DISCLAIMER: Scott has sued Google for corruption, social damages and interference and has been interviewed by government law enforcement and regulatory agencies, on an on-going basis, about Google – Alphabet – YouTube’s misdeeds. Facebook – Google – Instagram – YouTube, Tesla, et al, are all the SAME lawyers, CPA’s, lobbyists, i-bank, political operatives, VC’s and insiders meeting the DOJ legal definition of a “Cartel” or “Enterprise”.

Google’s Stock Market Valuation VS. Google-Alphabet-Youtube’s Abuses Of Society

Google exists to mass manipulate populations and run stock market scams for Google’s owners.

Employees INSIDE Google, saw Google manipulate the entire internet to hype up Larry Page’s “boyfriend’: Elon Musk and Tesla, which Google execs owned a portion of, while sabotaging Tesla’s competitors.

After Google hired attackers, and operated in-house attacks on us, we brought The FBI, DOJ, SEC, FTC, OSC, OGE, FINCen, IRS, CONGRESS, InterPol, and the rest of the gang, to Google’s front door!


GOOGLE deceived about how it profits from location data and spying on the public, AGs prove...


Google Used The Same In-House ‘Kill Team’ To Attack Me That Google Uses For Their Anti-Union Strategy

Google spent millions of dollars attacking me because my patent’s and start-ups beat theirs. Google likes to steal things; like ideas, staff, elections, technologies and human rights. Recently A judge ordered Google to turn over more documents, including one that describes an effort to convince employees that “unions suck.” Google used an idea manipulation team, just like the one Google uses to try make people hate certain political candidates and to push kinky sex agendas. A newly released document sheds light on Google’s efforts to quash activism, including for a union, among its employees. In an order submitted Friday, an administrative law judge for the National Labor Relations Board told Google to turn over to the attorney representing a group of current and former employees documents related to its “Project Vivian,” and its hiring of a consulting firm that advises employers battling unionization efforts.


The Google monopoly ‘rife with conflicts of interest’: Publishers file European antitrust complaint against tech giant over its stranglehold on advertising and ‘unlawful tactics’ that threaten the future of media

The European Publishers Council has today revealed it is complaining to the European Commission about the tech giant’s digital advertising practices.


Google launched Project Vivian to dissuade employees from unionizing after worker activism began heating up in late 2018. In the order, Michael Pfyl, Google’s director of employment law, is quoted describing Project Vivian’s mission as “to engage employees more positively and convince them that unions suck.” The context for Pfyl’s description isn’t clear from the order, which also references an effort to use the media to quietly disseminate Google’s point of view about unionized tech workplaces.

The judge, Paul Bogas, ordered Google to comply with portions of a subpoena for documents related to Project Vivian, as well as Google’s hiring of IRI Consultants, the anti-union firm. In November, Bogas issued a similar order for other documents concerning Vivian and IRI; the subpoena covers more than 1,500 documents.

The subpoena is part of an NLRB case brought by seven Google employees and ex-employees in December 2019. (One former employee has since settled.) Five workers were fired and two were disciplined after they engaged in workplace activism, including efforts to improve working conditions for Google contractors, and circulating a petition calling on the company to end its contract with US government agencies involved in immigrant deportation and family separation. Paul Duke, one of the fired employees who brought the charges, says the organizing was part of an effort to lay the foundation for a union.

Responding to the former employees’ claims that they were fired in retaliation for workplace organizing, a Google spokesperson wrote,“The underlying case here has nothing to do with unionization. It’s about employees breaching clear security protocols to access confidential information and systems inappropriately”—a reference to internal documents the employees accessed.

Duke flatly rejects the claim that he and his colleagues breached security protocols, saying the documents were accessible to all engineers and that the company later classified them “need to know.”

In its objections to the subpoenas, Google claimed attorney-client privilege and “work product privilege,” which protects materials prepared in anticipation of litigation. Bogas rejected many of these claims, calling one assertion “to put it charitably, an overreach.”Of the efforts to characterize a potential union election as litigation, and therefore privileged, he wrote, “The respondent cannot spin the mere fact of a nascent organizing effort among employees into ‘litigation’—like straw spun into gold—that entitles it to cloak in privilege every aspect of its anti-union campaign.”

Bogas’ order references an effort by Google executives, including corporate counsel Christina Latta, to “find a ‘respected voice to publish an op-ed outlining what a unionized tech workplace would look like,” and urging employees of Facebook, Microsoft,Amazon, and Google not to unionize. The order says that in an internal message Google human resources director Kara Silverstein told Latta that she liked the idea, “but that it should be done so that there ‘would be no fingerprints and not Google specific.’”According to the order, IRI later provided a proposed draft of the op-ed to Latta; it’s not clear if the article was ever published.

The Google spokesperson said the company disagreed with Bogas’ conclusion that the documents are not privileged. “As we’ve stated, our teams engage with dozens of outside consultants and law firms to provide us with advice on a wide range of topics, including employer obligations and employee engagement. This included IRI Consultants for a short period. However, we made a decision in 2019not to use the materials or ideas explored during this engagement, and we still feel that was the right decision.”

Google hired IRI as early as 2019, according to a report by The New York Times, during a period when employee activism was at a fever pitch. The company had been accused of retaliating against the employees who organized the 2018 Google walkout and squelching worker dissent by installing a tool that flagged calendar events for large numbers of participants. In January 2021, the Alphabet Workers Union, an informal union without collective bargaining rights and affiliated with the Communications Workers of America, went public.

Duke says the details in the order clash with Google’s internal messaging to employees. He cited executives’ emphasis on listening to feedback from an annual employee survey, as well as a 2018 internal memo by CEO Sundar Pichai saying he supported the walkout and a blog post pledging to support employees and improve Google’s handling of sexual harassment claims and diversity initiatives.“There was always this message that was intended to come off like, we’re a family. We care about workers,” he says. “Really, behind the scenes, they’re trying to kill these union efforts and organizing efforts in general.”

The hearing for the NLRB case began in August, but was paused soon after when Google failed to comply with this and other subpoenas.Meanwhile, the employees’ lawyer has asked a federal court to enforce the subpoenas because the NLRB’s enforcement powers are limited. The hearing is scheduled to resume in February, but could be delayed further while the subpoena tussle plays out.

When it does reconvene, the employees plan to call Kent Walker, Google’s president of global affairs and chief legal officer, to testify. When they initially subpoenaed Walker in August, the company resisted that too. The labor board denied its request.




Read the facts from a diverse set of investigations, court records, criminal complaints and federal records:

Analysis One: At The White House “You can’t swing a cat without hitting a Google employee”

Analysis Two: Big_Tech’s_Mass_Public_Media_Manipulation_Violates_The_Law

Analysis Three: Google accused of racketeering in lawsuit claiming pattern of trade secrets theft CORRUPT LYING GOOGLE



Analysis Six: Google Sued For Rigging The Internet and Running Dirty Tricks Campaigns DEPT OF ENERGY IS A CRONY SLUSH FUND


Analysis Eight: How Hollywood and Silicon Valley VC’s and Executives Turned Out To Be Such Scumbags





Analysis Thirteen: The_Big_Tech_Sex_Trafficking_Cult






Analysis Nineteen: The_Silicon_Valley_Tech_Mobster_Cartel

Analysis Twenty: (VIDEO)

Analysis Twenty Two: (VIDEO)

Analysis Twenty Three: (VIDEO)

Analysis Twenty Five: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/googles-secret-apartment-elon-musk-2015-5

Analysis Twenty Six: https://www.businessinsider.com/tech-exec-friendships-elon-musk-larry-ellison-jeff-bezos-2020-3?op=1

Analysis Twenty Seven: https://timdenning.medium.com/the-stock-market-is-a-ponzi-scheme-2776f075b67b

Analysis Twenty Eight: https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/20/tech/doj-google-antitrust-case/index.html

Analysis Twenty Nine: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/google-antitrust-suit-department-justice/

Analysis Thirty: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-monopolist-google-violating-antitrust-laws

Analysis Thirty One: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/10/20/google-antitrust-doj-lawsuit/

Analysis Thirty Two: Google Paid For And Operated A HIT JOB On Us Because We Competed With Them

Analysis Thirty Three: https://qz.com/878836/the-us-government-is-suing-google-goog-over-its-diversity-data/

Analysis Thirty Four: https://newsplus007.com/public/GOOGLE%20CONTROLS%20THE%20WHITE%20HOUSE.pdf

Analysis Thirty Five: https://theintercept.com/2016/04/22/googles-remarkably-close-relationship-with-the-obama-white-house-in-two-charts/

Analysis Thirty Six: https://www.techtransparencyproject.org/articles/gtp-intercept

Analysis Thirty Seven: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidpridham/2017/07/19/how-google-tries-to-buy-government/

Analysis Thirty Eight: https://www.somo.nl/how-big-tech-is-becoming-the-government/

Analysis Thirty Nine: https://newspunch.com/google-exec-sex-slave-report/

Analysis Forty: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2013/07/eric-schimdt-penthouse-new-york-photos-apartment.html

Analysis Forty One: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3261079/google-executive-death-prostitute-heroin-yacht-california/

Analysis Forty Two: https://nypost.com/2021/11/20/billionaire-michael-goguen-allegedly-kept-spreadsheet-of-5000-sex-partners/

Analysis Forty Three: https://nexter.org/google-sex-scandal-sergey-brin-playboy-book-alleges

Analysis Forty Four: https://www.businessbecause.com/news/mba-degree/3546/stanford-sex-scandal-a-guide

Analysis Forty Five: https://www.kamilfranek.com/who-owns-google-alphabet/

Analysis Forty Six: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jun/04/google-influence-hiring-government-officials

Analysis Forty Seven: https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/afi/2018-08-15-SEN-DIANNE-FEINSTEIN-SOROS-QUEEN-S-PRIVY-COUNCIL-STOLE-SOFTWARE-TO-PUSH-FOREIGN-INTERFERENCE-IN-US-ELECTIONS-Americans-for-Innovation.pdf

Analysis Forty Eight: https://www.indybay.org/uploads/2015/12/10/feinstein_corruption_1.2.pdf

Analysis Forty Nine: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/sep/19/us-senators-investments-conflict-of-interest

Analysis Fifty: https://nypost.com/2021/07/09/pelosis-husband-bets-11-million-on-big-tech/

Analysis Fifty One: https://www.smdailyjournal.com/news/world/sen-feinsteins-husband-had-ties-to-china-as-she-pushed-trade/article_2f8c0689-10ad-5034-8406-e3412934b1a6.html

See over 1000+ additional reports, filed with the FBI, SEC, FTC and Congress at THIS LINK>>>>.

YOU the Public have to stand up and demand an end to corruption like this:

Facebook and Google Have ‘Secret Deal’ To Carve Up Ad Empire, Election Manipulation And Venture Capital Market


Ariel Zilber


More On: facebook

Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg and his counterpart at Google, CEO Sundar Pichai, secretly struck a deal in 2018 to carve up the digital advertising market between the two tech giants, according to newly revealed allegations from top state law-enforcement officials.

Previously, it was reported that the deal was signed by Zuckerberg’s No. 2, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, who moved over to the social network after a stint heading up Google’s online ad sales team, according to the allegations in a lawsuit by a group of state attorneys general.

But according to newly unredacted court filings, Zuckerberg and Pichai also signed off on the backroom deal in 2018, which allegedly guaranteed Meta subsidiary Facebook would both bid in — and win — a fixed percentage of ad auctions, according to court papers.

The original complaint had alleged that Google reached out Facebook after the social media company emerged as a powerful online ad rival in 2017. The two tech behemoths then allegedly struck “an unlawful agreement” to give Facebook“information, speed, and other advantages” in the ad auctions it ran in exchange for the social network backing down from its competitive threats.

The newly revised, unredacted version of the lawsuit, which was refiled on Friday, also specifically alleges that Sandberg helped negotiate the agreement before bringing it to Zuckerberg, who approved the deal. Sandberg is said to have lobbied her boss to okay the agreement, calling it a “big deal strategically.”

“We’re nearly ready to sign and need your approval to move forward,” Sandberg and her team told Zuckerberg in an email cited by the complaint.

While the names of Zuckerberg and Sandberg are redacted, their titles are not.

“Facebook CEO [REDACTED] wanted to meet with COO [REDACTED] and his other executives before making a decision,” says the complaint.

  Getty Images

The September 2018 agreement between Google and Facebook allegedly bears the signatures of Sandberg and a Google senior vice president.

“Google CEO Sundar Pichai also personally signed off on the terms of the deal,” according to the lawsuit.

see also

 Facebook faces $3.1 billion class-action lawsuit in UK

The states updated the original complaint in November. The revised version included many redactions. But a federal judge in New York ordered the states to undo most of the redactions, saying that it was in the public interest to have the information revealed.

The newly unredacted suit also claims that Google duped publishers and advertisers for years about how it prices and executes its ad auctions, creating secret algorithms that hiked prices for buyers while deflating revenue for some advertisers.

Likewise, Google used the extra cash it got from inflated ad prices to improperly expand its monopoly, according to the complaint,which cites internal correspondence from Google employees. Some Google workers said the practices amounted to using “insider information” to grow the business, according to the suit.

The allegations were made by the attorneys general for Texas, 14 other states,and Puerto Rico, who are suing Google in federal court for antitrust violations. Facebook and its parent company, Meta Platforms are not YET defendants in the lawsuit.

In December 2020, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton took the lead in filing a lawsuit against Google, accusing it of using anti-competitive means to gain dominance over the digital ad space.

The Post has reached out to Alphabet-owned Google as well as Meta Platforms for comment.

Both companies earlier denied to Politico that the arrangement was illegal.

“Our advertising technologies help websites and apps fund their content, and enable small businesses to reach customers around the world.”

“There is vigorous competition in online advertising, which has reduced ad tech fees, and expanded options for publishers and advertisers.”

Meta Platforms, Inc. also released a statement defending the arrangement with Google.

“Meta’s non-exclusive bidding agreement with Google and the similar agreements we have with other bidding platforms, have helped to increase competition for ad placements,” Meta spokesperson Christopher Sgro said.

“These business relationships enable Meta to deliver more value to advertisers while fairly compensating publishers, resulting in better outcomes for all.”

The original December 2020 lawsuit was filed at around the same time that the Department of Justice submitted its own antitrust complaint against Google. The DOJ claimed Google has long broken the law in its quest to remain“the gateway to the internet,” and has disadvantaged competitors in an effort to sell more online search ads.

Last month, more than 200 newspapers filed suit against Facebook and Google, who were accused of unfairly manipulating the advertising market and siphoning away their revenue.

Both Facebook and Google face legal challenges from regulators who allege that they have grown too powerful in the tech space by gaining an unfair advantage over other companies.

Earlier this week, the Federal Trade Commission was allowed to proceed with a lawsuit against Facebook after a judge rejected the company’s request to throw out claims that it is a monopoly.

In June, New York State, Tennessee, Utah, and North Carolina banded together to file an antitrust lawsuit against Google over its management of its mobile app store.

Foreign governments also have the two tech firms in their sights.

Earlier this month, French regulators imposed fines totaling $238 million on Google and Facebook for allegedly violating European privacy laws by not allowing users the chance to reject data-tracking cookies.


Filed under

More Coming….

By comparing records and files from FINCEN, FBI, FTC, SEC, Congressional Investigators, ICIJ, FEC, DOJ, ProPublica, and other sources, one can easily see that political officials own Google, Tesla, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, et al, (AKA “The Tech Cartel” or, in legal terms: “The Enterprise“). This explains why those companies have been exempt from regulation and prosecution. Those public officials and tech company oligarchs have exchanged millions, and millions, of dollars between themselves and their families for profiteering.

They were all either financed by, friends, with, sleeping with, dating the staff of, holding stock market assets in, promised a revolving door job or government service contracts from, partying with, personal friends with, photographed at private events with, exchanging emails with, business associates of or directed by; our business adversaries, or the Senators and politicians that those business adversaries pay campaign finances to, or supply political digital search manipulation services to. Criminal U.S. Senators coordinated and profited in these schemes. Their own family members have now supplied evidence against them. You don’t hear about this, much, in the “main-stream news” because nearly half of Congress, White House staff and government agency bosses own the stock in the news broadcasters and receive billions of dollars of financing from them.

Many witnesses, including us, have now sworn, warranted and certified to federal law enforcement about the details of these crimes. Many of those whistle-blowers were former executives in “The Tech Cartel’.

This is not about politics. It is about felony crimes! Our government representatives are business partners with our biggest enemies and make decisions based on greed, not duty!


GOOGLED – The Lies Of The Google Cartel – https://www.thecreepyline.com

THE CORRUPTION CASEhttp://www.report-corruption.com

TECH-THEFT – Silicon Valley Oligarchs Rig The USPTO – https://www.usinventor.org

THE INVESTIGATORS – Top Investigators – http://www.ICIJ.org

SECURITY – How To Secure Your Devices From The Thieving Tech Oligarchs – http://privacytools.io

VC’S – The Mobsters Of Silicon Valley Tech – https://vcracket.weebly.com

POLICY NEWS – Balanced News – https://www.allsides.com/unbiased-balanced-news

FORENSICS – Checking The Banking Of The Corrupt Politicians – https://www.openthebooks.com

ATTACKERS – The Hired Hit-Job Assassins – https://gawker-media-attacks.weebly.com/

WALL STREET – The Most Rigged Game In The World https://taibbi.substack.com/p/suck-it-wall-street

BOOKS AND TOP DISCLOSUREShttps://congressional-ethics-reports.com/public

ENERGY PAPERShttps://www.the-truth-about-the-dept-of-energy.com/the_energy_scam_papers.pdf

CASE EVIDENCE VIDEOS –  https://congressional-ethics-reports.com/NEWS_VIDEO_COVERAGE

TESLA’S LIEShttps://gotmusked.com/

A year since a Reddit-driven retail trading frenzy rocked the markets and created the ‘meme stock‘ phenomenon, leading U.S. lawmaker Nancy Pelosi’s investments have become a meme in their own right.

Google searches for ‘Pelosi stock trades’ hit a record high earlier this month as users on social media platforms including Twitter, Reddit, Youtube and TikTok scrutinize her investments, believing the U.S. Speaker of the House may have an edge on Wall Street.


Discussion of Pelosi’s trades is a recurring theme on social media including ‘wallstreetbets’, the Reddit forum where retail investors banded together a year ago to coordinate frenzied buying of video games retailer GameStop (GME.N) and other companies, which eventually became known as meme stocks.

Trade disclosures filed by Pelosi, a multi-millionaire, are shared widely across social media soon after they appear on the House website. Companies she disclosed trades in last year include Apple (AAPL.O), Amazon , Tesla (TSLA.O) and Microsoft (MSFT.O).


Like other Congressional lawmakers, Pelosi is legally required to file disclosures of her stock trades. Her reports have garnered growing attention amid a massive uptick in retail trading – as well as recent calls to ban lawmakers from trading at all, a debate Pelosi has been pulled into in recent weeks.

On Monday, 27 House members signed a letter calling for a floor vote on recent proposals to prohibit Congress members from owning stocks “in light of recent misconduct.”


That was the latest push to ban stock trading by lawmakers after Pelosi in December defended their rights to trade. In a reversal, Pelosi last week signaled her willingness to potentially advance legislation that could ban stock trading by lawmakers. read more

Last year, Pelosi filed transaction reports showing her husband, financier Paul Pelosi, made trades valued at as much as $5 million at a time in ‘Big Tech’ companies now facing an antitrust bill in Congress. Those companies are also among the most widely held across Wall Street, making investing in them relatively common.

A 2012 law makes it illegal for lawmakers to use information from their work in Congress for their personal gain. The law requires them to disclose stock transactions by themselves or family members within 45 days.

Transaction reports are typically filed days after the actual purchases and sales, making it potentially difficult for traders aiming to mimic lawmakers’ specific trades.

“It’s nonsense, it’s very hard to replicate what other people are doing and gain some edge,” said Sahak Manuelian, Managing Director of Trading at Wedbush Securities in Los Angeles.

That has not stopped users on TikTok from focusing on her disclosures, with one video clip about her husband’s recent options purchases in companies including Alphabet (GOOGL.O), Micron Technology (MU.O) and Roblox (RBLX.N) earning 45,000 likes.

Companies in Pelosi’s 2021 trading disclosures
Apple (AAPL.O)
Tesla (TSLA.O)
Alphabet (GOOGL.O)
Microsoft (MSFT.O)
Walt Disney Co (DIS.N)
Nvidia (NVDA.O)
Slack Technologies
Micron Technology (MU.O)
Roblox (RBLX.N)
Salesforce.com (CRM.N)
AllianceBernstein Holding (AB.N)

Still, a recent analysis by Unusual Whales, a service selling financial data, concluded that Congressional lawmakers last year traded $290 million in stocks, options, cryptocurrency and other assets, and that they outperformed the market, on average.

Pelosi’s performance ranked sixth-best in 2021, with Republican Congressman Austin Scott leading the way, according to the analysis.

The Justice Department ended investigations of stock trades by at least three senators ahead of the 2020 market slump, caused by the coronavirus pandemic, without filing charges.


After all that, above, if you don’t yet realize that the Google – Alphabet – YouTube Cartel is a criminally corrupt abuser of society and culture, then take a look at what the rest of the internet thinks: