first-degree murder after Moore’s one-year-old niece Kali Moore was found dead.

Bombshell update in murder of Michigan wife as cops make discovery at family home

Dee Ann Warner, who vanished from her own home in Michigan on April 25, 2021, was declared legally dead back in March, nearly three years after she was last seen.

Moment bus driver pummels passenger ‘for making vile bodily fluid attack on him’

Shocking video shows an unidentified New Jersey bus driver pummeling a passenger and putting him into a chokehold after the commuter apparently made a vile bodily fluid attack on him. The video shows the driver telling the other passengers to ‘get off my bus’ before putting the victim in a chokehold (right) and throwing punches. He then proceeds to stomp on the commuter (left), who could be seen cowering in fetal position under a shelf.

Ralf Schumacher calls his ex-wife a LIAR and leaks her WhatsApp chats after she claimed she ‘wasted her best years’ on Michael’s former F1 star brother before came out as gay

Cora Schumacher dropped jaws at the weekend when she claimed she had ‘wasted’ 14 years married to a man who in July came out as gay.

What tonight’s full moon means for YOUR star sign: This super ‘event’ could tear your life apart, warns astrologer

Astrologers have sent out an urgent warning ahead of this year’s first full supermoon which is set to light up the night’s sky on Tuesday morning.

Brutal storm batters the East Coast: One dead in Connecticut flash floods and major disruption at New York airports

Deadly floods are continuing to batter the east coast, turning Connecticut roads into rivers and causing airport chaos in New York City. One person has been found dead and another is missing after being swept away by raging floodwater near Little river in Oxford, CT, authorities have said.

Matthew Perry and assistant spent $55,000 on 55 ketamine vials in a 29-day span … prior to death of Friends actor at 54

Matthew Perry’s live-in assistant Kenny Iwamasa was one of five people arrested earlier this month in connection with Perry’s passing.

Hollywood A-listers ‘should be trembling in their boots’ over fears Ketamine Queen whose drugs ‘killed Friends icon Matthew Perry’ could ‘reveal more names’

Jasveen Sangha, 41, was charged last week in an 18-count superseding indictment in relation to distributing ketamine to the Friends star in the weeks before he died aged 54 in October 2023.


Moment mother of eight, 33, met brutal end while visiting Oakland after ‘confronting drug dealers who’d just targeted her kids’

Moment mother of eight, 33, was brutally executed while visiting Oakland 'after

Maria Ramos, 33, (right) went to confront alleged teenage drug dealers (left) who had just sold her children marijuana when she was shot and killed in Oakland, California on August 7. She was pronounced dead at the scene, leaving her eight children in the custody of her mother, Blanca Velasco, who is now demanding justice. Officers believe Ramos was shot by a 16 year old, who is being held at Alameda County Juvenile Hall.

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