(WORLD NEWS) Dept Of Energy Is A Crony Corruption Factory

DOE’s Moniz tries end-run, again, around Congress and Applicants

DOE Secretary Moniz is trying an end-run around the Federal law which created funds for electric cars.

Having been caught destroying and rigging the application process for hundreds of applicants, except for a couple of campaign contributors, who those applicants would have competed with, DOE staff are trying another scheme to payoff campaign kickbacks.

When the ATVM/LGP law was written, it created an open contest for everyone in America. When the first ATVM/LGP Secretary of Energy: Steven Chu, got ahold of it he made it a kickback program for select campaign crony’s and a kill-button for the competitors of those campaign crony’s. Not a single American applicant company was allowed through unless they had made multi-million dollar campaign contributions.

In the rear-view mirror of history, it is blatantly obvious, by the metrics, that the program was rigged to favor a pre-set few and to terminate a large group of others. It is obvious , from the historically massive failures of A123, Abound, Solyndra, Fisker, etc., etc, etc.. that DOE did no due diligence but just simply waved the hard-wired crony’s through.

Now Moniz wants to be Chu and take the money and give it to friends in supplier groups who are not building electric cars, per the law. This is known as “back-dooring” a crony gift.

This time around, though, hundreds of investigative reporters, and members of the public, are watching every move, every cent and every entity that might get the re-routed money. If any of them have a whisp of campaign contribution connection of crony alliance, you can bet the sparks will fly for all parties! “Take that money and expect scrutiny of everything down to a microscopic level”, say investigators.

G- LATimes


10-9-13 MEMA Letter to DOE on ATVM Loan Program – Motor …

Oct 9, 2013 … Dear Secretary Moniz: The Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association ( MEMA) represents more than 1,000 companies that manufacture …

www.mema.org/ Document-Vault/ PDFs/ 2013/ 10-9-13-MEMA-Letter-to-DOE-on-ATVM-Loan-Program.pdfView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Stabenow: Let’s Get the DOE Auto Loan Program Going Again …

Apr 10, 2013 … Stabenow said energy secretary nominee Ernest Moniz ”agrees there is a … opened to auto suppliers and said she raised the issue with Ernest Moniz, … The ATVM is currently sitting on $16.6 billion, according to a recent …

www.freebeacon.com/ stabenow-lets-get-the-doe-auto-loan-program-going-again/ View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

New Energy Secretary Wants to Waste More Money on EV Loans …

Aug 29, 2013 … “I could see firms that are automotive suppliers that are trying to broaden … loans, Mr. Optimism is Obama’s new Secretary of Energy, Ernest Moniz (in photo). … There have been five recipients of ATVM loans: Two that failed …

www.nlpc.org/ stories/ 2013/ 08/ 29/ new-energy-secretary-wants-waste-more-money-ev-loansView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Following DOE’s Fisker Announcement, Thune Calls on Senate to …

Sep 18, 2013 … Recently, DOE Secretary Moniz suggested that he will revive the … to eliminate the wasteful ATVM loan program and for my colleagues to join me in … loan to the natural gas van manufacturer, Vehicle Production Group.

www.thune.senate.gov/ public/ index.cfm/ press-releases?ID=a88b29ed-6e15-48ff-bef0-749ab0395a4fView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

ECF No. 23-2 Proposed Amended Verified … – Cause of Action

Jul 30, 2013 … (“DOE”), a federal agency; Secretary of Energy ERNEST MONIZ (“Moniz”), … Congress created the ATVM Loan Program to support the manufacture of … company Limnia and over forty distributors and resellers accounting for …

www.causeofaction.org/ wp-content/ uploads/ 2013/ 07/ ECF-No.-23-2-Proposed-Amended-Verified-Complaint.pdfView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Officials: Obama to revive controversial auto loan program

Aug 28, 2013… for funding, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz told The Detroit News. … The ATVM project came under intense criticism from Republicans, which … the European Automobile Manufacturer’s Association said, but declined 1.7 …

www.cnbc.com/id/100993594View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Not Even Fisker’s Fire Sale Can Dampen DOE Enthusiasm for …

Sep 19, 2013 … ATVM stands for “Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing,” but … issued $8.4 billion in loans to auto manufacturers large and small who are … Moniz has announced that he wants to revive the comatose ATVM program.

www.freerepublic.com/focus/bloggers/3068853/postsView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

DOE-Loan Programs Office

~55,000Jobs. View All Projects; View projects from program: 1703; View projects from program: 1705; View projects from program: ATVM. Department of Energy …

https://lpo.energy.gov/View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight