Hollywood’s Obvious Fake Blatent Pandering To The Woke

Is Diversity-Focused Casting Anti-Racist or Virtue Signaling Because Of The BLM Fraud Scandals?

The Game Of Woke and The Rings Of Diversity have the public aghast at how obvious the pandering is

Viewers most strongly object to RACIAL REPLACEMENT. Instead of creating a new story (ie: Moana), lazy studies take a well known story and just replace the actor of one race with an actor of another race (ie: The Little Mermaid) in an obvious message of replacement obviousness. Obama has promoted this concept to his Hollywood backers, but the idea does not hold water or viewers. Emotional branding cannot comprehend such a shift. Hollywood should be creative enough to write new stories and not rely on shallow shell game switch outs.

In the all women-made SHE HULK, all of the women characters are played as blathering low IQ idiots who are either drunks, narcissists or dating sluts. This does not bode well for representation.

As all of the old white jew boys were replaced by middle easterners and lesbian bosses, in Hollywood, things went from one extreme to the other.

Much discussion has been sparked by the casting of non-white actors in fantasy-genre film and television shows, most notably HBO’s “House of the Dragon” and Amazon Prime Video’s “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.” Debates are waging regarding backlash to diversity-focused casting, with some accusing critics of racism, and others claiming that present efforts for diversity in media are performative and disingenuous.

In an article for Newsweek, Angie Speaks deemed the casting of black actors in “House of the Dragon” to be shallow attempts at broadening the show’s appeal, stating that it is not true representation when black actors are “stuck into explicitly white roles with no concern for plot or whether it makes sense.”

In a piece for RedState, Brandon Morse stated that criticism towards “woke entertainment” was not rooted in bigotry, but instead a distaste for message-first storytelling, labeling it predictable and “effectively just propaganda with a mask.”

In The Atlantic, Adam Serwer responded to Morse’s criticisms, accusing him of wanting “Jim Crow casting requirements” and claiming backlash from conservative outlets to stem from a desire to “convince the corporations that make television shows and films that their products will fail commercially if they do not conform to conservative politics.”

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