Kamala Harris Said To Be ‘Mentally ill ‘ Narcissist In New Books And Staff Reports

White House staff say Kamala Harris has ‘rabbit ears’ for criticism, claims bombshell new book, and reveals the two major issues the vice president REFUSES to work on and her demands for a majority female office and black chief of staff

White House staff say Kamala Harris has 'rabbit ears' for criticism, claims bombshell new

A bombshell new book has claimed that Harris, 58, asked for assignments away from the spotlight and has struggled to find her place because President Biden ‘doesn’t need her. The White House has allegedly been annoyed at Harris’ ‘rabbit ears’ for criticism, and she is said to be aware of any negative news story or complaints about her management style almost immediately. ‘She let the crtiticism guide her,’ writes journalist Franklin Foer in his upcoming book The Last Politician, adding that she has vexed Biden’s Chief of Staff Ron Klain by ‘making life excessively difficult by imposing all sorts of constraints on herself.’ Although Biden is widely expected to keep her on the ticket for his 2024 reelection bid, Harris has allegedly rubbed the administration the wrong way by demanding to be distanced from ‘women’s issues or anything to do with race’ while wanting her office to be majority female with a black woman as chief of staff.

 Voters call Kamala Harris ‘incompetent’, ‘unqualified’ and the worst VP in 40 years in brutal DailyMail.com poll: Half of Americans – including a THIRD of Dems – want Biden to drop her from the 2024 ticket

Kamala Harris is 'incompetent', 'unqualified' and the worst Vice President in 40 years,

Kamala Harris is viewed as the worst vice president in decades, according to an exclusive poll for DailyMail.com, as pressure grows on Joe Biden to pick a new running mate for the 2024 election. Some 40 percent of respondents placed her ahead of Republicans Mike Pence and Dick Cheney as the worst recent holder of the office. When asked to pick a word to summarize the vice president, respondents picked ‘incompetent’ far ahead of complimentary words such as ‘smart’ and ‘strong.’

KAMALA HARRIS IS A CORPORATE SHILL Is California___s Kamala Harris Too Busy Having Sex To Do Her Job_

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