How Bill Gates Came To Own America’s Heartland

“These asshole billionaires buy our government and our media and now they want to buy our cities. They never do any work themselves. They tell other people to do the work for them and then act like they did it…” 

“Steve Jobs and his beard wife, Doerr, Andreessen, Hoffman, and the rest, are the most delusional, self-centered, sociopathic control freaks you could ever get in one room. They hire media attackers to go after farmers who speak out about their madness. They buy The White House and pay them off with stock market shares. They are SCUM and we will never let them build San Francisco 2.0 in our County…”

The tech billionaires behind a project to build a utopian new city in California‘s Bay Area have released the first artistic renderings of their ambitious plans.

Previously known only as ‘Flannery Associates,’ the group rebranded as ‘California Forever’ and released the plans in a publicity blitz on Thursday night, following months of silence and speculation.

Led by former Goldman Sachs trader Jan Sramek, the group’s backers include Silicon Valley heavyweights such as LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, Andreessen Horowitz investor Marc Andreessen, and Steve Jobs’ widow Laurene Powell Jobs.

California Forever is now the largest landowner in Solano County, which is about 60 miles northeast of San Francisco, after snapping up more than 50,000 acres of farmland for more than $800 million.

The group’s voracious acquisition of land surrounding Travis Air Force Base had sparked national security concerns and a federal investigation, until their true identity and intent was revealed earlier this week.

Billionaire Silicon Valley CEO behind California’s ‘utopian city’ is heckled at fiery town meeting as he refuses to drop $510M lawsuit against ranchers he claims conspired to jack up property prices

At the Tuesday meeting, Former Goldman wunderkind Jan Sramek, 36, addressed a crowd of about 150 ranchers, before declaring his company, California Forever, would not be dropping a $510million lawsuit against property owners. The suit alleges price fixing on the part of the farmers, of the lands the company wanted to buy. The 50,000 acre area is rife with grassland, and is near a hamlet of 10,000 people on the Sacramento River called Rio Vista. At the meeting at the American Legion hall, accusations that Sramek’s Silicon Valley firm – already the largest property in the county – were displacing residents were rife, with several citing their families’ history in the region. Toward the end of the assembly, Sramek engaged in a lengthy exchange with one of the families California Forever is suing, remaining adamant he would not be rescinding his lawsuit.

California ranchers living in the middle of ‘utopian city’ planned by Silicon Valley billionaires blast ‘arrogant’ tech tycoons for $800M land grab and say plans could cripple their livelihoods

Farmers who live near the land purchased by Silicon Valley titans looking to create a utopian city are worried the development will cripple their livelihoods.





Honestly, this is how America views most Dem voters.. you hate how LA, NY, and Chicago became as a result of YOUR votes, so you move to Dallas, Austin, or Nashville and continue voting the same way thinking itll be different this time.. the definition of insanity.


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LOL ! Let me guess….All white rich Liberals, protected by heavily armed security and with an endless stockpile of organic food and clean water. Typical marxist blueprint. Keep the wealthy in an enclave and let the masses fight among themselves to survive….unless those masses eye that enclave…


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With rocket launchers to repell the San Franciscans they created lol


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If it is Dem run it will be a cesspool.


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Where will the I-Robots re-charge??


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Big Tech is why the US is in the mess it is. How nice for them to be able to afford to create their own world to live in after they ruined the average person’s world.


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Conservatives not allowed. You must follow proper GroupThink.


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Safer streets and less homelessness. It will cost you an arm and leg to live there. Really all the rich people that will live there will just want to ignore the ramifications of who they have been voting for. They will never seriously fix the problem, just sweep it under the rug.


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Welthauptstadt Germania


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It’s going to have to be majority white for those things to be true


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It’s funny because it’s true.


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More proof liberalism is a virus. Destroy your current environment and spread to a new one.


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By definition, Its not even liberalism anymore. Its authoritarianism disguised as liberalism.


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I bet it has a wall with gates and its own police force.


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Welcome to Agenda 21 and utopia


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There won’t be a Republican in sight unless they accept to be servants.


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building a fantasy world for the rich n privileged… no poor no homeless will be allowed… more likely you will need a special passport to enter… like another country…


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There is a place like that already. Its called Monte Carlo.


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The problem is that it is only 45 miles from Oakland.


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Americas first gated community for the super rich! These will start popping up all over America. Low paid workers will be bused in daily (as occurs in Shanghai) tong lean the street and homes of the rich. In America the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


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Bet they won’t have any low income housing or section 8 residents.


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He’s going to need to put up a wall to keep them out.


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Disney World is a place to visit. These folks want to live there.


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Just live in alcatraz. It’s a step up from SF.


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I’m not walking and carrying my replacement dishwasher to the house. I’m an older woman. I can’t do it.


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Unless you put up a big sign, pass a law and perhaps build a wall to keep liberals out, it will be no different than the rest of California.


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They’ll destroy miles and miles of open space and then say “it’s green and eco-friendly” because they are using 423 wall outlets that were created with recycled toaster and blender parts.


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California is such a beautiful state that has generated a lot of innovation and wealth for many people. Glad they are not giving up on it.


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Being a billionaire does not mean you necessarily are also educated. It looks that way. I recommend to them to start reading about Charles Fourier and his experiment. It will save them a lot of money and time.


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Yeah because you won’t be living there unless you have the correct social score and political leanings.


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So they are going to use fossil fuel powered Catapillars and bulldozers to destroy open space and add concrete, glass, asphalt, iron and steel? Ugggg!


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Future archeologists will ponder the abandoned city of San. Francisco.


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I am afraid that no wall will be high enough….


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The Soviet Union used to make propaganda posters like those images.


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No cars, no thanks.


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More distopia, then Utopia….


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Shoot! I was hoping it would replace Oakland.


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Feudal cities countries are so underrated


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This city will be awesome, until the people move in.

It is time to directly confront the Silicon Valley cultists and demand FBI, Congressional and SEC investigation!

The Documented Characteristics of Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists and Tech CEO’s:

A horrific phenomenon of cultural depravity and white-collar crime is going unchecked in Silicon Valley because Silicon Valley controls the media and the politicians that are usually supposed to check these kinds of things. Millions of pages of news reports, documentaries, interviews and legal transcripts prove the following to be true:

Elitist Cult. Silicon Valley elitists believe they are better than everyone else. Silicon Valley’s Kleiner Perkins founder: VC Tom Perkins, said that poor people must be “Nazi’s” for not accepting the “superior intellect” of VC’s. Silicon Valley’s Kleiner Perkins VC Vinod Khosla, took over California’s favorite public beach, bribed the White House for “green cash” and got sued for arrogance by a horde of public interest lawsuits. Silicon Valley’s Kleiner Perkins founder Ray Lane was indicted for tax evasion. Silicon Valley’s Kleiner Perkins boss John Doerr was sued for sexual office abuse and running a “frat house”. Most of the VC’s and tech CEO’s in Silicon Valley are charged with ethics breaches.

Prostitutes. Silicon Valley males hire more hookers and “rent-boys” and fly more sex workers into the Bay Area than any other city in America. Google’s and Tesla Investments executives were killed in sex and drug romps with hookers. Google’s Eric Schmidt ran a huge “sex penthouse” and promotes infidelity and “anti-marriage”. Google’s search engine rigging boss died at the hands of one of his hookers. The Silicon Valley VC’s had the Rosewood Hotel built at the end of Sandhill Road as a place to take interns and hookers to for sex. Underage sex efforts operated by these VC’s and Tech CEO’s have created the “Pizzagate” phenomenon.

Rapists and Sexual Coercion of Employees. Young interns are “sent up the hill” by Stanford to the VC’s Sandhill Road offices to become sexual playthings for the VC’s at the Rosewood Hotel. Ellen Pao sued Kleiner Perkins over the sexual “rape culture” that they promoted. Thousands of women have written books and articles about the sexual intimidation they are subjected to by Silicon Valley VC’s and their tech CEO’s. VC’s Joe Lonsdale, Micheal Goguen and hundreds of others have been charged with rape and sex trafficking. Stanford University gets “endowments” and “gifts” for hushing rape culture and intern-fluffing up.

Assholes. Fraternity House Take-What-You-Want culture is re-percussively promoted in the bars, clubs, meetings, conferences and emails of the VC’s and CEO’s. The TV Show: Silicon Valley, underscores the point of the dangers of infectious asshole-ism in Silicon Valley.

Clones. They assemble those around them that have the same stereotypical facial structure. In a room full of ordinary people and Tech VC’s, the VC’s faces stand out as Hollywood-type character-cartoon duplicates of each other.

Sexual deviance and extremism. Google’s founders have all had extreme sex scandals involving cheating, 3-way sex, divorces over abuse, forced anal sex and other outrages. Their teachers at Stanford have had to quite over their sex scandals. Their willingness and infatuation with sexual extremes defines them as moral degenerates who care little about laws and ethics.

Insider Dysfunctional Parents. The majority of the VC’s and Tech CEO’s come from rich dynastic families who are cultism-like devoted to “the family bloodline” and run by male oligarchs who believe in a rape culture/oligarch ethos. This belief system is passed on to their children. The oligarch parents threaten to cut endowments to Stanford University if Stanford punishes their son’s Frat Houses for date rapes.

Tone Deaf. Silicon Valley Tech people exist in a conceptual ideology reinforcement bubble by never interacting with, or reading information or news from, anyone outside of their group. VC Tim Draper spent vast amounts of money trying to make Silicon Valley it’s own country in order to systemize the Silicon Valley tunnel-vision bubble. They want to secede from America because they are offended by normal people who they consider to be low-class and unworthy.

Murders. Rajeev Motwani taught the Google founders how to build Google and was found, mysteriously, floating, dead, in his Silicon Valley swimming pool. Silicon Valley’s Gary D. Conley reported John Doerr and Elon Musk for corruption and was found with a bullet in his head behind Beale Air Force base. Three top Tesla engineers reported corruption at Tesla Motors and then suddenly died in a plane crash next to Tesla’s factory in San Carlos. There are over 100 mysterious deaths associated with people who had conflicts with Google, Kleiner Perkins and other Silicon Valley oligarchs.

Arrogant. Self-Centered Narcissists. Elon Musk has spent over a billion dollars buying exclusive Google, Twitter, MSM and Facebook hype about himself. Every Tech CEO has a multi-million dollar PR agent assigned to make them look like “Gods of Industry”. They regularly hold “Babes and Ball’s” parties and sex parties in Woodside that require women to beg for their money. They were trained to be “assholes” and “abusive dominants” via the Stanford Rape/Frat Culture.

Misogynists. All White-Male-Controlled with frat house pasts. Women are used As Sex Objects and Window Dressing. The largest number of anti-women news stories, jock/bro blog reports and charges for abuse come from Silicon Valley. VC Steve Westly’s CEO friend is notorious for kicking his girlfriend hundreds of times because she “sassed” him. Almost of of their Divorce filings include abuse charges against the man.

Manipulation of Employees. Silicon Valley cartel companies practice Scientology-like indoctrination and “cultural programming” of employees. These highly impressionable naive young employees are kept in “controlled environments”, sent to “mindfulness programming workshops” and told what kind of political opinions they should have. Tight-knit groups of females experience synchronized menstrual periods over time, cohesive Google and Facebook employee groups engaged in decision-making discount dissenting viewpoints in the interests of consensus, and that couples who stay together long enough begin to look alike. A new study has captured another group phenomenon in Silicon Valley and chronicled in humans’ natural habitat: “group brain synchrony”. This is a CIA-like brainwashing technique exploited to get all Google/Facebook/Twitter employees to rapidly adopt the same political views.

Racists. Silicon Valley companies have the lowest rates of hiring, or promoting blacks, in America even though they have a high population of blacks at the edge of their community.

Male insecurity issues. They use TED-Talks, SXSW and Syncronicity Events as self-promoting hype in which to act like an apostle of a tech religion. They buy Tesla cars as a badge of arrogance and mock any male who does not own what they own or who who did not go to Stanford or Yale. These pretentious and ostentatious boys are more inclined to brag about penis-size than family.

Blacklisting. In the AngelGate Investigation and Silicon Valley No Poaching Class Action Lawsuit, Silicon Valley was exposed as an insider club that black-lists those who look different or are not part of the boys club.

Politically corrupt. Silicon Valley has bribed more politicians than any other domestic region in history. They promote more immigration in order to get cheap labor for their tech companies. They steal their technology and bribe politicians to eliminate patent protections for small inventors that they steal from. Political Corruption and Bribery Is The Norm for these boys. Silicon Valley created a CIA knock-off called “In-Q-Tel” in order to use CIA technology to manipulate elections at Google, Facebook and Twitter. The 60 Minutes Episode called: “The Cleantech Crash” is about their multi-billion dollar scam using the Dept. of Energy as a slush-fund. They refuse to allow their MSM to report on their corruption and crony kickbacks, ie: Tesla Motors Funding, Off-shore tax evasion, Hooker networks, etc.

Collusion. In the AngelGate Investigation, the Silicon Valley No Poaching Class Action Lawsuit, and hundreds of other cases, Silicon Valley was exposed as an insider club that colludes to rig valuations, stock markets and employee poaching. They operate in herds within their peer group. They are not inclined to independent thinking. Kleiner Perkins has been caught placing moles and saboteurs inside competitors start-ups. They operate in herds within their peer group. They are not inclined to independent thinking.

Stock Market Criminals. Stock Market Pump-and-Dump, Flash Boy Algorithm Manipulation, Insider Trading, Market Rigging. The Securities and Exchange law violations and FTC monopoly law violations are vast in number.

Burning Man Sex-and-Drugs Devotees. Silicon Valley frat boys have a huge participation in the date-rape goings-on at Burning Man and buy extensive pheromone and skin contact delivery animal-tranquilizer drugs to use on young Burning Man girls.

Minimal Regard For Consequences. Although their PR agents promote them as “green” and “socially positive”, it is all hype to get tax waivers and government hand-outs. Mark Zuckerberg’s take-over of San Francisco General Hospital’s brand was entirely a scam to get him a $1 billion dollar tax evasion deployment. The Silicon Frat Boys act on impulse and try to buy off the collateral damage later.

Closeted homosexuals. Using the tremendous funds they have at hand from their exclusive monopolies in public media, they push their trans-gender agendas through their bought-and-paid for politicians. This has resulted in a generation of sexually confused children who believe that they should cut their penises off. The top bosses at Facebook, Google, Twitter, Tesla and other companies are lying to the public about their sexuality and using hired wives, known as “beards”. If they lie about something so basic, one has to wonder what else they lie about.

Thieves. They steal most of their technology from small inventors who can’t defend themselves. They get inventions from Indian engineers and then ship them back to India before the employees can get any stock or IP rights. The tech CEO’s send their VC friends to competing start-ups to spy on competing technologies and steal it. The VC’s say they are just doing “due diligence” but they are actually sucking the competing start-up dry of IP and staff and making a clone of it under another name.

There are so many other awful things about the people of Silicon Valley. You get the picture. Silicon Valley is a swamp and a cesspool.


California Highway Patrol Policing Open Air Drug Use in San Francisco’s Tenderloin District

FILE - People sleep near discarded clothing and used needles on a street in the Tenderloin neighborhood in San Francisco, on July 25, 2019. London Breed, the mayor of San Francisco, declared a state of emergency in the Tenderloin district Friday, Dec. 17, 2021, in an effort to reduce overdose …
AP Photo/Janie Har, File

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is pulling officers from the California highway patrol to San Francisco’s Tenderloin district as part of a multi-agency initiative to crack down on open air drug dealings and drug use.

Since May 30, highway patrol officers have made 100 drug related arrests, CNN reported.  In one instance, a highway patrol officer arrested a drug dealer allegedly selling 33 grams of fentanyl which had the potential to kill 16,500 people.

Local authorities have apprehended 300 suspected drug dealers since the protocol changes.

Gov. Newsom’s office announced that California highway patrol officers have seized enough fentanyl to kill 2.1 million — three times the population of San Francisco — since deploying officers to the Tenderloin district since May 1.

Additionally, in the first six weeks of the operation, the CHP seized over 957 grams of methamphetamine, 319 grams of cocaine, and 31 grams of heroin and made 92 felony and misdemeanor arrests – including on charges related to possession of fentanyl, illegal firearm possession, driving under the influence, and domestic violence.

However, many of those arrested on drug dealing and drug use charges are released back onto the streets as soon as their case is filed, according to district attorney Brooke Jenkins, who was elected in 2022. Her office has filed 1,000 drug dealing cases, and she said they have put in motion to detain 200 of the most serious offenders awaiting trial. However, the judges only remanded 17 of those charged, leaving the rest to return to the streets.

“I’m not going to take the blame when my prosecutors are going in and arguing that these people have to remain in custody,” Jenkins told CNN. “The judges are not doing their part and that has to be revealed.”

RELATED: San Francisco Man Saves Stranger from Apparent Fentanyl Overdose 

@RawRicci415 / Twitter

While overall crime is down by 1 percent when compared to the same period ending in 2022, drug offenses have climbed by 36 percent, the San Francisco Standard reported.

While authorities are releasing most of those charged with drug dealing and drug use; the prison population reached 1,000 for the first time in years last month. Now officials are discussing whether to reopen a jail closed three years ago for being “seismically unsafe, outdated and in disrepair.”

Some have called the arrests made for open drug use simply putting a Band-Aid on the epidemic.

“We can’t fill the jails with people to fuel the political agendas of a few politicians,” Diana Block, a member of the No New SF Jails Coalition told the Standard. “We refuse to turn back the progress that we in San Francisco have fought for for years.”


David Coursey – Forbes

Steve Jobs was a major, world-class jerk. A friend who knows about these things — but not Steve — wonders if he wasn’t at least a borderline sociopath.

If you define that as someone who does evil things and doesn’t feel remorse, the picture of a smirking Steve Jobs does begin to emerge.

Jobs was busy changing the world and minor annoyances like people’s feelings didn’t fit into his plan. If you had something he wanted, Steve could be charming. But Steve did things his way, almost for himself, building the things he wanted and if we loved them, that was good too. If not, it took a long time for Steve to accept that customers were right and he was wrong.

Sociopath or mere megalomaniac, Steve Jobs was a one-off, a hugely successful genius who changed the world to be how he thought it should be. That is something only Steve could get away with and we are better off for it.

People rallied around his genius and accepted his demands and abuse because Jobs really was smarter than everyone else in the room and 99.98 percent of the planet. Steve delivered on his vision and if basking in his reflected glow required joining a company with a bizarre culture that reflected Steve’s personality, people still flocked to him.

Apple’s reputation as a “mean”  and obsessively secretive company is a reflection of Jobs, not the people who work there. Lots of nice people work at Apple, but that doesn’t mean they could persuade Steve to bring back the corporate philanthropy program that he killed.

My fellow blogger, Gene Marks, seems to see Jobs as a role model and wishes that he could be a bit more the jerk himself, in the Jobsian model. (See “Steve Jobs Was a Jerk. Good for Him.“)

Yet, Gene also realizes that Steve was more than a jerk — that he was a genius with what seemed like absolute self-confidence and the ability to make his tech dreams — and some of ours — come true.

My concern is that Gene might have hit a nerve among managers who haven’t found themselves and are willing to try whatever the business press declares to be the flavor of the moment.

I can imagine headlines like “Are You Jerk Enough to be the Next Steve Jobs?” or “Want to Be Like Jobs? Be a Jerk!” or “Think Different: Like a Jerk!” or whatever will sell a book or magazine.

As someone who has been personally yelled at by Steve Jobs (because I didn’t like the first version of iPhoto enough) and followed his career since the very first Mac, let me assure you that bad behavior was only a part of Steve Jobs.

And if you can’t match his genius and ability to imagine and deliver, you haven’t earned the right to match his behavior.

I don’t think Steve did anything intentionally to hurt people — he just didn’t care. 

After a prolonged bout with pancreatic cancer or AIDS, depending who you ask, former Apple CEO Steve Jobs passed away. The 56-year-old computing visionary sought to make personal computing accessible to everyone through sleek, intuitive, user-friendly design, but his company, his products, and legacy also struck a particular note with the gay crowd as well. Let’s take a moment to recount five ways Jobs struck a positive chord with the gay community during his lifetime.

1) The Apple Logo – Rob Janoff originally created the iconic rainbow-colored logo in 1977. And though the company dropped the rainbow coloring in 1998, what more alluring symbol could there be than a the visible light spectrum placed onto a bitten apple—reminiscent of forbidden knowledge and irresistible temptation.

2) LGBT-friendly hiring practices – Apple was an early adopter of LGBT-friendly hiring practices and scored a perfect 100 in the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index for offering their employees LGBT-protections, domestic partner benefits, and diversity training—also setting a strong example for other large corporations.

3) Stylish design adapted by homos – According to a 2011 LGBT community survey, gay men are 1.4 times more likely to own an iPhone compared to the general population. The sleek, sexy, design and packaging of Apple products combined with their popularity among artists and designers helped boost their use amongst gay creatives as well.

4) Philanthropy for LGBT causes – Not only does Apple have no history of donating to anti-gay causes, they also famously donated $100,000 to help beat Proposition 8.

5) Appointing Tim Cook as CEO – A month and a half before his passing, Steve Jobs personally appointed Chief Operating Officer Timothy Cook as the new company head. As Cook steers the stock market’s #1 company into the 21st century, he does so as the most powerful gay businessperson in the world.

Chrisann Brennan first met Steve Jobs in 1972, while they were both students at Homestead HS in Cupertino, Calif. Over the next five years, they dated off and on throughout their teens and early 20s. The two were living together with their friend Daniel Kottke, a computer engineer and one of the earliest employees of Apple, in 1977, when the company took off.

The two finally ended their romantic relationship for good in late 1977, after Brennan became pregnant with their daughter, Lisa. Brennan worked as a waitress and collected welfare checks to support herself and their baby daughter.

Jobs publicly denied he was Lisa’s father for years, even though he took a paternity test in 1979 proving he was the dad. He was paying $500 a month in child support when he told Time magazine in 1983, “28 percent of the male population in the United States could be the father.”

Today, Brennan is a painter and graphic designer living in Monterey, Calif., and Lisa is a Harvard-educated journalist.

Here, in an exclusive excerpt from Brennan’s first-person tale, “The Bite in the Apple: A Memoir of My Life With Steve Jobs” (on sale Oct. 29), she describes her frustrating, difficult and passionate years with the business visionary…

Steve often said that he had a strong sense of having had a past life as a World War II pilot. He’d tell me how, when driving, he felt a strong impulse to pull the steering wheel back as if for takeoff. It was a curious thing for him to say, but he did have that sense of unadorned glamour from the forties. He loved the big band sound of Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman, and Count Basie. At the first Apple party he even danced like he was from the forties. So I could see the fit: Steve as a young man with all that American ingenuity from a less encumbered time, with that simple sense of right and wrong. But that’s not how I pictured him in 1977. Apple was taking off and Steve wasn’t in an airplane, he was in a rocket ship blasting out beyond the atmosphere of what anyone imagined possible. And he was changing.

Steve wanted his buddy Daniel to live with him because he believed it would break up the intensity of what wasn’t working between us. Our relationship was running hot and cold. We were completely crazy about each other and utterly bored in turns. I had suggested to Steve that we separate, but he told me that he just couldn’t bring himself to say goodbye.

I was glad to hear this but I was also, by this time, deferring to his ideas way too often. Steve also didn’t want us to share a room at the Presidio house. He said he didn’t want us to play assumed roles and that he wanted to choose when we would be together. I was hurt by this, but reasoned that he had a point, that we both needed a sense of space and choice. And so I went along with it.

Steve selected the bedroom in the front of the house. It was like him to want to position himself as the captain of the ship — in front. He was always vying for that superior position. I chose the master bedroom and settled in, knowing I had the best room. Daniel, who was sort of charmingly odd, slept in the living room on the floor next to his piano. But after a month Steve literally picked me up and moved everything I owned and took over the master bedroom. He’d finally realized that I had the better deal: a larger room with an en suite bath and the privacy of the backyard. Steve had paid the security deposit for the rental so was, in fact, entitled to the room he wanted. But he was so graceless that I felt humiliated and outraged.

We remembered different things. Mainly I recalled how awful he was becoming and how I was starting to flounder.

When we first moved into that house, I was by myself during the days when Steve and Daniel went off to Apple. I was deeply frustrated by my lack of creative focus. I had made the commitment to myself to be an artist but I had no idea how to do it. I wanted to be around others, to make money, and to wash Steve and Daniel out of my hair on a regular basis. I needed my own independent life and perspective away from that house. I wanted to be around other people so I could remember who I was and what interested me. I also thought that it would help Steve and me to get on a better footing or, if we couldn’t, for me to find my own feet to walk out of the relationship if that’s what I needed to do.

In the end, I think he may have been jealous of me for having my own power and insight. He seemed to want either to own everything or diminish its value.

I now understand that Steve was learning how to gain power by insinuating negative self-images onto others. He was starting to define me more by what I wasn’t, than by what I was. This was a whole new category of unkindness and it confused me. It was mean and I felt rejected, but I just didn’t have a comeback.

As Apple grew, so did Steve’s sense of self-entitlement; in parallel they both seemed to take on lives of their own. And his behaviors didn’t improve with success, they changed from adolescent and dopey to just plain vicious. For example, in the pre-Apple days whenever we’d go out for dinner (which wasn’t that often), Steve would often be sarcastic toward the restaurant staff. The host would say, “Two?” and Steve would reply, “No, fifteen!” driving for the implicit “DUH!” But after Apple started we ate out a lot more and Steve’s behavior toward service people changed into a different kind of disempowerment.

Steve would order the same meal night after night, yet he’d complain bitterly each evening about the little side sauces that were served with it, cutting the air with disdain for the waitstaff who would serve up such greasy-salty-tasteless-mock-fine cuisine. He seemed to assume that everyone at the restaurant should know better than to serve up such wallpaper paste — not only to him, but at all. Steve would run down the waitstaff like a demon, detailing the finer points of good service, which included the notion that “they should be seen only when he needed them.” Steve was uncontrollably critical. His reactions had a Tourette’s quality — as if he couldn’t stop himself.

Steve had always been a brilliant misfit, but at this time — to be generous — he wasn’t managing his growing power very well. In fact, he was positively despotic. Excellence had always been a gorgeous thing in Steve, but now he was using it like a weapon. He’d look for excellence and when he didn’t find it, he’d behave badly and take it out on people.

I began to perceive that awesome and awful could be but a hair’s breadth apart.

And where Steve’s fullness met mine with staggering beauty (there was a reason he called fifteen years later to acknowledge the importance of the nights we’d shared), he was also becoming so creatively unstable, so out of integrity with himself that everything could slip out of alignment in an instant. That’s when my heart would freeze over. That’s when I’d be left speechless and gasping. Though I would try to adapt to the change, it all soon outweighed his value to me.

From “The Bite in the Apple” by Chrisann Brennan. Copyright © 2013 by the author and reprinted by permission of St. Martin’s Press, LLC. › 5847344 › what-everyone-is-too-polite-to-say-about-steve-jobs

      1. What Everyone Is Too Polite to Say About Steve Jobs – Gawker

In the name of protecting children from the evils of erotica — “freedom from porn” — and adults from one another, Jobs has banned from being installed on his devices gay art, gay travel… › the-5-gayest-highlights-in-steve-jobs-legacy-20111005

      1. The 5 Gayest Highlights of Steve Jobs’ Career – Queerty

After a prolonged bout with pancreatic cancer, former Apple CEO Steve Jobs passed away today. The 56-year-old computing visionary sought to make personal computing accessible to everyone… › article › 2224198 › apple-and-steve-jobs-have-long-been-champions-for-gay-rights.html

      1. Apple and Steve Jobs have long been champions for Gay Rights

Apple and Steve Jobs have long been champions for Gay Rights | Network World Home Data Center iOnApple By Yoni Heisler, Network World | Mar 1, 2013 10:23 am PST About | Yoni Heisler is a… › Was-Steve-Jobs-gay?share=1

      1. Was Steve Jobs gay? – Quora

VDOM DHTML tml>. Was Steve Jobs gay? – Quora. Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.