How soaring crime has means nearly 20% of San Francisco homes are now selling at a loss – with the average seller getting $155,500 less than they paid

Nearly one in five homes sold in San Francisco have sold at a loss in recent months – way above the rate nationally. Murders, robberies, burglaries and public drug use are forcing residents to flee the city.

FBI raid of Oakland mayor rocks city, fuels questions over family's political influence...

Watch the moment California Gov. Gavin Newsom is humiliated at his own press conference after blowing $24 BILLION on homelessness without any results

California Governor Gavin Newsom was called out by a reporter after he continued to dodge questions about blowing the state’s $24 billion spending on the homeless.

WalletHub ranks San Francisco 148th out of 148 for ‘worst run’ city in America for the second year in a row

By Olivia Murray

San Francisco just took home WalletHub’s “worst-run” city in America title for the second year in a row—which is hardly surprising, considering this is the place where you download a “poop map” before braving the city sidewalks, open-air drug markets and dirty tents fill the formerly clean Tenderloin district, and a walking tour with a sardonic sales pitch sold out weeks in advance—participants were promised an intimate experience with the urban decay of the “progressive” city, and offered the chance to “get close and personal with the Doom and Squalor of downtown San Francisco.”

Here are the details of the WalletHub analysis, via a report by Taylor Penley at Fox News:

WalletHub, a personal finance company … measured the ‘effectiveness of local leadership’ by comparing the quality of city services matched against the city’s total budget to determine its operating efficiency. Their ‘Best & Worst-Run Cities in America’ report casts an analytical eye on 148 sizeable [sic] U.S. cities, scrutinizing their performance across several critical service categories and 36 key metrics, while also considering their per-capita spending.

‘The best-run cities in America use their budgets most effectively to provide high-quality financial security, education, health, safety and transportation to their residents. Many of the top cities also have a very low amount of outstanding government debt per capita, which can prevent financial troubles in the future,’ WalletHub analyst Cassandra Happe explained in a report detailing the study earlier this month.

Penley also included the response of a few locals to the news that San Fran took the bottom slot:

‘I’m not surprised at all,’ Tom Wong, a lifelong San Francisco resident who owns a private security firm in the area… ‘What we have in San Francisco is not a problem of governance. We have a problem with criminals in governance.’

‘The progressive movement is not about making things better. It’s about how much they could grift before it bellies up,’ he said. ‘They’re pushing the limits of how much people will tolerate beforehand so, in order to fix what we have in the city, we need to change just about everything… The city’s broken. That’s because every level of governance is corrupt.’

Wong just nailed the issue nearly everywhere—the problem is not the idea of governance, but corrupt “progressives” in the government!

And, here was the response to the ranking, from a reliable idiot:

Ben Wang … offered a different take on the study.

‘I totally disagree that San Francisco is the ‘worst-run’ city,’ he said.

‘I love that San Francisco is a very progressive place, and that the whole idea of this place is that we’re going to try new things. The environmental movement started here, all these cool things, Dotcom and the Silicon Valley… it encourages people to try new things, which is fantastic. One of the things that we tried was not prosecuting, shoplifting and small crimes and also going easier on drug crimes and users and all that stuff, and it didn’t work out well,’ he added.

Of course, this dope doesn’t know why San Fran was home to the Dotcom boom and Silicon Valley—while the city was always pushing the envelope, it certainly wasn’t a fentanyl hellhole exploding with human feces and anarchic criminal activity, and crushing taxation. If that were the case, you can guarantee innovative creators and technologies would have found a more hospitable environment, which is why the ones now have fled to friendlier locales like Texas, Tennessee, and Florida.

Real sign downtown San Francisco. Want to open a store there? Neither does anyone else … this city is a lawless disaster.

— SafeSuburbsUSA (@SafeSuburbsUSA) June 30, 2024

And arguably no, the city did not “try new things” because leftist “progressive” policies, like eroding the burden of social responsibility, promoting criminality, and spending into oblivion have been done the world over, always yielding the same results. This is where a “progress” vote gets the people: an annual budget of nearly $50 billion with no accountability and almost nothing to show for it except generous city salaries and perks, chaos, thousands of transients strewn throughout municipal properties, smash-and-grabs, rampant theft, opiate use in the streets, dirty needles, and raw sewage flowing into the bay.

San Francisco Spends $5M Of Taxpayer Money To Give Free Beer And Vodka Shots To Homeless

Drug Dealers Now Operating Outside San Francisco Public Library

San Francisco is poised for MAJOR earthquake this year – says worrying new study tracking San Andreas Fault activity – City By The Bay could be reduced to pile of RUBBLE

The Parkfield section of the San Andreas Fault, located in central California, gave off distinct sounds in the six weeks leading up to an earthquake in 2004. It’s not doing them now, though.


The desolate reality of San Francisco’s hollowed out city center has been laid bare by footage showing every store in an entire retail block shuttered and empty.

Lloyd Chapman of the American Small Business League visited the city’s once-thriving Union Square area at the heart of its retail district.

The prime real estate was once home to outlets including Uniqlo, H&M, Rasputin Records, and Lush, but all have disappeared in a city center plagued by crime, drugs and homelessness.

‘Unbelievable!’ he exclaims as his camera pans round the ghostly remains of former stores now defaced by graffiti.

‘This whole street is vacant, every store is empty.’

Nothing remains of San Francisco's retail heart on one block where every store is empty

Nothing remains of San Francisco’s retail heart on one block where every store is empty

Lloyd Chapman of the American Small Business League said it was a marked contrast to the city's glory days just a few years ago when it was a 'Disneyland for adults'

Lloyd Chapman of the American Small Business League said it was a marked contrast to the city’s glory days just a few years ago when it was a ‘Disneyland for adults’

The retail exodus is mirrored in nearby streets with 22 out of 33 stores now vacant in a three-block section of Powell Street from Market Street to Union Square, according to a survey by the SF Chronical.

And the entire Union Square district now has a record vacancy rate of 20.6 per cent, helping drive the city’s overall retail vacancy rate to a new high of 7.9 percent according to a survey last month by Cushman and Wakefield.

‘The decline in retail performance was primarily due to the worsening conditions in Union Square and the surrounding downtown areas,’ analyst Soany Gunawan wrote in the report.

Chapman's eerie video has been seen by 500,000 people since he posted it to X

Chapman’s eerie video has been seen by 500,000 people since he posted it to X

Assaults are up by 10 percent in Union Square’s police district so far this year and vehicle thefts are up by a third despite police setting up a new command center in the area.

Figures for most crimes have fallen across the city this year but Chapman claimed the damage has already been done after years of increases, pointing the finger of blame at California governor Gavin Newsom.

‘He has devastated California with his failed policies,’ the business leader tweeted.

‘San Francisco is a ghost town. Oakland looks like a refugee camp.’

California spent $24 billion tackling homelessness in the five years to 2023 but did not track if the money was helping the state’s growing number of unhoused people, a damning report revealed last month.

Homelessness jumped 6 percent to more than 180,000 people in California last year, federal data show. And since 2013, the numbers have exploded by 53 percent with the state accounting for a third of America’s entire homeless population.

It has contributed to California’s budget deficit of at least $45 billion, a shortfall so large it prompted Newsom to propose painful spending cuts impacting immigrants, kindergarteners and low-income parents seeking child care in a state often lauded for having the world’s fifth-largest economy.

California Governor Gavin Newsom recently admitted that the state spent $24 billion tackling homelessness in the five years to 2023, but did not track if the money was helping

California Governor Gavin Newsom recently admitted that the state spent $24 billion tackling homelessness in the five years to 2023, but did not track if the money was helping

A map reveals the major businesses which have left, or have announced they are leaving, San Francisco in recent months. Retailers like Whole Foods, Anthropologie, Old Navy, AmazonGo, Saks Off Fifth and now American Eagle are among those taking part in the mass exodus

A map reveals the major businesses which have left, or have announced they are leaving, San Francisco in recent months. Retailers like Whole Foods, Anthropologie, Old Navy, AmazonGo, Saks Off Fifth and now American Eagle are among those taking part in the mass exodus

San Francisco Mayor London Breed hailed figures showing a recent cut in street sleeping

San Francisco Mayor London Breed hailed figures showing a recent cut in street sleeping

Retail stalwarts Old Navy, Nordstrom, Whole Foods, Anthropologie and Office Depot were among those announcing their exodus last year.

They were followed by North Face, Jeffrey’s Toys, Lacoste with Macy’s expected to close its flagship store next year.

‘As someone who grew up in San Francisco, Macy’s has always meant a lot to the people of this city. It’s where families came to shop for the holidays,’ San Francisco Mayor London Breed said when the news was announced in February.

‘It’s where many people from my community got their first jobs, or even held jobs for decades. It’s hard to think of Macy’s not being part of our city anymore.’

Workers at the store told The San Francisco Standard they believe the decision was made because of daily rampant shoplifting, with thieves taking at least four blazers, 10 wallets and 20 packs of underwear a day on a regular basis.

American Eagle announced last month that it will leave the former Westfield San Francisco Centre over the summer, citing more 100 significant security incidents that allegedly occurred between May 2020 and May 2023.

Breed hailed new figures last month suggesting that trough sleeping in the city has hit a five-year low with 360 tents and structures counted on the streets in April, a 41 percent reduction on last summer.

A horrifying video filmed in November showed homeless and intoxicated people sprawling across streets for hundreds of yards in the Tenderloin district of the city

A horrifying video filmed in November showed homeless and intoxicated people sprawling across streets for hundreds of yards in the Tenderloin district of the city

At one point a man with a hoodie seemingly burnt off his back steps in front of the TikToker as other ghostly figures loom up out of the darkness

At one point a man with a hoodie seemingly burnt off his back steps in front of the TikToker as other ghostly figures loom up out of the darkness

Visitor numbers to Union Square are down nine percent so far this year according to Cushman & Wakefield, and the crisis is not confined to retailers with office vacancies now at a record level as businesses of all types desert the city center.

Scenes of homeless drug addicts stumbling on sidewalks and fears of violence and petty crime have become a national political issue, with Donald Trump making it part of his campaign platform.

In a video on homelessness released by his campaign, Trump said that ‘hardworking, law-abiding citizens’ were being sidelined and made to ‘suffer for the whims of a deeply unwell few.’

He vowed to ‘ban urban camping’ and create ‘tent cities’ on ‘inexpensive land’ for homeless people that will be staffed with doctors and social workers to help people address systemic problems.

More than two thirds of Americans say homelessness, which surged by 12 percent last year, is out of control

More than two thirds of Americans say homelessness, which surged by 12 percent last year, is out of control

A recent Poll showed that more than two thirds of US adults said homelessness was out of control and that officials needed to move those sleeping rough into tented encampments outside towns and cities.

The survey revealed that 67 percent of Americans are fed up with the country’s fast-rising number of homeless people and want mayors to take drastic steps to tackle the scourge.

‘San Francisco was like Disneyland for adults,’ Chapman wrote.

‘Tons of cool stores and fabulous restaurants and night clubs. They’re all gone now. Maybe someday it will all come back.’

California vagrants have created a massive shanty town in Oakland as the homeless crisis worsens throughout the Bay Area.

Shocking video footage shows makeshift temporary houses lined up on roads in the city. The houses are made of wooden pallets, plywood, tarps, and other discarded materials and objects. Some of these homes even have windows. There are also rundown RVs in the massive shanty town, which leads to abandoned buildings that seem to be occupied.

Michael Oxford, the host of CaliBased, uploaded video footage of the shanty town to X and wrote: “Parts of Oakland are worse than a third world country. They just allow people to live in absolute squalor, wherever they choose.”

California lawmakers have struggled to make positive strides in solving the homeless crisis, spending more than $24 billion of taxpayer funds on the issue over the past five fiscal years only for it to get worse under Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom’s leadership.

The Oakland shanty town is also trashed. Video footage showed piles of heaping garbage spread out in front of the makeshift homes.

Tom Wolf, a former homeless man from San Francisco who is now in recovery from heroin and fentanyl addiction, commented, “Worse than any shanty town in the third world. You know how we got here? Drugs.

While crime-ridden Oakland has been known for its struggles, the Bay Area city has worsened over the past several years due to progressive policies. Oakland has descended into uncontrollable crime, resulting in residents packing city council meetings out of anger and frustration.

City administrators were compelled to replace traffic lights at a busy Oakland intersection with stop signs earlier this month due to the repeated tampering with and theft of copper from the electrical receptacles that controlled the lights.

Famous California-based burger joint In-N-Out Burger permanently closed its Oakland location earlier this year, citing out-of-control crime. Other fast-food restaurants in Oakland have gone cashless due to an increase in robberies.

Give me a brake! San Francisco tow truck tries to drag away car with driver still inside

A tow truck driver was seen trying to snatch a car with the driver still inside on a San Francisco street. The company, Specialty Towing, was suspended by the city in February.

How Dem-led California – whose population fled en masse during COVID – is STILL failing to bounce back… and here’s why

How this Dem-led state whose population fled en masse during aggressive Covid years is

Californians are leaving the Golden State in droves, citing the high cost of living and poor quality of life as driving factors. The reasons behind California ‘s population decline is largely due to the decrease in migration related as a result of international travel restrictions and a large amount of people taking advantage of the pandemic to move to a state with more affordable housing. But others have cited more personal reasons for leaving, such as their politics, safety concerns, and what California is notoriously known for – traffic.


Inside the ‘housing cartel’ accused of pushing up the cost of YOUR rent: Legal battle breaks out over niche tech firm that helps landlords fix prices

A Texan software company is alleged to have been at the center of a ‘rental cartel’ that enabled landlords across the US to artificially drive up prices.

Dirty dollars! San Francisco finally opens its long-mocked $1.7 million public restroom

San Francisco finally opens its long-mocked $1.7 million public restroom in 'Toilet Bowl'

The city of San Francisco has finally unveiled its much-anticipated public toilet with much fanfare and celebration. Estimated to cost $1.7 million but eventually built for much less, the metal toilet was installed in the Noe Valley neighborhood on April 20. About 100 people came together in the Noe Valley Town Square to celebrate the unveiling by dressing up as the Mario Brothers (who are plumbers by profession) and had a live jazz band that renamed itself ‘American Standard’ for the day. Apart form the toilet, the public restroom also comes with a baby changing station



Furious Californians tear Gavin Newsom to shreds as his post boasting about the number of Fortune 500 companies in the state spectacularly backfires


The Democrat governor took to X, formerly Twitter , to revel in a survey suggesting that California now leads the US in Fortune 500 companies. ‘Huge’, be declared, ‘and something you definitely won’t hear on Fox News tonight.’ The backlash was certainly huge with hundreds of Californians tearing into his record on crime , drugs, housing, the budget deficit and the rest of the state’s economy. ‘Cool, the rich are getting really, really rich and the middle class are becoming poor!’ wrote JD Sharp. ‘Welcome to sunny, socialist California!!’

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