– She cannot make proper eye contact
– She used blow-jobs on married men to advance her career
– Sonia, the later mistress of Willie Brown, (HER SUGAR DADDY Sex Boss) says that she is a gold digging, power-mad looney
– The wife of Willie Brown, that Kamala screwed over by screwing a married Willie Brown calls her the ultimate definition of a “C*NT”
– Her inappropriately-timed sudden cackeling is just like that of the serial killer in SILENCE OF THE LAMBS and is a known sign of psychological disorder
– Even though Kamala Harris is known for having vast amounts of illicit anal, oral and vaginal sex with the married mayor of San Francisco (as his side-pussy), in order to advance her career, other men, that have been with her, say that her oral sex is actually quite bad because she scrapes her large front teeth against the shaft of the penis in a painful way
– Her staff, in all of her positions, have described her offices as ‘the most dysfuncional places they have ever seen.’
– Her meeting with Russia CAUSED Russia to invade Ukraine because she came off to Russia as so weak
– When she was the AG of California, she stopped case investigations that could lead back to her Big Tech financiers, ie: The death of Gary D. Conley
– She is owned and controlled by the BIG TECH CEO’s and investors and will not halt their human rights and privacy abuses
– Her strange mannerisms meet all of the DSM criteria for psychological disorder
– She totally screwed up the management of the U.S. border that she was assigned to
– Her staff describe her ‘human rights agenda’ as a personal vendetta against white men
– All of her statements, votes and actions are against Isreal
– She has a hard time forming complete and logical sentences without turning phrases into a world salad of nonsense buzz words
– She told a group of sex workers that she used to be a sex worker
– She broke up married men’s marriages by using sex to get jobs with those men
– Her staff have call her a soul sucking bitch with no management skills and the office style of Atilla The Hun
– Her staff have said she has no diplomacy and shouts at them
– At Hastings Law school in San Francisco she was known as The Campus Bicycle
– Her staff have quit on her because she is so awful
– She has created a bubble of Black family members around herself to protect her from seeing negative news stories about herself
– Jill Biden calls her ‘The Little Whore’
– She married Emhoff just for his money and helps his kids become the poster children of ‘white privilege’
– She cares about her image and her personal agenda more than anything else on Earth
– Her sex addiction seems to be based, not on passion, but her desire to control others
– She, Newsom, The Getty Family and a Cartel Of San Francisco Elites operate a secret society of policy control Deep State collusion
– She uses the same programmed hand-gestures over and over like a trained political puppy
– Kids say ” Her Rizz is a sham”
– He psychological issues show that her post partum defects would be so extreme that she would have to be institutionalized
– Her ancesters came from slave rape and she holds revenge issues against all whites via deep resentment embedding
– Her mental problems are too numerous to allow her to hold the highest office
– There are thousands of other issues with her….

Kamala Harris’ ‘anti-Catholic’ comments resurface

Roman Catholics revived their grievances against Vice President Kamala Harris after Democrats rallied to her support to replace President Joe Biden as the 2024 presidential nominee.

Ex-staff expose Harris’s decades-long ‘toxic’ behavior, her ‘soul-destroying’ tirades and how she reduced people to TEARS – forcing them to quit at unprecedented levels

Kamala Harris the 'soul-destroying bully': Former staff expose shock details of degrading

Kamala Harris was all smiles when she arrived at Joe Biden ‘s former Delaware campaign headquarters on Monday. She was there to lift the spirits of blindsided staffers, who after 15 months of toiling to re-elect the president, suddenly found themselves working for her. ‘It is my great honor to have Joe’s endorsement in this race,’ she boasted to cheers from a crowd who were now on her payroll. But as the assembled readily applauded, some must have harbored private concerns. For, behind the recent public self-branding of Harris as a kindly, jovial ‘Momala’, she has earned a nasty reputation as an alleged ‘soul-destroying’ workplace ‘bully’.

Kamla Harris is Unburdened by History

By Clarice Feldman

Once again, the Democrats are offering up a woman candidate for president. And once again, it is an unlikeable candidate who owes her career to a far more skillful male politician. In Hillary’s case, it is her husband, Bill, a charismatic personality adept at the game. In Harris’s case, it was her lover Willie Brown who boosted her up the ladder and showered her with expensive gifts.

To say that Kamala Harris had an affair with a man more than twice her age, leveraged his fundraising prowess and connections to launch her political career, and once in office did his corrupt bidding isn’t sexist. It’s well-grounded in fact.

When in 2019 Harris ran for president, she was highly promoted by the media but drew little support and dropped out quickly. The Los Angeles Times said she never should have even entered the race.

And she couldn’t connect with voters because of the core weakness in her candidacy: a lack of cohesive strategy and clear personal convictions. There was no evidence of the political soul needed to guide her toward public policy she felt strongly about.

“She didn’t exactly have a sense of who she was and what she believed and what she wanted to get done,” said a disappointed Harris insider who asked for anonymity. “And sooner or later that stuff gets exposed.”

“Her strategic plan wasn’t clear,” the insider continued. The campaign was confident she would win the votes of African Americans in South Carolina and from fellow Californians.

When that scenario didn’t seem to be working out, Harris belatedly began focusing on the first contest in Iowa. The senator was failing there, too, when she pulled the plug.

“She was all over the map on healthcare and criminal justice,” the insider said of the former San Francisco district attorney. “Was she a prosecutor or a public defender? It wouldn’t have made much difference which role she decided, but she started bouncing around to be all things to all people. Voters instinctively understand your heart’s not in it.”

Anyone who watched Harris as attorney general could have predicted this outcome. She refused to take positions on any state ballot proposition. Her excuse was that the attorney general writes the official ballot titles and summaries, and she didn’t want to appear biased. But that was nonsense. She was trying to avoid making political enemies, especially among law enforcement.

Most unacceptable was her refusal to take a stand on two propositions to abolish the death penalty, a cause that she claimed to have long supported. The measures narrowly lost. She also remained neutral on an initiative to expedite the death penalty. It passed. And she didn’t take a position on a measure to reduce prison sentences, which passed. Yet Harris leaped into the presidential race promising to be a “fighter for the people.” Clearly that message was gleaned from focus groups. The rhetoric didn’t match the record.

I see no difference in her substantial shortcomings five years later.

The paper also mentioned she had many conflicts with and difficulty retaining staff, a personality flaw that carried over into the vice presidency.

she has earned a nasty reputation as an alleged ‘soul-destroying’ workplace ‘bully’. Only four of the initial 71 staffers hired by Harris during her first year in office still remain in a job. The rest either quit or were fired, according to analysis by non-partisan watchdog Open The Books.

In the middle of this week’s honeymoon period, after the surprise announcement that without a single vote from anyone, she’ll be the party’s nominee, this wonderful video surfaced. She’s a rich target and there’ll be more of these.

Despite her poor showing in 2019, President Biden named her as his running mate in 2020 after promising he’d name a woman of color to that position.

In her righteously mocked word salads, she repeatedly talks about unburdening ourselves from the past, and the major media is doing its best to airbrush out her history to keep it from burdening this run for office. My favorite was this nonsense from Scientific American: “As the daughter of a cancer researcher, Kamala Harris would bring a lifelong familiarity with science to the presidency, experts say.” Nevertheless, within days of the Biden switcheroo in which he coronated a person who had not received a single vote for the nomination, her history is being unveiled, and if your news sources are among the crowd spackling over it, here are some highlights of the past which she is burdened with, in no particular order:

  • She supports defunding the police, arguing, “more safety with cops is wrong”
  • She supports sanctuary cities.
  • She played a leading role in the disastrous hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan in which the U.S. left to the Taliban billions of dollars worth of military equipment, left behind Americans and Afghans who had assisted us, and lost 13 fine military personnel, after which she did not even attend the dignified transfer of their remains at Dover AFB.
  • She supports Marxism, arguing absurdly that we all have the same capacities and should end up in the same place, but since we didn’t start out in “the same place, some folks might need for equitable distribution.” (Her family’s private residence is valued at $5 million, if you aren’t in the same financial position, go lay claim to it.)
  • She wants to transform the criminal justice system by ending cash bail, eliminating minimum sentences, allowing convicted murderers and rapists the right to vote in federal elections.
  • She hasn’t a clue about or respect for the Constitution. When she participated in the presidential debates, she insisted over Biden’s dissent that she could institute gun control by executive order.
  • She called the border wall a ”vanity project” and said that illegal aliens aren’t criminals, and the surge of them across our borders is “not an emergency.” She even argued that U.S. taxpayers should provide health insurance coverage for illegal border crossers. (Under this Administration, there have been an estimated 11 million of them. Do the math on the cost of that.)

At a Democratic presidential debate in Miami in June 2019, then-Sen. Harris was among a number of candidates who affirmed support for both decriminalizing illegal border crossings and also requiring U.S. taxpayers to provide health insurance coverage to illegal border crossers.

What root cause could be more powerful than an offer of free access to the U.S. medical system and a guarantee that legal consequences for unlawful entry would be minimal? Any prudent person without a good job south of the border would at least have to give serious consideration to this compelling offer. And it was coming from leading Democratic politicians, including a senator representing the most populous state in the U.S.

  • She was widely touted as Biden’s border czar, and now she and the lickspittle press try to memory-hole that and claim her brief was far more limited. Axios, for one, actually removed its contemporaneous accounts of her appointment as border czar. GovTrack this week removed its early reports which named her as the most liberal person in the Senate.
  • As vice president, she has the ceremonial function of representing the country as Senate president, greeting foreign guests. She passed on greeting Benjamin Netanyahu, claiming that a prior engagement at a sorority confab took precedence. Then she had a seconds-long photo op with him in the White House, after which the press was tossed out. In remarks to the press following the meeting, she said she had “serious concerns about the scale of human suffering in Gaza” and claimed over two million people in Gaza are facing food insecurity. (Independent analyses indicate enough food is entering Gaza to provide over 3000 calories per person per day. I suppose the next claim will be that Israel is trying to kill Gazans by overfeeding them.)
  • “Kamala Harris admits she supports — Raising taxes on 91% of Americans across every income bracket. — A higher business tax rate than socialist Venezuela. — Raising the death tax.”
  • She opposed fracking (CNN presidential town hall) until a day or so ago when the Hill reported an unnamed campaign staffer (probably looking at internal polls from Pennsylvania) announced that she no longer supports fracking bans.
  • While Attorney General of California, she supported Proposition 47, which allows people to steal $950 worth of goods at a time without serious criminal penalty. (If you wonder why San Francisco’s downtown is empty of retail stores, you now know.)
  • She partnered with local officials of CAIR, which has been at the forefront of anti-Israel activities and is involved in fundraising for the Muslim Brotherhood to boost Hamas. She has consistently been anti-Israeli and indifferent to the attacks on Jewish college students.
  • She backed the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which bailed out criminals during the George Floyd riots, which caused extensive property damage and some deaths. When she denied that this week, people pointed out that her webpage seeking donations for the group was still online. Similarly, still online as of this week was her full-throated support of hoaxer Jussie Smollett, who was convicted for lying that he’d been assaulted by apparent Trump fans. She called his easily discredited claims “a modern-day lynching.”
  • Her office framed an innocent man for a murder for which he spent seven years in prison and was ultimately awarded over 13 million dollars from the city in compensation.
  • As attorney general of California, she kept people in prison after their sentences expired to provide cheap labor for the state and, when called on it, claimed to be shocked. Which was either false or an admission of her lack of managerial capacity.

Harris “kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California.”

This claim comes from a February Daily Beast article. It found lawyers in then AG Harris’[sic] office argued in 2014 that, despite court orders to reduce state prison crowding, some non-violent offenders needed to stay in the prison system to help combat wildfires. It does not detail how many prisoners, if any, ended up staying longer than required.

A spokesperson for Harris was quoted in the article saying, “Senator Harris was shocked and troubled by the use of this argument. She looked into it and directed the department’s attorneys not to make that argument again.”

There’s much more to come, and don’t be disheartened if, during this honeymoon part of her campaign, you see polls — usually meaningless nationwide ones of registered (as opposed to likely) voters. The Polymarket, where people bet on the outcomes, shows Trump far in the lead. (On Saturday, he led 59% to 39%) and the more visible she becomes, the worse she’ll poll.

92% of voters blame her for the Biden health coverup, and that means much of what she says will likely be discredited by them.

Importantly, consumer sentiment just fell to an eight-month low, according to the University of Michigan survey, and that has not changed this week.

No matter what the press says about economic data, people need to eat, find housing, and obtain transportation and health care, and as those prices have risen substantially, inflation is their biggest concern. There’s no reason for them to believe that Harris has the ability or inclination to turn that around, and every reason, including recent history, to believe that Trump does.

Image: Michael Ramirez

Inside horny ‘disco dancer’ Kamala Harris’s high school years in Canada – and why she keeps tight-lipped about them

Inside 'disco dancer' Kamala Harris's high school years in Canada - and why she keeps

The presumptive Democratic nominee for president has ramped up her campaign in recent days, but mysteriously appears to downplay her formative years spent in Canada. There is no mention of her Canadian education in Harris’s official biography on the White House website and in her 2019 memoir. Former classmates described her as having ‘something special’ at school, and said she was a popular student who ‘blended in with everybody’.

Kamala went soft on a cop killer and MS-13 gangsters in the 2000s. It’s coming back to haunt her

Conservative legal activists have launched investigations into Kamala Harris’ time as San Francisco district attorney and then California’s attorney general.


Scandal behind the cackle! As Kamala’s former lover – who’s 31 YEARS her senior – demands Biden make her president NOW… all the sordid secrets America’s ‘Momala’ hopes you’ve forgotten


Scandal behind the cackle! As Kamala's former lover - who's 31 YEARS her senior - demands

Could Kamala Harris’ inappropriate laughter and ‘word salads’ be symptoms of a little-known psychological condition?

American behavioural specialist Gregg Levoy said that for people who ramble on and on, speech can become ‘a barrier rather than a connector’.

The Kamala Harris Guide To Getting Anal Sex From Married Men

“…Learn how to use your ass for career expansion. Push your personal agenda while he is pushing his sausage up your butt-hole. You can use these techniques with both black AND white elite insider guys with the political connections you need. They won’t notice your insane-witch cackle with their wiener jammed up your back side. All you need is a butt-hole, Crisco, and an insincere pandering smile. Includes a forward by Gavin Newsom (Author of ‘How To Screw Your Best Friend’s Wife‘)…”

Watch Kamala Harris’ most embarrassing and incoherent ‘word salads’ and public blunders that have seen her repeatedly ridiculed

From stumbling over her words when addressing the White House ‘s Covid strategy to confusedly repeating herself over the use of community banks, here are some of her most embarrassing slip-ups.

Republicans plan to attack Kamala Harris as Biden’s ‘border czar’ overseeing ‘catastrophic open border’ with resolution showing GOP unity and Democratic dysfunction

Following Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race, Republicans are now focusing attacks against Kamala Harris’ handling of the ‘catastrophic open border crisis.’

Kamala Harris’ career has been dogged by controversies with critics claiming she was given a boost by her relationship with former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown in the 1990s. Harris has long been accused of hypocrisy and dishonesty, which has turned many, even in her own party, against her.


Scandal behind the cackle! As Kamala’s former lover – who’s 31 YEARS her senior – demands Biden make her president NOW… all the sordid secrets America’s ‘Momala’ hopes you’ve forgotten

Vice President Kamala Harris‘s ex-lover old-man, horn-dog, suger-daddy has a bright idea.

Why wait for 2024? Kamala should be president – right now!

Former San Francisco mayor and notorious playboy, Willie Brown, 90, who is 31 years Harris’s senior and dated her in the 1990s, summoned local reporters for an impromptu news conference on Sunday.

Speaking outside John’s Grill, where he holds court with the city’s political elite, just moments after President Joe Biden‘s surprise announcement that he’d suspended his campaign, Brown told journalists that the president shouldn’t just cede the Democratic nomination to Kamala, but he should make her commander-in-chief immediately.

Kamala Harris' career has been dogged by controversies with critics claiming she was given a boost by her relationship with former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown in the 1990s

‘[Harris’s] chances go up if [Biden] would at this moment say not only am I no longer the candidate, I’m no longer the president — she is,’ Brown said.

Research reveals what REALLY happens to Kamala’s body when she has her glass of wine or beer every day

For years, studies suggested it just enough to get the anti-stress benefits and not enough to cause hangovers or the other health risks associated with booze.

Sounding more like a doting teacher than a past lover, he heaped praise on Harris, telling The San Francisco Chronicle: ‘In all the jobs she’s had… she’s always been outstanding.’

It’s a sharp change of tune from Brown, who advised Harris in 2020 to turn down Biden’s invitation to be his running mate, telling her the second seat was a ‘dead end’.

But his about-face is in line with a general shift that’s now underway in the Democratic party – as left-wing political operators and a sympathetic media desperately rush to rehabilitate Harris’s image in the hope that she can take on and beat former President Donald Trump.

In April, talk-show host Drew Barrymore heaped praise on our Vice President, cringingly christening her ‘Momala’ and saying, ‘I’ve been thinking that we all need a tremendous hug in the world now, but in our country, we need you to be Momala of the country.’

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The big question now is if Democrats can paint Harris, who has a dismal favorability rating to match Biden’s (39 percent), as a competent, inspiring and principled leader.

A closer look behind Harris’s career – dogged by allegations of hypocrisy and dishonesty – suggests that such a rebrand may be an insurmountable task.

Even her earliest days in politics were tarnished by scandal.

In 1994, Harris was a 29-year-old rising star in the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office when she struck up a relationship with Brown – the then 60-year-old speaker of the state Assembly and one of the most powerful men in California.

Harris has long been accused of hypocrisy and dishonesty, which has turned many, even in her own party, against her

Harris has long been accused of hypocrisy and dishonesty, which has turned many, even in her own party, against her

But in recent months public opinion has been shifting as the Vice President morphs into a safe, friendly persona dubbed 'Momala' by Drew Barrymore in April

But in recent months public opinion has been shifting as the Vice President morphs into a safe, friendly persona dubbed ‘Momala’ by Drew Barrymore in April

Brown – who was once dubbed the ‘Real Slick Willy’ by former president and serial-philander Bill Clinton – was still legally married to his wife Blanche Vitero at the time, but they had separated years prior.

He was notorious for his love of sports cars, flashy designer suits and for being named one of the world’s ten sexiest men by Playgirl magazine in 1984.

‘He’ll go to a party with his wife on one arm and his girlfriend on the other,’ James Richardson, a reporter for the Sacramento Bee, told People Magazine in 1996.

Kamala has strenusouly denied that her relationship with Brown – which ended in 1995 before he was elected mayor of San Francisco – was a defining step in her political career.

In 2003, she described the romance as ‘an albatross hanging around my neck’.

But Brown hasn’t been much help to Harris in dispelling the dirty rumors.

In an embarassing 2019 op-ed for the San Francisco Chronicle, he proudly proclaimed: ‘Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?’

Most daming, he also conceded in the article that he ‘certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco’.

After winning that 2003 DA campaign, Harris’s political star began to rise in earnest, as she asserted herself as the stony face of ‘law and order’ – a far cry from her latest, softer ‘Momala’ iteration.

As San Fran’s district attorney, her office introduced a controversial anti-truancy program that targeted parents of children who skipped school, threatening them with prosecution and fines.

Under the program, in 2013, local mom Cheree Peoples was arrested and handcuffed over her daughter’s school attendance record. It later emerged that Cheree’s child had been missing school because she had a serious genetic condition that required frequent hospitalization.

Read More

Kamala Harris announcement sees Democrat fundraising surge by record $46.7m in the first seven hours after Biden dropped out of Presidential race as donors flock back to the party and endorsements roll

article image

Harris’s office also fought to keep inmates in jail even after the US Supreme Court found that overcrowding in California prisons had become so serious it amounted to unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment.

But as the seasons changed, so did Kamala’s priorities – with many of her more hardline views shifting dramatically over the years to become increasignly socially liberal.

The best example is her ‘evolving’ stance on marijuana.

As San Francisco’s district attorney, her prosecutors convicted more than 1,900 people for weed violations. Snap forward to this March and Camelon Kamala couldn’t be more different, repeatedly stating: ‘Nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed.’

Another striking example of Harris’s perceived political opportunism came when she attacked Biden during a televised Democratic primary debate in 2019.

At the time, both were vying to be the party nominee for the 2020 election.

Harris came out swinging – appearing to blindside Biden over his work with former segregationist Senators and for his one-time opposition to a federal busing program that aimed to integrate minority school children into high-performing majority-white schools.

‘There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day,’ Harris told Biden, ‘That little girl was me.’

After Kamala’s own campaign collapsed, she joined Biden’s ticket as his running mate – and all such animosity was conveniently forgotten.

But, earlier this year, insiders told DailyMail.com that Jill Biden still held a grudge against Harris for her treatment of Joe during that 2019 TV debate, reportedely privately fuming that Harris should ‘Go f*** yourself’.

‘[Jill] doesn’t let things go and she has never forgiven Kamala for comments that some took to be allegations of racism,’ the source said, ‘Jill was trying to stop Kamala joining the Biden ticket in 2020.’

Once in the White House, Harris’s competence in office has also become a target for critics.

Kamala Harris’s ANTIFA May Have Created The DC Riots!

In March 2021, Biden placed Harris in charge of addressing the ‘root causes’ of migration into the US, with the aim of ‘stemming the migration to our southern border.’

Her role led to one of the most widely derided moments of her career: an NBC interview in which she admitted she had never actually visited the border.

When asked why she hadn’t been, she panicked: ‘I haven’t been to Europe. I mean, I don’t understand the point that you’re making.’

Insiders told DailyMail.com earlier this year, that Jill Biden had hated Harris and held a grudge against her since the 2019 debate debacle, where Harris slammed Biden over his track record on race issues

Insiders told DailyMail.com earlier this year, that Jill Biden had hated Harris and held a grudge against her since the 2019 debate debacle, where Harris slammed Biden over his track record on race issues

Jill reportedly privately fumed that Harris should ¿Go f--- yourself' after the debate and the feud was reportedly part of the reason Jill didn¿t want her husband to step aside as candidate, because she couldn¿t bear the thought of Harris taking his place

Jill reportedly privately fumed that Harris should ‘Go f— yourself’ after the debate and the feud was reportedly part of the reason Jill didn’t want her husband to step aside as candidate, because she couldn’t bear the thought of Harris taking his place

The illegal immigration issue subsequently exploded into an abject crisis. Under the Biden-Harris administartion, some 10 million migrants have crossed from Mexico into America, leaving humiliated Democrat lawmakers no option but to reinstitute strict policies enacted by the Trump administration.

Meanwhile, White House staff have left Harris’s office in droves, with 13 staffers quitting in just a few months between 2021 and 2022.

The mass departures have fueled claims that Harris is an office ‘bully’ with a ‘soul-destroying’ management style.

More than anything, her communication style has attracted the most negative attention.

She has become known for her ‘word salad’ public appearances, during which she deploys jumbled and repetitive phrases to convey seemingly simple ideas.


In August last year, she emphasized to reporters that ‘community banks are in the community’ and that investing in them is therefore good for ‘the community.’

Her career since - first as San Francisco district attorney, then from 2011 as California¿s attorney general, and from 2017 as a US senator for California - has been filled with contradictions and controversies that have turned many on the progressive wing of the Democratic Party against her

Her career since – first as San Francisco district attorney, then from 2011 as California’s attorney general, and from 2017 as a US senator for California – has been filled with contradictions and controversies that have turned many on the progressive wing of the Democratic Party against her

During a visit to a children’s hospital in May, she said: ‘We all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are children of the community.’

Then there’s perhaps her best-known soundbite, which she may never live down, made during a White House event last year.

Quoting her mother, Harris said: ‘You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.’

Fans and critics alike have since shared the clip, poking fun at the seemingly nonsensical turn of phrase.

Whatever the intended meaning of her coconut quote, one part of it rang painfully true: Harris does exist in the context of what came before her, and while she and her allies now attempt a rebrand, she may find her past is not so easily left behind.





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