I just went there to check what garbage they were posting today, and there are some very, very deceiving articles there. Blame Eric Schmidt.

I have had little to no trouble not using google search for the past two years. I use duckduckgo (ddg), startpage, disconnect, and there’s a type of search engine that anyone can host and therefore it’s loosely connect network and can’t be tracked fully or taken down. I’ll have to get back to you with that if I can dig up that info again.

Also, when avoiding google it’s importation to think like this: what you want your goal to be is to prevent google from getting any scrap of data about you and your search that you can. So even though startpage uses google, if you use that you’ve anonymized your search so google has less info about you. I take it a step further and use ddg for anything that I think it would be hard for a search engine to miss so this way google doesn’t even get the anonymous search. It’s very important to know that this is becoming especially effective since google and other tech companies are relying on AI to do free work for them (and not pay humans for doing work, while they pocket all the money gained from efficiencies and assert their political agenda), and that AI feeds 100% off of data.

If you stop the data flow, you stop google.

EDIT 2: And remember Mark Zuckerberg agreed to enforce chinese style censorship on facebook.

Also, some additional info here. The tech companies are now squirming that their efforts have failed and they think Trump will be elected. Remember that polls have come out now, outside of the democratic party (DNC) and their associated press, that show Trump solidly ahead. I like how they sat in the background until this, they were obviously trying to let people believe that Hillary was just going to win “because that’s what everyone wanted. How could she get elected otherwise? Crazy person.”

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[–] jobes 6 points (+6|-0) ago

Oh god yes. A couple years ago I used to go to Google news frequently, but over the last year or so it went to complete shit. The 100% shilling for Hillary is so blatantly obvious.

[–] CARDTaTURT [S] 2 points (+2|-0) ago

The 100% shilling for Hillary is so blatantly obvious.

Eric Schmidt man. That guy has openly proclaimed his support of Obama, then Hillary and there’s a clip of him online after controversy hit claiming that all of google “hasn’t taken a position in the US presidential election.” This guy, as far as I know, used to not lie this openly and deceivingly, now he’s doing it on a regular basis, and it’s my belief that he is purposefully trying to deceive people to pursue a personal and definitely a globalist agenda.

[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0) ago

He went from “do no evil” to “do all the evil” in a pretty short time frame. I wonder who threatened him.

[–] Phish555 3 points (+3|-0) ago

I use google news at work and can confirm this statement. It only makes me vote trump harder tho

[–] CARDTaTURT [S] 1 points (+1|-0) ago  (edited ago)

And remember Mark Zuckerberg agreed to enforce chinese style censorship on facebook.

Also, some additional info here. The tech companies are now squirming that their efforts have failed and they think Trump will be elected. Remember that polls have come out now, outside of the democratic party (DNC) and their associated press, that show Trump solidly ahead. I like how they sat in the background until this, they were obviously trying to let people believe that Hillary was just going to win “because that’s what everyone wanted. How could she get elected otherwise? Crazy person.”

[–] Chiefpacman 2 points (+2|-0) ago  (edited ago)

I hate Google, and I tried for months to boycott them.

It’s just so hard. Why is their search engine so much better at finding what I want with vague search terms. (Except for porn, Bing is king of porn).

[–] corsairio 1 points (+1|-0) ago

I actually tend to like Bing better. It’s duckduckgo that sucks.

[–] middle_path 1 points (+1|-0) ago

Bing is king of porn


[–] CARDTaTURT [S] 0 points (+0|-0) ago

I have had little to no trouble not using google search for the past two years. I use duckduckgo (ddg), startpage, disconnect, and there’s a type of search engine that anyone can host and therefore it’s loosely connect network and can’t be tracked fully or taken down. I’ll have to get back to you with that if I can dig up that info again.

Also, when avoiding google it’s importation to think like this: what you want your goal to be is to prevent google from getting any scrap of data about you and your search that you can. So even though startpage uses google, if you use that you’ve anonymized your search so google has less info about you. I take it a step further and use ddg for anything that I think it would be hard for a search engine to miss so this way google doesn’t even get the anonymous search. It’s very important to know that this is becoming especially effective since google and other tech companies are relying on AI to do free work for them (and not pay humans for doing work, while they pocket all the money gained from efficiencies and assert their political agenda), and that AI feeds 100% off of data.

If you stop the data flow, you stop google.

[–] mediatekk 2 points (+2|-0) ago

I use Breitbart and Drudge.

[–] common_sense 2 points (+2|-0) ago

I understand going to sources that follow your beliefs, but only using those really puts you in an echochamber and never allows you to challenge your viewpoint.

[–] CARDTaTURT [S] 1 points (+1|-0) ago

puts you in an echochamber and never allows you to challenge your viewpoint.

The echochamber is ok for the foreseeable future because there is change that needs to be made, and support needs to be given for the proposed changes ASAP. The key is to take action to enforce these things. Without real life interaction, you have nothing.

[–] SadByzantineJesus 1 points (+1|-0) ago

I wish news would report news instead of being a full time editorial. Then I would just know what going on instead of how a news anchor thinks I should feel about an event.

1 reply

[–] mediatekk 0 points (+0|-0) ago

I don’t want to read someone’s opinion about the news. The very concept of having a “viewpoint” challenged is the antithesis of the objectivity that news reporting is meant to be. Someone Else’s personal desire to rain shit on my mind from the dark clouds of their psycho-political crisis has nothing to do with news. I want to know what’s going on in the world today – preferably without being lied to. Thank you.

1 reply

[–] Skyrock 2 points (+2|-0) ago

Got a good alternative news aggregates?

I still use google news for quick overviews in the morning and after work (as well as for searching historical news items), but solely for the lack of viable competition.

[–] CARDTaTURT [S] 0 points (+0|-0) ago

I’d be interested in an alternative as well. What I do to avoid using google is I go and look at a few places on the internet that I think will be turning up information at the source and then I make generic searches about that on a non-google search engine.

Careful using google news even for an overview. I do the same thing from time to time, and I do it after I get my fill on news to see how the news aggregated there might be socially engineered to sway even people like voaters – and it is very, very tricky sometimes. Those people make their living off of “journalism,” and we all know what journalism has turned into nowadays.

[–] common_sense 1 points (+1|-0) ago

Any examples?

[–] pray_the_gay_away 1 points (+1|-0) ago

Absolutely true. It’s only useful for studying the narrative.

[–] HenryCorpse 0 points (+0|-0) ago

Google schmoogle. We is buy Schmit, he full of shit. Ask (((@HenryCorp)))) but oh noes, he is kill. I is (((@HenryCorp)))) mao.

[–] Tat_Tvam_Asi 0 points (+0|-0) ago

Best to prove and show everyone you know.

[+] jw48335 -4 points ago   (show children)