How Google Created The Failed “Arab Spring” Middle East uprisings for Profit:
Google yuppie billionaires, who know about as much about Middle East politics and culture as a dog knows about building an electronics factory, have stepped in it again.
In the recent leaks, it has now been revealed that Google executives were emailing with Hillary Clinton, USAID’s Margaret Sullivan and their State Department staffs regarding the use of Google for revolutions. Working with Google’s covert spy operations at IN-Q-Tel, New America Foundation and CIA plants inside the New York Times, Eric Schmidt attempted to control Middle East politics in order to steer Middle East lithium mining and other lucrative war profiteering contracts to himself and his Goldman Sachs and Kleiner Perkins partners.
The following material is a small portion of over 100,000 pages of documents proving that Google engaged in this corruption, war profiteering, trans-national interference and policy manipulation:
New America Foundation, Google, and the Obama Administration.
by Michelle Ray
Google claims its business philosophy is the simple, warm-and-fuzzy, “Don’t be evil.” But behind the scenes, the data-trolling and -selling operations the company perpetrates on end-users could hardly be considered noble; at best they might be called self-serving, and at worst a violation of privacy. And now, the corporate juggernaut is using its connections to a high-level lobbyist foundation to buy positive spin and government influence to protect one of its biggest cash cows.
The New York Times recently ran this article, defining Google+, Google’s social network hub that now acts as the backbone of its universal login services. It’s become the easiest method by which Google can track online behavior and commercialize marketing profiles of web users to online advertisers:
Google Plus may not be much of a competitor to Facebook as a social network, but it is central to Google’s future — a lens that allows the company to peer more broadly into people’s digital life, and to gather an ever-richer trove of the personal information that advertisers covet. Some analysts even say that Google understands more about people’s social activity than Facebook does.
The reason is that once you sign up for Plus, it becomes your account for all Google products, from Gmail to YouTube to maps, so Google sees who you are and what you do across its services, even if you never once return to the social network itself.
Google has a history of getting itself in hot water for tracking users’ information. It is currently embroiled in a wiretapping lawsuit in the 9th Circuit (in which it’s trying to seal court records), during which their lawyers have asserted positively that users have no reasonable expectation of privacy.
Without delay, Slate’s “Future Tense” blog counters the Times article, concluding that Google already knows everything about users, thus negating any reason to question collection of the data willingly shared by Google users.
Google has known who you are and what you were doing all along and has been tracking it. Plus is just the tip of an enormous data iceberg.
But there’s also an interesting disclosure at the bottom of the Slate piece:
Future Tense is a partnership of Slate, New America, and Arizona State University.
The New America Foundation (NAF) is a Google, Inc. beneficiary at the $250,000-$999,999 (wide gap) level. Google chairman Eric Schmidt (who also serves as chairman for the New America foundation) and his estranged wife Wendy give to NAF at the $1,000,000+ level. NAF is also listed on Google U.S. Public Policy’s Transparency disclosure page. Could it be a coincidence that a Slate project, funded by a foundation that’s a massive Google beneficiary, rushes to Google’s defense?
Meet Colleen Chien, senior advisor for intellectual property to the White House CTO at OSTP. She was appointed to the administration last year after she received a grant from NAF, while a professor at Santa Clara University Law School, to advocate against patent trolls, one of Google’s pet initiatives. One might question how Chien was awarded this position, until a picture of Chien’s collaborations with Google policy and Obama Administration advocates becomes clear. Ironically, this information is easily found via Google search.
Chien has chronicled her connection with Google, NAF, and the Administration though her social media presence. Until her final personal tweet announcing her position with OSTP, she regularly referenced President Obama’s push for patent litigation reform, an issue that Google has admitted is a huge cost and risk for them.
New patent fact #1 I’ll be presenting @ Princeton today: Google and Apple spent more on patents last year than on R&D.
— Colleen Chien (@colleen_chien) May 11, 2012
Chien’s academic associations and social media “likes” and “friends” read like a “Who’s Who” in Google data collection defense and Democrat campaign and policy architecture. Chien has authored papers with attorney/law professor Mark Lemley, who has represented Google, economist Richard Gilbert who assisted the FTC with its recent investigation of Google, economist Carl Shapiro, former Clinton and Obama Adminstration policy wonk, law professor Joseph S. Miller, formerly with the Antitrust Division of the US Department of Justice, law professor Ted Sichelman, former Zoe Lofgren staffer who helped co-author patent reforms in the America Invents Act, and patent attorney, Aashish Karkanis. This final paper was cited by Google in public comment submitted to the USPTO.
Not only does it appear that Google is funding Democratic campaigns, financially supporting the administration’s wonks with policy roles in areas of interest to Google’s bottom line, even when those wonks are already within Google’s sphere of influence, but the company is now buying media to push back on the powerful NYT, which is normally a bastion of progressive/Democratic thought pieces.
While Google’s concerns with patent litigation may very well be justified or altruistic, their connections with the Obama administration and its cronies would seem to indicate that it’s really just about protecting its own bottom line. And while Ms. Chien doesn’t appear to be directly connected to Google’s efforts to protect its data-mining operations, it is clear that Google is making a concerted effort to get people friendly to its own business interests (and, by inference, opposed to its competitors’) into positions of power within the Obama White House and Washington as a whole. And by using media outlets it directly funds to doctor its own image, it’s committing a serious ethical breach.
Leaked emails claim Google offered to help the US…
An interactive tool created by Google was designed to encourage Syrian rebels and help bring down the…[…]clinton-emails-wikileaks-a6946121.html
Hillary Clinton’s emails reveal plan for Google to bring down Bashar …
Internet giant revealed to have offered to help overthrow Assad as Obama … Hillary Clinton’s emails reveal how Google wanted to overthrow …[…]e-wanted-overthrow-Assad-map-tool.html
Arab Spring – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Arab Spring (Arabic: الربيع العربي , ar-rabīˁ al-ˁarabī) was a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests (both non-violent and …
Wael Ghonim – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wael Ghonim is an Internet activist and computer engineer with an interest in social … During the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, Wael took leave from Google to focus on …. Wael Ghonim was ranked the second most powerful Arab in Arabian … to the above criticism, some of Ghonim’s supporters have launched a Facebook …
Arab spring: Google’s Wael Ghonim on the fall of Mubarak | Media …
Wael Ghonim, the Google executive and Egyptian activist who played a key role in the popular uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak, was on …[…]2011/may/18/google-wael-ghonim-mubarak
Arab Spring – SourceWatch
Arab Spring refers to the democratic uprisings that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011. The movement originated in Tunisia in …
The Arab Awakening: The ex-Google executive behind Egypt’s …
Google Inc executive Wael Ghonim addresses a mass crowd inside Tahrir Square in Cairo February 8 … The Arab Spring began a year ago, ushering in an era of revolution and protest. … This revolution started on Facebook.
Egypt – Arab Spring: A Research & Study Guide * …
This guide lists online and print sources for what has become known as the “Arab Spring,” the popular revolutionary wave in the Middle East and North Africa that …
Revolution 2.0 — How One Google Exec + Facebook Sparked An …
Awakened and shaken, he launched a Facebook page honoring the young man and seeking justice for him, …. America’s Political Arab Spring.[…]volution-20-how-one-goo_b_3333340.html
Arab Spring concurrent incidents – Wikipedia, the free …
In Djibouti, protests began on 28 January 2011, when demonstrations began with about three hundred people protesting peacefully against President Ismail Omar Guelleh …
Arab Spring – Google Slides – Google Docs
The Arab Spring. What was it?? Wave of Violent/Nonviolent Protest in Arab World (Start: DEC 2010). Spearheaded by the Youth & social media! Started in …[…]GKvXtWoXFwk7KOdvrpRnY/edit?usp=sharing
The US Engineered “Arab Spring”: The NGO Raids in Egypt | Global …
The US Engineered “Arab Spring”: The NGO Raids in Egypt … They were created by Congress and are financed through the National … Together with April 6, Wael Ghonim of Google, and a coalition of other opposition parties …[…]ab-spring-the-ngo-raids-in-egypt/28433
Economic Growth After the Arab Spring by Ishac …
CAMBRIDGE – Five years after the Arab Spring uprisings began, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia have achieved reasonable levels of political stability.[…]economic-growth-by-ishac-diwan-2016-03
The Arab Spring: Made in the USA | Global Research – Centre for …
No Arab Spring protests made any reference whatsoever to … the specific involvement of Google, Facebook, Twitter and Obama’s 2008 Internet …
Syria, Egypt, and the Arab Spring: How U.S. Policy Failed …
Islamism, the Arab Spring, and the Failure of America’s Do-Nothing Policy in the Middle East. It was nice to think the region’s uprisings weren’t about the …[…]10/middle-east-egypt-us-policy/409537/
The Google Exec Who Was Locked Up In Egypt During The Arab …
Wael Ghonim, a Google exec who was locked up in Egyptian custody during the Arab Spring, has resigned from Google. Back in 2011 he was …[…]onim-leaves-google-for-startup-2014-12
How an Egyptian Revolution Began on Facebook – The New York …
How an Egyptian Google executive’s Facebook page helped spark a movement. … the Egyptian-born Ghonim went online and created a Facebook page. … reluctantly became one of the leading voices of the Arab Spring.[…]tian-revolution-began-on-facebook.html
Quora’s first acquisition is Arab Spring instigator’s QA …
“Ex-con” isn’t normally something you find on a founder’s resume. But Google employee Wael Ghonim went to jail for sparking the Egyptian Revolution …
The CIA Role in the Arab Spring | The Most Revolutionary Act
In 2008 the State Department brought future Arab Spring activists to the … with particular attention to the role played by Google employee Gael Ghonem. … Square uprising, created the Facebook page “We are all Mohamed …[…]01/18/the-cia-role-in-the-arab-spring/
Smoking Gun: US Government Role in Arab Spring
Arabesque Americaine leaves absolutely no doubt that the “Arab Spring” — like the … emphasizing the role Google played via their star employee Wael Ghonem. … the creation of CIA and State Department Funded think tanks and foundations.[…]&catid=46:qprintemps-arabeq&Itemid=119
The Arab Spring and the impact of social media | …
Project on Information Technology & Political Islam, “Opening Closed Regimes: What was the role of Social Media During the Arab Spring”: …[…]spring-and-the-impact-of-social-media/
Democratization in the Arab World: Prospects and …
Daunting challenges face countries swept up in the Arab Spring. This monograph assesses the prospects for democratization in these countries and suggests how the …
bing yahoo cached
Arab Spring… Muslims Behead Christian Man in Tunisia …
Arab Spring… Muslims Behead Christian Man in Tunisia While Reciting Anti-Christian Islamic Prayer. Jim Hoft Jun 4th, 2012 5:46 am 109 Comments[…]eciting-anti-christian-islamic-prayer/
Revolution 2.0: Google Marketing Exec Wael Ghonim And The …
Several weeks ago he started a political movement called “Our …. can help sustain movements like the Arab Spring or can it only launch them?[…]ghonim-and-facebook-page-changed-world
New America Foundation, Google, and the Obama Administration …
Google Inside Google claims its business philosophy is the simple, warm-and- fuzzy, “Don’t be evil.” But behind the scenes, the data-trolling and …[…]on-google-and-the-obama-administration
Eric Schmidt – New America
Since joining Google in 2001, Eric Schmidt has helped grow the company from a Silicon Valley startup to a global leader in technology. As executive chairman …
Our Story – New America
“A new entry in the public policy community, the New America Foundation, … It has scooped up a good proportion of the brightest American thinkers under 40 in …
New America (organization) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
New America, formerly the New America Foundation, is a non-partisan think tank in the United … of New America, replacing Steve Coll. Google’s Executive Chairman, Eric Schmidt, is the chairman of the foundation’s board of directors.
Welcome to The International Security Program | The … – New America
New America’s International Security Program is focused on providing evidence- based analysis of international security issues, including the rise of political …
Must read by @andreworlowski Calls Out Google Policy Laundering …
Must read by @andreworlowski Calls Out Google Policy Laundering at New America Foundation. November 6, 2015 Chris Castle. Here’s a shocker: …[…]-laundering-at-new-america-foundation/
New America Foundation – SourceWatch
The New America Foundation is a Washington D.C.-headquartered think … Board of Directors is the Chairman & CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt.
New America Foundation – Huffington Post
New America Foundation … Anyone who attended New America and Arizona State University’s “Future of War” conference and sought a clear ….. Google Plus.
Hibah Hussain | LinkedIn
Washington, District Of Columbia – Senior Public Policy Analyst at Google – Google
Senior Public Policy Analyst at Google. Location: Washington, District … Google. Previous. Google,; New America Foundation,; Columbia University. Education.
Former Google lobbyist to head tech think tank | TheHill
Alan Davidson, a longtime scholar, open Internet advocate and former Google lobbyist, will lead the New America Foundation’s Open …[…]oogle-lobbyist-to-head-tech-think-tank
Google Social media Sparked, Accelerated Egypt’s Revolutionary …
Anti-government protesters celebrate in Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo Friday. Fireworks burst, and Egypt exploded with joy and tears of relief after pro …